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Information for Governmental Liaisons

IRS Information Sharing Programs
The IRS information sharing program saves government resources by partnering with agencies at all levels of government to enhance voluntary compliance with tax laws.

Congressional Affairs Program
The Congressional Affairs Program manages relationships with congressional representatives and staff.

Disclosure - Protecting Federal Tax Information: A Message From The IRS
This video on disclosure awareness discusses what access to Federal Tax Information (FTI) is and how to guard it. It also covers how the disclosure of that information is protected by law.

Disclosure - Protecting Federal Tax Information: A Pocket Guide for Government Employees (PDF)
Publication 4761, Protecting Federal Tax Information: A Pocket Guide for Government Employees, is for federal, state and local agency employees who receive and use federal tax information (FTI). It provides basic disclosure concepts and warns of civil and criminal sanctions for misuse of FTI. It can be ordered by government agencies.

Safeguards Program
The Safeguards program and staff are responsible for ensuring that federal, state and local agencies receiving federal tax information protect it as if the information remained in IRS’s hands.

Page Last Reviewed or Updated: 2013-02-04