FAQ Help


The Top 10 Questions and Featured Content on the site are updated based on previous searches and items that have been identified of interest.

The Explore Topics tab will allow you to search answers within a specific area of interest.

Search Help

Enter the keywords for the information you are looking for in the Search FAQ box to search our knowledgebase. Your search results from our knowledgebase and Other Government Agencies will be returned.

Our search engine will normally remove words like "this," "is," "the," and "and" from the search. If you would like these words included in your search and to help narrow the results returned, please place double quotes " " around your search criteria.

Answer Information

An answer details page includes the question and answer. From one of these pages, you can do the following:

E-mail This Answer - Click this link to send the answer to an e-mail address. You will be prompted for the recipient's e-mail address, your name and your e-mail address.

Print This Answer - Click this link to print the answer.

RSS - Click this link to get information on getting this answer in an RSS feed.

View Related Answers - Any answers related to the current answer are listed under the "People who viewed this answer also viewed" section on the bottom of the page. Click a subject link to view a related answer. When you click a related answer, you have the same options as when you view any answer.

Submit Rating - Select five stars if you feel the answer was very helpful, four stars if you feel the answer was helpful, three stars if you feel the answer was somewhat helpful, two stars if you feel the answer was not very helpful and one star if you feel the answer was not helpful at all.

Last Reviewed Date - This date reflects the last time this answer was reviewed for accuracy.

E-mail Your Question

When you are unable to find your answer by searching our knowledge base, you can submit a question to our Citizen Response Team.

Live Help - Web Chat

Live Help provides two-way, real-time chat. To chat with a support agent, fill in your name on this page, and then click Chat Now. The next available agent will be with you as soon as possible.