Make Your Parties Rock-Substance free, Guide to Safe and Sober Event Planning [Manual]

Make Your Parties Rock-Substance free, Guide to Safe and Sober Event Planning [Manual]

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NHTSA and NOYS (National Organizations for Youth Safety) joined forces to develop this year-round party planner that outlines safe and sober alternatives to underage drinking.  The planner shows how youth can enjoy special events in their lives, such as prom night, in a safe and substance-free environment and still have a great time.  The planner includes ideas to plan safe and sober events, including party settings, themes and activities; promotional efforts to help spread the word about safe and sober events; and a list of resources and related materials to help support the theme that drinking alcohol is not necessary to give an amazing party. 9" x 11.5", four color, 30 pages and 1 poster.