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Instructions for Trainers

The curriculum provides materials and information that can be used by trainers for lectures, workshops, and courses for training health care providers to identify and treat college students at risk for alcohol-related problems. There is enough material for a full-day program, although parts of the curriculum can be delivered in a grand rounds session, a lecture, a seminar, or a half-day workshop. Each module contains a set of 25-30 PowerPoint slides that can be used for a didactic presentation. A trainer may elect to use some or all of the slides for a module, depending on the audience, time available, and focus of the teaching session.

In addition to the slides, each module contains a review of the literature and clinical protocols. Course participants should be asked to read this material prior to attending the course. The written test portion of the modules includes essential information every clinician should know about college drinking. Whenever possible, trainings should use demonstration role-plays in front of the whole group to illustrate the clinical protocols on screening, brief intervention, and motivational interviewing included in Modules 2, 3 and 4. If time allows, each participant should practice the protocols, using either a paired role-play or by breaking the participants into small groups of 4-8 participants.

There is also a brief intervention workbook contained in Appendix A which trainers may want to use for the brief intervention module. This workbook is based on a brief intervention trial - Project TrEAT (Fleming, 2002). It has been adapted for college students and for use in student health centers. The workbook provides a structured method for clinicians to deliver brief intervention and provides self-help exercises for students to use after they leave the clinician's office.

There are also scripted role-plays in Appendix B which trainers may want to use. We have included three student scenarios. The first is a young man being seen at the emergency department of a local hospital for an injury that occurred when he fell off a second-floor porch. The second is a young woman seen at the student health center for depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The third scenario is a graduate student who is asking for help to control his alcohol use.

Appendix C contains a short exercise on attitudes and personal beliefs about alcohol use among college students. This exercise can create a stronger learning environment and facilitate risk-taking by course participants during role-plays. It is important for clinicians to recognize the value of treatment optimism. Clinicians need to treat students on the premise that students will change their drinking habits with clinician interventions.

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Last reviewed: 9/23/2005

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