
August 27, 2010

Alert: Hogar Listserv Updates

The Office of Children's Issues provides regular updates to families and adoption service providers specifically affected by legal actions taken regarding hogares or child care centers for children awaiting intercountry adoptions. If you received this e-mail in error and do not wish to receive future updates please notify using the subject line: Remove My Name from the Guatemala Hogar List Serv. Similarly, if you have friends or colleagues who would like to receive these updates, ask them to contact using the subject line: Add My Name to the Guatemala Hogar List Serv. These updates will focus on recent developments; for a comprehensive review of intercountry adoptions in Guatemala, please consult the Guatemala section of the Office of Children's Issues general website www.Adoption.State.Gov.

The following are brief updates on issues or related developments that may be of general interest. We take this opportunity to remind adopting parents and others that the U.S. Embassy in Guatemala is not officially notified of investigations of individual hogars. Many of the investigations going on in Guatemala involve allegations of criminal wrongdoing. Further, the U.S. Government does not have any official legal standing in these cases, thus we may not be informed, but may also be officially barred from receiving routine information.