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Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Center for Excellence


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We have collected information on thousands of resources, including audiotapes, books, CD-ROMs, newsletter, magazine, newspaper, and journal articles, pamphlets and booklets, posters, videos, slide shows, and Web-based materials. You can search by keywords or by type of item, such as Book. You can also search for a type of item containing a keyword, such as books that contain "neurodevelopmental." See Search Tips below for more information.

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Keyword searches find documents that contain any of the words you enter separately or a phrase you enter in quotes. For example, if you enter the words "facial" and "phenotype", you will find more items than you will if you enter the phrase "facial phenotype". Your search will yield results that contain the characters you enter, not simply the word. For example, a search for "alcohol" will return items containing "alcohol", "alcoholic", and "alcoholism" and any other items containing "alcohol." Therefore, try to be as specific as possible when entering keywords.