Know Before You Owe: Credit Cards

We developed a shorter, simpler credit card agreement that spells out the terms for the consumer. Note that this is not a model form, and use is not mandatory. Our prototype is shown here. We believe our approach will help consumers better understand their credit card agreements. Tell us what you think of it.

Review the sample agreement below. (You can also view a PDF copy.) The terms that are underlined in the agreement are defined in a separate list of definitions of credit card contract terms. Click any section of the agreement to learn more about it. Then leave your comments about the agreement or the definitions at the bottom of the page.

If you want to see what current agreements look like, check out our Credit Card Agreement Database.

Proposed credit card disclosure, page 1
Proposed credit card disclosure, page 2
Definitions What are the charges? What do I have to pay and when? How is interest calculated? Changes Additional information

What do you think?