State Cancer Profiles

The small area estimates for the most recent data period are now a part of State Cancer Profiles and available as interactive maps as well as tables, by state or county. The estimates are for the following screening and risk factors:

  • Mammogram in Past 2 years, Age 40+
  • Pap Smear in Past 3 Years, No Hysterectomy, Age 18+
  • Smokers (Current), Age 18+
  • Smokers (Ever), Age 18+

Interactive Maps

Data are displayed on color-coded maps. You can hold your mouse over a county (or state on the US map) to see the data value. From the US by State map, you can click on a state to drill down and see estimates by county within that state. A small inset map shows variation in sample size and thus local specificity by county.
From the State Cancer Profiles home page, select

Interactive Maps

You will have the following options:

  1. Area: Choose the area in which you are interested.
  2. Data Group: Choose “Screening & Risk Factors”.

The next option will change to Screening/Risk Factor and the one following that will become DataType.

  1. Screening/Risk Factor: Choose one of these four estimates. If you selected a state or “US by County” as the area, these estimates will be the only choices. If you choose “US by State” you will see a much longer list.
  2. Data Type: Choose “Bias-Adjusted Modeled Estimates”. Unless you selected US by State as the area, this will be the only choice and will be automatically selected.
  3. Make remaining choices and click Generate Map.

Screening and Risk Factors tables

Data are displayed in a table with estimates for the state overall and for each county, or for the 50 states and DC if you choose “US by State” as the area. A column in the table shows variation in sample size and thus local specificity by county. From the State Cancer Profiles home page, select

Screening and Risk Factors

You will have the following options:

  1. Screening and Risk Factors: choose one of these estimates.
  2. Sex: choose whatever you like.
  3. Data Type: choose “Bias-Adjusted Modeled Estimates”.
  4. Area: choose the state you are interested in. “US by State” will give you a table of bias-adjusted estimates for the 50 states and DC.
  5. Click Generate Table.

State Cancer Profiles is sponsored by the National Cancer Institute and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to motivate action, integrate surveillance into cancer control planning, characterize areas and demographic groups, and expose health disparities. The target audiences are health planners, policy makers, and cancer information providers who need quick and easy access to descriptive cancer statistics in order to prioritize investments in cancer control.