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NIH Image Processing Interest Group

NIH Image Processing Special Interest Group(SIG)
Seminar/Discussion Pages.

This SIG provides an opportunity for any interested persons to participate in seminars and discussions regarding image processing, image analysis and imaging software.

Meeting Times.

The NIH Image Processing SIG helps to advertise image processing seminars at the National Institues of Health, Bethesda, MD, 20892. Meetings are scheduled according to the availability of speakers.

If you are sponsoring a talk in any area of image processing and would like to invite members of the SIG, please send email to Matthew McAuliffe or Benes Trus. Typically, you can expect approximately 15-20 extra people, but this depends heavily on the topic. Alternately, if you are a member of this SIG, you can simply send email and broadcast it yourself.



To Join the Image Processing SIG Mailing Group List.

The mailing list is for the notification of seminars at NIH. ONLY NIH staff and local (Washington, DC area) scientists may join the mailing list. Notices are available on this web site for those who are not in the Washington DC, USA area.

To join the NIH Image Processing SIG
Send email to listserv, e.g.,

Leave the subject blank and make the body of your email as follows:

subscribe image your_full_name

To delete yourself from this SIG
Send email to listserv, e.g.,

Leave the subject blank and make the body of your email as follows:

unsubscribe image


The members of the NIH Image Processing SIG are very grateful to all of the individuals and groups that have invited us to talks and/or seminars.