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June 15, 2011


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the value of strong safety partners

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  • Jo Jamieson


What an effective way to reach younger audiences! This will help create a new generation of drivers aware about the dangers of distracted driving. I will definitely tie this Disney PSA in with our 2nd Annual Distracted Driving Awareness Poster Contest for K-grade 7 students in Feb. 2012. As a Canadian, I appreciate all the effort the U.S. DOT is putting into addressing this serious issue. Thank You!

Another great partnership from Ray LaHood and the DOT! Campaigns like these, and when the cast of Glee went on the Oprah Winfrey show to talk about distracted driving last year, should have a huge impact on young drivers, and actually get them to think twice before texting and talking behind the wheel.

I Sent this video 2 my grandson w/ hopes it will spark his interest in getting his Scout troop involved in a Road Safety project using these stickers: An easy, FREE solution to much Distracted Driving is Turn Off Cell B/4 Driving! safety reminder stickers available 2 Print on Avery 5260 labels (1 pkg.=750!) 2 put ON cells &/or drivers' visors &/or 2 WEAR &/or Share in strips of 5 or 10 or pages or 30!! The 2nd pdf yields 30 site directions/ 8x11 paper 2 Share so others can get their own 750!!! @ any venue, just put strips of 5 stickers in a basket, so ppl can take as many as they "Like" or think they can use/Share; a 2nd basket can hold the single site directions!!!! THIS WORKS; kids "Like" 2 giv 'em 2 classmates, friends, neighbors, & relatives; 500,000 R in use around the world from this site: http://myplace.frontier.com/~DriveSafely/

thank u so very much for taking the time to educate others on this ever so important matter... one of my best friends of 20 years had a tragic accident involving her daughter due to cell phone use of another driver. killing her daughter, the man wasnt paying attention to the road and the outcome was fatal for margay schee. my tears flow for her mother and for margay especially... she and her family will not enjoy life together because of this terrible decision that was made while driving... dare to be aware. phones are for home... not for roam.. i love you elissa blanken schee and margay schee... forever and ever.

What a great idea! Love it - definitely important to get kids learning lessons of safety at a young age. I do my best not to talk on the phone in the car - never, ever text - but even when the phone rings or a text comes in, my 12-year old daughter automatically says "I'll check it, mom. You're driving." Hopefully these are lessons she and my son will remember when they are old enough to drive!!!

Advertisements like these can make a difference because children can be really impressionable. Not only that, but they're sometimes the best at pointing out when parents are doing something that the TV or the movie said not to do.

If you're a parent with your kid in the car and you reach for a text message, how great is it when the child says, "Don't do that, mom. The Cars said not to."

Not only is it incredibly cute, by the way, but sometimes it takes a different kind of messenger to convey the message of a dangerous habit that too many Americans do on a daily basis.

Well done!

I do agree that phone are definitely for home.

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