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DCB-Sponsored Workshops, Meetings, and Conferences

DCB New Grantee Workshop

The DCB New Grantee Workshop is an annual meeting sponsored by the Division of Cancer Biology, designed specifically for our grantees who have received their first independent NIH grant within the last year. In its 10th year, the workshop is a key component of the DCB's on-going efforts to foster the careers of NCI's promising new cancer biology research grantees.  A total of 777 new investigators have been enriched by this experience.

Is is our mission to play an active role in helping our grantees make the transition from "new investigator" to "established investigator" by providing some of the basic knowledge, insights, and tools needed to ease the transition.  New Grantees are identified by the Division and attendance is by invitation only.

The workshop includes presentations on the structure, roles, and inter-relationships of NIH, NCI, DCB, and the individual programmatic branches within DCB. Additional topics covered include the NIH peer-review process, with emphasis on issues related to competitive renewal applications, and career management issues, such as how new grantees can best balance their research efforts with their other professional responsibilities. The workshop includes break-out sessions with DCB Program Directors, information on sources of supplemental funding for PIs' laboratories, and a seminar from an NCI MERIT Award recipient.

Questions regarding the DCB New Grantee Workshop should be directed to Dr. Susan McCarthy.

MS PowerPoint presentations from October 2010 Workshop:

(Posted with permission from each author; please do not use without consent)

Bakos - NGW2010.ppt  Bell - NGW2010.ppt Castellano - NGW2010.ppt  Hodgkins - NGW2010.ppt  Lakoski - NGW2010.ppt  Lei - NGW2010.ppt  Li - NGW2010.ppt McCarthy - NGW2010.ppt Mietz - NGW2010.pptPerry - NGW2010.ppt  Shippen - NGW2010.ppt Sizemore - NGW2010.ppt

Meeting Reports