Office of the Director (OD)
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DCB OD Branch Members

Singer, Dinah, Ph.D.Division Director
Gallahan, Daniel, Ph.D.Division Deputy Director
Marks, Cheryl, Ph.D.Division Associate Director
Mohla, Suresh, Ph.D.Chief (TBMB) and Division Associate Director
Tarnowski, Betty, Ph.D.Executive Director, MMHCC
White, Stephen, M.S.Special Assistant to the Director
Siemon, Christine, B.S.Scientific Program Specialist
Baney, Erin, B.A.Program Analyst
Embry, Janice, M.S.Program Analyst
Hayes, Orisha, B.S.Program Analyst
Whitehead, MatthewOffice Automation Techician
Williams, Sabrina Extramural Support Assistant
Lindsay, JohnnyIT Specialist
Bunting, JasonIT Specialist

DCB Scientific Staff

DCB Scientific Staff

The Office of the Director in the Division for Cancer Biology (DCB), National Cancer Institute (NCI) integrates the activities of the six Branches and three programs by establishing priorities, allocating resources, and evaluating program effectiveness with guidance from the NCI Board of Scientific Advisors (BSA), the National Cancer Advisory Board (NCAB), and other advisory committees.

DCB Branches are: 

Cancer Cell Biology
Cancer Etiology
Cancer Immunology and Hematology
DNA and Chromosome Aberrations
Structural Biology and Molecular Applications
Tumor Biology and Metastasis

NCI Programs managed by DCB are:
Mouse Models of Human Cancers Consortium
Integrative Cancer Biology Program
Tumor Microenvironment Network

DCB is responsible for the federal program of extramural research in cancer biology and the DCB Director represents these areas and associated issues in management and scientific decision-making meetings within and outside NCI.  DCB supports basic cancer research primarily through investigator-initiated research projects and programs. In FY09, NCI funded 2,682 research grants in DCB valued at $882 million.  We applaud these grantees for their efforts in expanding our collective knowledge and understanding of cancer biology and the diseases of cancer, and thank them for their dedication.

It is a priority of DCB to work with and assist individual investigators (new and experienced) in presenting their ideas and methods in the most effective way.  For newly funded investigators, we sponsor an annual DCB New Grantee Workshop which has proved extremely helpful in understanding the NIH grant process and in managing a grant throughout the funding life cycle.

Please contact our staff for information or to answer questions ... and the next time you see any our staff at a scientific meeting, workshop, or conference, please introduce yourself.