Ready, Set, Listen! (English)

Ready, Set, Listen! (Flash)

Purpose of the Game

The Ready, Set, Listen! game is designed to help parents and young people talk to each other about underage alcohol use, why it’s not smart, and how to prevent it.

The game has two goals:

  1. Increase the number of conversations about the harms of underage alcohol use that parents and caregivers have with children aged 9 to 13; and
  2. Increase the percentage of children aged 9 to 13, parents, and caregivers who see underage alcohol use as harmful.

Number and Type of Game Players

This game works best when played between two and six people, both young people and adults playing together.

Advanced Tips for Successful Game Playing

You will be able to respond with greater skill and understanding to game challenges if you first review the six Safe Harbor guidelines (see below).

Game Rules

Players begin by reading and/or listening to a brief description of the game, its goals, and its instructions. All of this can be skipped at any time by clicking on “Begin.”

Players then select the number of people playing by clicking on a number between two and six.

Each player takes turns typing his or her name, as the screen and voiceovers instruct. These names display on the dashboard so that players remember which player number they are and when their turn is.

The game then takes players to the game board. On the dashboard, players see a die, which is a different color for each player; the name of the player whose turn it is; an option to mute/unmute the sound; and a script of voiceovers being said. The board displays the course, three card categories, six Safe Harbors, a winning star, and the characters selected by the players.

Player 1 begins by clicking the die. Player 1’s selected character automatically moves the number of space indicated on the die.

If a player lands on a blue, orange, yellow, or purple space, the character stays in place until the player’s next turn.

If a player lands on a black-and-white space, a Facts Card is selected. A question with multiple-choice answers is displayed and read aloud. After the player chooses an answer, the correct answer is displayed and a voiceover tells the player whether he or she is correct. If the player chooses the correct answer, the character will be moved forward one space after the player hits “continue.” If the player answers incorrectly, the character stays in the same place until the player’s next turn.

If the player lands on a green space, a Feelings Card is selected. A scenario is displayed and read aloud. After sharing his or her feelings, the player clicks “continue” to end the turn.

If the player lands on a red space, a Challenges Card is selected. A challenging scenario is displayed and read aloud. After sharing his or her ideas, the player clicks “continue” and is moved forward before the next player’s turn.

The player may land on, or be moved to, a Safe Harbor. Different tips will be displayed. A link to a more detailed guide to the Safe Harbor is available if the players wish to further discuss the guideline.

Players can reach the blue winning star only by rolling the exact number it takes to land on it. For example, if the player is four spaces away but rolls a five, the player must stay there until his or her next turn. After a player wins, players have the option to play again or close the game.

This game can also be played without a mouse by using the “tab” button on the keyboard to move to different options and the “enter” button to select an option.

About the Cards

Facts Cards

These cards can help players learn the facts about alcohol and clear up myths and common misconceptions. They also help players learn about human development in the critical years of ages 9 to 13. This development can be disrupted by alcohol use.

Feelings Cards

These cards open up communication between players. They begin a dialogue about the specific issue of underage alcohol use and what can be done to prevent it. These cards can help players recognize some of the emotions that motivate their actions and recognize how their behavior affects communication with others.

Challenges Cards

These cards ask players to respond to made-up situations so that they can discuss challenges and problems concerning alcohol without the conversation being too personal and without putting anyone on the spot. These cards also allow players to learn about six guidelines that adults can use to protect young people from underage alcohol use.

About the Safe Harbors

These guidelines, called Safe Harbors in this game, were developed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP). They are:

Establish and maintain good communication with your child:
Safe Harbor #1: Communication Corner

Get involved in your child’s life:
Safe Harbor #2: Together Time

Make clear rules and enforce them with consistency and appropriate consequences:
Safe Harbor #3: Rules and Consequences

Be a positive role model:
Safe Harbor #4: Examples of Excellence

Help your child deal with the need for peer acceptance:
Safe Harbor #5: Friend or Foe?

Monitor your child’s activities:
Safe Harbor #6: Supervisory Check-In