Apache OODT: Agility

An agile version of OODT requires more than just a dynamic language

Eschewing overly verbose static types, OODT embraces Python to see what happens.

Apache OODT Agility is a re-implementation of the OODT Grid Components in Python, with a focus on high performance in the face of gargantuan data sets as well as accelerated development and integration into existing systems.

OODT Agility recasts profile, product, and query services for:

  • Extreme performance by streaming instead of packetizing data
  • Ability to handle enormous data sets through intelligent indexing
  • Simplified and high-speed integration into existing systems leveraging the dynamic nature of Python

All the while, OODT Agility is compatible with existing Java-based OODT systems.

Does Anyone Seriously Use It?

OODT Agility is actively running in important applications, including:
