The Business of Doing Business

Our mythic business executive is having a busy day.  She’s got a breakfast meeting with Marketing to review an email promotion.  Then it’s on to HR to talk about steps to keep personnel records secure.  She’ll grab coffee with the Web Team to go over an online product launch and then rush to lunch with the local business club, where the topic is truth-in-advertising standards. Her afternoon? Jam-packed.  There’s a conference call with Financial to discuss consumer credit and then on to IT to work on the corporate data security plan.  And when that’s over, there’s a meeting of the Technology Committee at school to discuss keeping kids safe online.

Like her, you have a business to run.  The BCP Business Center has tools you can use to make it easier to meet your compliance responsibilities.  Organized into three primary categories – Advertising & Marketing, Credit & Finance, and Privacy & Security – the Business Center divides materials topically into recent Case Highlights; Laws, Rules, and Guides; FTC Reports and Workshops; and Compliance Documents.  It has special pages for selected industries like Automobiles, Appliances, Clothing & Textiles, Jewelry, and Real Estate & Mortgages.

All the materials in the Business Center – including plain-language guidance tips, videos and podcasts, articles, and Q&As – are yours to share.  Working on in-house data security training?  No need to start from scratch when you can build on the FTC’s 20-minute interactive tutorial.  Writing an article for a client newsletter or industry publication?  The Business Center features dozens of to-the-point features you’re welcome to adapt on topics ranging from CAN-SPAM compliance to the FTC’s revised Endorsement Guides.  Want to share these resources with colleagues or customers?  Grab a button and link to the Business Center from your website or blog.

Watch this video to learn more about the Business Center and get ideas on how you can use the site.  Suggestions?  Share them with us by leaving a comment below.


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