Your Search Results

210 items matched your search criteria

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A red star indicates a Recommended resource

  • U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) program that assists DoD and other federal agencies by purchasing assistive technology and related services, providing training on using assistive technology, advising on creating accessible electronic environments and assisting in accommodating workers with disabilities.

    • National
  • Information on GSA's Assistive Technology Showcase, which displays state-of-the-art assistive technologies and ergonomic solutions.

    • National
  • Serves USDA employees, their federal partners and members of the public interested in accessibility and ergonomics.

    • National
  • Technologies that are appropriate accommodation solutions for people with disabilities that impact the range of motion, from minor to major finger movement and include: quadriplegics, paraplegics, individuals with multiple sclerosis and cerebral palsy, and individuals who have developed disabling conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis.

    • National
  • Database of assistive technology and rehabilitation equipment, including price and information on more than 25,000 assistive technology products.

    • National
  • Learn about the benefits of assistive technology (AT) for older adults with disabilities, including how to find out if AT is right for you and how to get help paying for it. This link opens a PDF document.

    • National
  • State by state information from the Alternative Financing Technical Assistance Project on assistive technology and telework financial loan programs.

    • National
  • Provides funds to cover 50% of the retail price of adaptive devices or software. Allows blind and visually impaired individuals access to technology products that will have a significant impact on improving employment opportunities, increase the level of independence and enhance overall quality of life.

    • National
  • Links to information on closed captioning from the Federal Communications Commission.

    • National
  • New video description rules that take effect July 1, 2012 will make television programming more accessible to individuals who are blind or have vision impairments. Video description is a voice-narrated description of what is happening during a television (TV) program. These descriptions are inserted into natural pauses in the program's dialogue. The rules require local TV station affiliates of ABC, CBS, Fox, and NBC located in the top 25 TV markets to provide some video description. For more information download the Video Description Guide in PDF format.

    • National