/*Published: 12/31/2012*/ /***********************************************************************/ /* IF YOU RECEIVED THE PEDSF FILE BEFORE DECEMBER 2012 THEN YOU WILL */ /* NEED A DIFFERENT INPUT STATEMENT. PLEASE CONTACT IMS VIA E-MAIL */ /* SEER-MEDICARE@IMSWEB.COM AND AN INPUT STATEMENT WILL BE SENT TO */ /* YOU. */ /* This input statement is used to read in the pedsf.5percent.txt */ /* file. */ /***********************************************************************/ *filename inped '/directory/pedsf.5percent.txt'; /*reading in an unzipped file*/ filename inped pipe 'gunzip -c /directory/pedsf.5percent.txt.gz'; /*reading in a zipped file*/ options nocenter validvarname=upcase; data pedsf(drop= inc inc2 begin end pos i p); infile inped lrecl=2427 missover pad; input @0001 patient_id $char10. /* @0001 reg $char2. */ /* @0003 casenum $char8. */ @0011 fivepct $char1. @0012 mat_type $char1. @0013 yobflg1 $char1. @0014 dobflg2 $char1. @0015 yodflg3 $char1. @0016 sexflg4 $char1. @0017 lstflg5 $char1. @0018 fstflg6 $char1. @0019 mobflg7 $char1. @0020 midflg8 $char1. @0021 numdigit $char1. @0022 dod_flg $char1. @0023 dob_flg $char1. @0024 linkflag $char1. @0025 med_dodm $char2. @0027 med_dodd $char2. @0029 med_dody $char4. @0033 birthm $char2. @0037 birthyr $char4. @0041 m_sex $char1. @0042 race $char1. @0043 rsncd1 $char1. @0044 cur_ent $char1. @0045 cur_yr $char4. /* new in 2012 Linkage */ @0049 chr_esrd $char1. @0050 chr_esrd_yr $char4. /* new in 2012 Linkage */ @0054 med_stcd $char2. @0056 medst_yr $char4. /* new in 2012 Linkage */ @0060 VRFYDTH $char1. /* new in 2012 Linkage */ @0061 STATE $char2. @0063 COUNTY $char3. @0066 zip $char9. @0075 code_sys $char1. @0076 tract $char6. @0082 tract2k $char6. @0088 HSA $char3. @0091 URBRUR $char1. @0092 URBAN $char2. @0094 ctpci90 10. @0104 ctmed90 10. @0114 ctden90 10. @0124 ctnon90 6.2 @0130 cthso90 6.2 @0136 ctscl90 6.2 @0142 ctcol90 6.2 @0148 ctblk90 6.2 @0154 ctwht90 6.2 @0160 cthsp90 6.2 @0166 ctpov90 6.2 @0172 cten590 6.2 @0178 cten690 6.2 @0184 medag90 10. @0194 medrc90 10. @0204 povrc90 6.2 @0210 nonrc90 6.2 @0216 hsorc90 6.2 @0222 sclrc90 6.2 @0228 colrc90 6.2 @0234 pov_rc90 6.2 /* new in 2012 Linkage */ @0240 zppci90 10. @0250 zpmed90 10. @0260 zpden90 10. @0270 zpnon90 6.2 @0276 zphso90 6.2 @0282 zpscl90 6.2 @0288 zpcol90 6.2 @0294 zpblk90 6.2 @0300 zpwht90 6.2 @0306 zphsp90 6.2 @0312 zpen590 6.2 @0318 zpen690 6.2 @0324 znonrc90 6.2 @0330 zhsorc90 6.2 @0336 zsclrc90 6.2 @0342 zcolrc90 6.2 @0348 zppov_rc90 6.2 /* new in 2012 Linkage */ @0354 zppovrage90 6.2 /* new in 2012 Linkage */ @0360 zppov90 6.2 /* new in 2012 Linkage */ @0366 ctpci00 10. @0376 ctmed00 10. @0386 ctden00 10. @0396 ctnon00 6.2 @0402 cthso00 6.2 @0408 ctscl00 6.2 @0414 ctcol00 6.2 @0420 ctblk00 6.2 @0426 ctwht00 6.2 @0432 cthsp00 6.2 @0438 ctpov00 6.2 @0444 cten500 6.2 @0450 cten600 6.2 @0456 medag00 10. @0466 medrc00 10. @0476 povrc00 6.2 @0482 nonrc00 6.2 @0488 hsorc00 6.2 @0494 sclrc00 6.2 @0500 colrc00 6.2 @0506 pov_rc00 6.2 /* new in 2012 Linkage */ @0512 zppci00 10. @0522 zpmed00 10. @0532 zpden00 10. @0542 zpnon00 6.2 @0548 zphso00 6.2 @0554 zpscl00 6.2 @0560 zpcol00 6.2 @0566 zpblk00 6.2 @0572 zpwht00 6.2 @0578 zphsp00 6.2 @0584 zpen500 6.2 @0590 zpen600 6.2 @0596 znonrc00 6.2 @0602 zhsorc00 6.2 @0608 zsclrc00 6.2 @0614 zcolrc00 6.2 @0620 zppov_rc00 6.2 /* new in 2012 Linkage */ @0626 zppovrage00 6.2 /* new in 2012 Linkage */ @0632 zppov00 6.2 /* new in 2012 Linkage */ @0708 cen_cert $char1. @0709 ctcer2k $char1. @0729 oshufcase $char8. @0749 rtirace $char1. @0750 cred06 $char1. @0751 (plan06_01-plan06_12) ($char1.) @0763 (cost06_01-cost06_12) ($char2.) @0787 (rds06_01-rds06_12) ($char1.) @0799 (dual06_01-dual06_12) ($char2.) @0823 ptd06 $char2. @0825 rdscnt06 $char2. @0827 dualcnt06 $char2. @0830 cred07 $char1. @0831 (plan07_01-plan07_12) ($char1.) @0843 (cost07_01-cost07_12) ($char2.) @0867 (rds07_01-rds07_12) ($char1.) @0879 (dual07_01-dual07_12) ($char2.) @0903 ptd07 $char2. @0905 rdscnt07 $char2. @0907 dualcnt07 $char2. @0910 cred08 $char1. @0911 (plan08_01-plan08_12) ($char1.) @0923 (cost08_01-cost08_12) ($char2.) @0947 (rds08_01-rds08_12) ($char1.) @0959 (dual08_01-dual08_12) ($char2.) @0983 ptd08 $char2. @0985 rdscnt08 $char2. @0987 dualcnt08 $char2. @0990 cred09 $char1. @0991 (plan09_01-plan09_12) ($char1.) @1003 (cost09_01-cost09_12) ($char2.) @1027 (rds09_01-rds09_12) ($char1.) @1039 (dual09_01-dual09_12) ($char2.) @1063 ptd09 $char2. @1065 rdscnt09 $char2. @1067 dualcnt09 $char2. @1070 cred10 $char1. @1071 (plan10_01-plan10_12) ($char1.) @1083 (cost10_01-cost10_12) ($char2.) @1107 (rds10_01-rds10_12) ($char1.) @1119 (dual10_01-dual10_12) ($char2.) @1143 ptd10 $char2. @1145 rdscnt10 $char2. @1147 dualcnt10 $char2. @1150 cred11 $char1. /* new in 2012 Linkage */ @1151 (plan11_01-plan11_12) ($char1.) /* new in 2012 Linkage */ @1163 (cost11_01-cost11_12) ($char2.) /* new in 2012 Linkage */ @1187 (rds11_01-rds11_12) ($char1.) /* new in 2012 Linkage */ @1199 (dual11_01-dual11_12) ($char2.) /* new in 2012 Linkage */ @1223 ptd11 $char2. /* new in 2012 Linkage */ @1225 rdscnt11 $char2. /* new in 2012 Linkage */ @1227 dualcnt11 $char2. /* new in 2012 Linkage */ @; array enmon(252) $ mon1-mon252; array ghon(252) $ gho1-gho252; array allflag(252) $ allflag1-allflag252; array enta(21) $ ptacnt1991-ptacnt2011; array entb(21) $ ptbcnt1991-ptbcnt2011; array hmoc(21) $ hmocnt1991-hmocnt2011; array stbuy(21) $ stbuyin1991-stbuyin2011; inc=1230; retain begin end; begin=1; end=12; do i = 1 to 21; do p = begin to end; input @inc enmon(p) $char1. @inc + 12 ghon(p) $char1. @inc + 24 allflag(p) $char1. /* new in 2012 Linkage */ @; inc=inc + 1; end; begin = begin + 12; end = end + 12; input @inc + 24 enta(i) $char2. @inc + 26 entb(i) $char2. @inc + 28 hmoc(i) $char2. @inc + 30 stbuy(i) $char2. @; inc=inc + 32; end; array zipcd(21) $ zip1991-zip2011; array registry(21) $ registry1991-registry2011; array regcd2(21) $ reg2cd1991-reg2cd2011; inc2= 2154; do i = 1 to 21; input @inc2 zipcd(i) $char9. @inc2 + 9 registry(i) $char2. @inc2 +11 regcd2(i) $char2. @; inc2=inc2+13; end; input; label /* reg = 'Registry' */ /* casenum = 'Case Number' */ fivepct = 'Five Percent Indicator' mat_type = 'Match Type' yobflg1 = 'Year of Birth Flag' dobflg2 = 'Day of Birth Flag' yodflg3 = 'Year of Death Flag' sexflg4 = 'Sex Flag' lstflg5 = 'Last Name Flag' fstflg6 = 'First Name Flag' mobflg7 = 'Month of Birth Flag' midflg8 = 'Middle Initial Flag' numdigit = 'Number of Digits in SSN that Matched' dod_flg = 'Date of Death Flag' dob_flg = 'Date of Birth Flag' linkflag = 'Linkage Flag' med_dodm = 'Medicare Month of Death' med_dodd = 'Medicare Day of Death' med_dody = 'Medicare Year of Death' birthm = 'Medicare Month of Birth' birthyr = 'Medicare Year of Birth' m_sex = 'Medicare Sex' race = 'Medicare Race' rsncd1 = 'Original Reason for Entitlement' cur_ent = 'Current Reason for Entitlment' cur_yr = 'Current Reason for Entitlement Year' chr_esrd = 'Chronic Renal Disease' chr_esrd_yr = 'Chronic Renal Disease Year' med_stcd = 'Medicare Status Code' medst_yr = 'Medicare Status Code Year' vrfydth = 'Valid Date of Death' state = 'State' county = 'County' zip = 'Zip Code' code_sys = 'Census Cod Sys 1970/80/90' tract = 'Census Tract 1970/1980/1990' tract2k = 'Census Tract 2000' hsa = 'Health Service Area' urbrur = 'Urban/Rural recode' urban = 'Urban/Rural code' ctpci90 = 'Census Tract PCI (Census 1990)' ctmed90 = 'Census Tract Median Income (Census 1990)' ctden90 = 'Census Tract Density (Census 1990)' ctnon90 = 'Census Tract Pct Non High School Grads (Census 1990)' cthso90 = 'Census Tract Pct High School Only (Census 1990)' ctscl90 = 'Census Tract Pct Some College Education (Census 1990)' ctcol90 = 'Census Tract Pct College Education at least 4 years (Census 1990)' ctblk90 = 'Census Tract Pct Blacks (Census 1990)' ctwht90 = 'Census Tract Pct Whites (Census 1990)' cthsp90 = 'Census Tract Pct Hispanics (Census 1990)' ctpov90 = 'Census Tract Pct Poverty for All (Census 1990)' cten590 = 'Census Tract Pct of HHs who do not speak English well or at all 5+ (Census 1990)' cten690 = 'Census Tract Pct of HHs who do not speak English well or at all 65+ (Census 1990)' medag90 = 'Census Tract Median HH Income by Age (Census 1990)' medrc90 = 'Census Tract Median HH Income by Race (Census 1990)' povrc90 = 'Census Tract Pct Poverty by Race/Age (Census 1990)' nonrc90 = 'Census Tract Pct Non High School Grads by Race (Census 1990)' hsorc90 = 'Census Tract Pct High School Only by Race (Census 1990)' sclrc90 = 'Census Tract Pct Some College by Race (Census 1990)' colrc90 = 'Census Tract Pct College Education at least 4 years by Race (Census 1990)' pov_rc90 = 'Census Tract Pct Poverty by Race (Census 1990)' zppci90 = 'Zip Code PCI (Census 1990)' zpmed90 = 'Zip Code Median Income (Census 1990)' zpden90 = 'Zip Code Density (Census 1990)' zpnon90 = 'Zip Code Pct Non High School Grads (Census 1990)' zphso90 = 'Zip Code Pct High School Only (Census 1990)' zpscl90 = 'Zip Code Pct Some College Education (Census 1990)' zpcol90 = 'Zip Code Pct College Education at least 4 years (Census 1990)' zpblk90 = 'Zip Code Pct Blacks (Census 1990)' zpwht90 = 'Zip Code Pct Whites (Census 1990)' zphsp90 = 'Zip Code Pct Hispanics (Census 1990)' zpen590 = 'Zip Code Pct of HHs who do not speak English well or at all 5+ (Census 1990)' zpen690 = 'Zip Code Pct of HHs who do not speak English well or at all 65+ (Census 1990)' znonrc90 = 'Zip Code Pct Non High School Grads by Race (Census 1990)' zhsorc90 = 'Zip Code Pct High School Only by Race (Census 1990)' zsclrc90 = 'Zip Code Pct Some College by Race (Census 1990)' zcolrc90 = 'Zip Code Pct College Education at least 4 years by Race (Census 1990)' zppovrage90 = 'Zip Code Pct Poverty by Race/Age (Census 1990)' zppov_rc90 = 'Zip Code Pct Poverty by Race (Census 1990)' zppov90 = 'Zip Code Pct Poverty for All (Census 1990)' ctpci00 = 'Census Tract PCI (Census 2000)' ctmed00 = 'Census Tract Median Income (Census 2000)' ctden00 = 'Census Tract Density (Census 2000)' ctnon00 = 'Census Tract Pct Non High School Grads (Census 2000)' cthso00 = 'Census Tract Pct High School Only (Census 2000)' ctscl00 = 'Census Tract Pct Some College Education (Census 2000)' ctcol00 = 'Census Tract Pct College Education at least 4 years (Census 2000)' ctblk00 = 'Census Tract Pct Blacks (Census 2000)' ctwht00 = 'Census Tract Pct Whites (Census 2000)' cthsp00 = 'Census Tract Pct Hispanics (Census 2000)' ctpov00 = 'Census Tract Pct Poverty for All (Census 2000)' cten500 = 'Census Tract Pct of HHs who do not speak English well or at all 5+ (Census 2000)' cten600 = 'Census Tract Pct of HHs who do not speak English well or at all 65+ (Census 2000)' medag00 = 'Census Tract Median HH Income by Age (Census 2000)' medrc00 = 'Census Tract Median HH Income by Race (Census 2000)' povrc00 = 'Census Tract Pct Poverty by Race/Age (Census 2000)' nonrc00 = 'Census Tract Pct Non High School Grads by Race (Census 2000)' hsorc00 = 'Census Tract Pct High School Only by Race (Census 2000)' sclrc00 = 'Census Tract Pct Some College by Race (Census 2000)' colrc00 = 'Census Tract Pct College Education by Race (Census 2000)' pov_rc00 = 'Census Tract Pct Poverty by Race (Census 2000)' zppci00 = 'Zip Code PCI (Census 2000)' zpmed00 = 'Zip Code Median Income (Census 2000)' zpden00 = 'Zip Code Density (Census 2000)' zpnon00 = 'Zip Code Pct Non High School Grads (Census 2000)' zphso00 = 'Zip Code Pct High School Only (Census 2000)' zpscl00 = 'Zip Code Pct Some College Education (Census 2000)' zpcol00 = 'Zip Code Pct College Education at least 4 years (Census 2000)' zpblk00 = 'Zip Code Pct Blacks (Census 2000)' zpwht00 = 'Zip Code Pct Whites (Census 2000)' zphsp00 = 'Zip Code Pct Hispanics (Census 2000)' zpen500 = 'Zip Code Pct of HHs who do not speak English well or at all 5+ (Census 2000)' zpen600 = 'Zip Code Pct of HHs who do not speak English well or at all 65+ (Census 2000)' znonrc00 = 'Zip Code Pct Non High School Grads by Race (Census 2000)' zhsorc00 = 'Zip Code Pct High School Only by Race (Census 2000)' zsclrc00 = 'Zip Code Pct Some College by Race (Census 2000)' zcolrc00 = 'Zip Code Pct College Education by Race (Census 2000)' zppovrage00 = 'Zip Code Pct Poverty by Race/Age (Census 2000)' zppov_rc00= 'Zip Code Pct Poverty by Race (Census 2000)' zppov00 = 'Zip Code Pct Poverty for All (Census 2000)' cen_cert = 'Census Tract Certainty 70/80/90' ctcer2k = 'Census Tract Certainty 2000' oshufcase= 'Old Encrypted Casenum' rtirace = "Research Triangle Institute Race Code (PartD - last available year)" cred06 = "On/Off Creditable Coverage Switch (PartD - 2006)" cred07 = "On/Off Creditable Coverage Switch (PartD - 2007)" cred08 = "On/Off Creditable Coverage Switch (PartD - 2008)" cred09 = "On/Off Creditable Coverage Switch (PartD - 2009)" cred10 = "On/Off Creditable Coverage Switch (PartD - 2010)" cred11 = "On/Off Creditable Coverage Switch (PartD - 2011)" plan06_01= "Plan-Value Indicators (January) (PartD - 2006)" plan07_01= "Plan-Value Indicators (January) (PartD - 2007)" plan08_01= "Plan-Value Indicators (January) (PartD - 2008)" plan09_01= "Plan-Value Indicators (January) (PartD - 2009)" plan10_01= "Plan-Value Indicators (January) (PartD - 2010)" plan11_01= "Plan-Value Indicators (January) (PartD - 2011)" cost06_01= "Denominator Cost Share Group (January) (PartD - 2006)" cost07_01= "Denominator Cost Share Group (January) (PartD - 2007)" cost08_01= "Denominator Cost Share Group (January) (PartD - 2008)" cost09_01= "Denominator Cost Share Group (January) (PartD - 2009)" cost10_01= "Denominator Cost Share Group (January) (PartD - 2010)" cost11_01= "Denominator Cost Share Group (January) (PartD - 2011)" rds06_01 = "Retiree Drug Subsidy Indicators (January) (PartD - 2006)" rds07_01 = "Retiree Drug Subsidy Indicators (January) (PartD - 2007)" rds08_01 = "Retiree Drug Subsidy Indicators (January) (PartD - 2008)" rds09_01 = "Retiree Drug Subsidy Indicators (January) (PartD - 2009)" rds10_01 = "Retiree Drug Subsidy Indicators (January) (PartD - 2010)" rds11_01 = "Retiree Drug Subsidy Indicators (January) (PartD - 2011)" dual06_01= "State Reported Dual Eligible Status Code (January) (PartD - 2006)" dual07_01= "State Reported Dual Eligible Status Code (January) (PartD - 2007)" dual08_01= "State Reported Dual Eligible Status Code (January) (PartD - 2008)" dual09_01= "State Reported Dual Eligible Status Code (January) (PartD - 2009)" dual10_01= "State Reported Dual Eligible Status Code (January) (PartD - 2010)" dual11_01= "State Reported Dual Eligible Status Code (January) (PartD - 2011)" ptd06 = "Plan Coverage Months (PartD - 2006)" ptd07 = "Plan Coverage Months (PartD - 2007)" ptd08 = "Plan Coverage Months (PartD - 2008)" ptd09 = "Plan Coverage Months (PartD - 2009)" ptd10 = "Plan Coverage Months (PartD - 2010)" ptd11 = "Plan Coverage Months (PartD - 2011)" rdscnt06 = "Retiree Drug Subsidy Months (PartD - 2006)" rdscnt07 = "Retiree Drug Subsidy Months (PartD - 2007)" rdscnt08 = "Retiree Drug Subsidy Months (PartD - 2008)" rdscnt09 = "Retiree Drug Subsidy Months (PartD - 2009)" rdscnt10 = "Retiree Drug Subsidy Months (PartD - 2010)" rdscnt11 = "Retiree Drug Subsidy Months (PartD - 2011)" dualcnt06= "Medicaid Dual Eligible Months (PartD - 2006)" dualcnt07= "Medicaid Dual Eligible Months (PartD - 2007)" dualcnt08= "Medicaid Dual Eligible Months (PartD - 2008)" dualcnt09= "Medicaid Dual Eligible Months (PartD - 2009)" dualcnt10= "Medicaid Dual Eligible Months (PartD - 2010)" dualcnt11= "Medicaid Dual Eligible Months (PartD - 2011)" mon1 = 'Part A and B Entitlement Indicator' gho1 = 'HMO Entitlement Indicator' allflag1 = 'State Buy-in Flag' ptacnt1991 = 'Number of Months in 1991 Covered for Part A' ptacnt1992 = 'Number of Months in 1992 Covered for Part A' ptacnt1993 = 'Number of Months in 1993 Covered for Part A' ptacnt1994 = 'Number of Months in 1994 Covered for Part A' ptacnt1995 = 'Number of Months in 1995 Covered for Part A' ptacnt1996 = 'Number of Months in 1996 Covered for Part A' ptacnt1997 = 'Number of Months in 1997 Covered for Part A' ptacnt1998 = 'Number of Months in 1998 Covered for Part A' ptacnt1999 = 'Number of Months in 1999 Covered for Part A' ptacnt2000 = 'Number of Months in 2000 Covered for Part A' ptacnt2001 = 'Number of Months in 2001 Covered for Part A' ptacnt2002 = 'Number of Months in 2002 Covered for Part A' ptacnt2003 = 'Number of Months in 2003 Covered for Part A' ptacnt2004 = 'Number of Months in 2004 Covered for Part A' ptacnt2005 = 'Number of Months in 2005 Covered for Part A' ptacnt2006 = 'Number of Months in 2006 Covered for Part A' ptacnt2007 = 'Number of Months in 2007 Covered for Part A' ptacnt2008 = 'Number of Months in 2008 Covered for Part A' ptacnt2009 = 'Number of Months in 2009 Covered for Part A' ptacnt2010 = 'Number of Months in 2010 Covered for Part A' ptacnt2011 = 'Number of Months in 2011 Covered for Part A' ptbcnt1991 = 'Number of Months in 1991 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt1992 = 'Number of Months in 1992 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt1993 = 'Number of Months in 1993 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt1994 = 'Number of Months in 1994 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt1995 = 'Number of Months in 1995 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt1996 = 'Number of Months in 1996 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt1997 = 'Number of Months in 1997 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt1998 = 'Number of Months in 1998 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt1999 = 'Number of Months in 1999 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt2000 = 'Number of Months in 2000 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt2001 = 'Number of Months in 2001 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt2002 = 'Number of Months in 2002 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt2003 = 'Number of Months in 2003 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt2004 = 'Number of Months in 2004 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt2005 = 'Number of Months in 2005 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt2006 = 'Number of Months in 2006 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt2007 = 'Number of Months in 2007 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt2008 = 'Number of Months in 2008 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt2009 = 'Number of Months in 2009 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt2010 = 'Number of Months in 2010 Covered for Part B' ptbcnt2011 = 'Number of Months in 2011 Covered for Part B' hmocnt1991 = 'Number of Months in 1991 as an HMO member' hmocnt1992 = 'Number of Months in 1992 as an HMO member' hmocnt1993 = 'Number of Months in 1993 as an HMO member' hmocnt1994 = 'Number of Months in 1994 as an HMO member' hmocnt1995 = 'Number of Months in 1995 as an HMO member' hmocnt1996 = 'Number of Months in 1996 as an HMO member' hmocnt1997 = 'Number of Months in 1997 as an HMO member' hmocnt1998 = 'Number of Months in 1998 as an HMO member' hmocnt1999 = 'Number of Months in 1999 as an HMO member' hmocnt2000 = 'Number of Months in 2000 as an HMO member' hmocnt2001 = 'Number of Months in 2001 as an HMO member' hmocnt2002 = 'Number of Months in 2002 as an HMO member' hmocnt2003 = 'Number of Months in 2003 as an HMO member' hmocnt2004 = 'Number of Months in 2004 as an HMO member' hmocnt2005 = 'Number of Months in 2005 as an HMO member' hmocnt2006 = 'Number of Months in 2006 as an HMO member' hmocnt2007 = 'Number of Months in 2007 as an HMO member' hmocnt2008 = 'Number of Months in 2008 as an HMO member' hmocnt2009 = 'Number of Months in 2009 as an HMO member' hmocnt2010 = 'Number of Months in 2010 as an HMO member' hmocnt2011 = 'Number of Months in 2011 as an HMO member' stbuyin1991 = 'Number of Months in 1991 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuyin1992 = 'Number of Months in 1992 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuyin1993 = 'Number of Months in 1993 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuyin1994 = 'Number of Months in 1994 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuyin1995 = 'Number of Months in 1995 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuyin1996 = 'Number of Months in 1996 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuyin1997 = 'Number of Months in 1997 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuyin1998 = 'Number of Months in 1998 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuyin1999 = 'Number of Months in 1999 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuyin2000 = 'Number of Months in 2000 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuyin2001 = 'Number of Months in 2001 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuyin2002 = 'Number of Months in 2002 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuyin2003 = 'Number of Months in 2003 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuyin2004 = 'Number of Months in 2004 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuyin2005 = 'Number of Months in 2005 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuyin2006 = 'Number of Months in 2006 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuyin2007 = 'Number of Months in 2007 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuyin2008 = 'Number of Months in 2008 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuyin2009 = 'Number of Months in 2009 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuyin2010 = 'Number of Months in 2010 with State Buy-in Coverage' stbuyin2011 = 'Number of Months in 2011 with State Buy-in Coverage' zip1991 = 'Zip Code in 1991' zip1992 = 'Zip Code in 1992' zip1993 = 'Zip Code in 1993' zip1994 = 'Zip Code in 1994' zip1995 = 'Zip Code in 1995' zip1996 = 'Zip Code in 1996' zip1997 = 'Zip Code in 1997' zip1998 = 'Zip Code in 1998' zip1999 = 'Zip Code in 1999' zip2000 = 'Zip Code in 2000' zip2001 = 'Zip Code in 2001' zip2002 = 'Zip Code in 2002' zip2003 = 'Zip Code in 2003' zip2004 = 'Zip Code in 2004' zip2005 = 'Zip Code in 2005' zip2006 = 'Zip Code in 2006' zip2007 = 'Zip Code in 2007' zip2008 = 'Zip Code in 2008' zip2009 = 'Zip Code in 2009' zip2010 = 'Zip Code in 2010' zip2011 = 'Zip Code in 2011' registry1991 ='SEER registry code in 1991 (retained over years)' registry1992 ='SEER registry code in 1992 (retained over years)' registry1993 ='SEER registry code in 1993 (retained over years)' registry1994 ='SEER registry code in 1994 (retained over years)' registry1995 ='SEER registry code in 1995 (retained over years)' registry1996 ='SEER registry code in 1996 (retained over years)' registry1997 ='SEER registry code in 1997 (retained over years)' registry1998 ='SEER registry code in 1998 (retained over years)' registry1999 ='SEER registry code in 1999 (retained over years)' registry2000 ='SEER registry code in 2000 (retained over years)' registry2001 ='SEER registry code in 2001 (retained over years)' registry2002 ='SEER registry code in 2002 (retained over years)' registry2003 ='SEER registry code in 2003 (retained over years)' registry2004 ='SEER registry code in 2004 (retained over years)' registry2005 ='SEER registry code in 2005 (retained over years)' registry2006 ='SEER registry code in 2006 (retained over years)' registry2007 ='SEER registry code in 2007 (retained over years)' registry2008 ='SEER registry code in 2008 (retained over years)' registry2009 ='SEER registry code in 2009 (retained over years)' registry2010 ='SEER registry code in 2010 (retained over years)' registry2011 ='SEER registry code in 2011 (retained over years)' reg2cd1991 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (1991)' reg2cd1992 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (1992)' reg2cd1993 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (1993)' reg2cd1994 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (1994)' reg2cd1995 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (1995)' reg2cd1996 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (1996)' reg2cd1997 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (1997)' reg2cd1998 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (1998)' reg2cd1999 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (1999)' reg2cd2000 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (2000)' reg2cd2001 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (2001)' reg2cd2002 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (2002)' reg2cd2003 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (2003)' reg2cd2004 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (2004)' reg2cd2005 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (2005)' reg2cd2006 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (2006)' reg2cd2007 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (2007)' reg2cd2008 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (2008)' reg2cd2009 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (2009)' reg2cd2010 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (2010)' reg2cd2011 = 'SEER registry code at the end of the year (2011)' ; run; proc contents data=pedsf; title 'proc contents, of PEDSF file'; run;