[DatabaseInfo] DataDescription=Incidence Name=SEER-Medicare 674 Byte April 2007 Database Description (PEDSF lrecl = 2273) NeedCutoffInfo=true SEERPrepDDVersion=2.4.0 StudyCutYear=2005 StudyCutMonth=12 Case1=I:\seer\SEERPrep.infile674.txd [FileInfo] NumberOfFields=204 NumberOfDerivedFields=9 StartingCol=1 RecordLength=674 PopRecordLength=26 Category1=Age at Diagnosis Category2=Race and Sex Category3=Site and Morphology Category4=Stage Category5=Therapy Category6=Extent of Disease Category7=Geographic Locations Category8=Dates Category9=Socio-Economic by area Category10=Other Category11=User-Specified [AgeVariables] PopCategory=1 NonPopCategory=7 AgeVar1=Age recode AgeVarValues1=1~0-4;2~5-9;3~10-14;4~15-19;5~20-24;6~25-29;7~30-34;8~35-39;9~40-44;10~45-49;11~50-54;12~55-59;13~60-64;14~65-69;15~70-74;16~75-79;17~80-84;18~85-252 AgeSelectVar1=Enable Known Age Stardard Selection~"Age recode~1-18"~"" PopByteOffset1=17 StdMilID1=00001 StdMilDefaultVal1=204 StdMil1YearVals=1940 US Std Million (18 age groups),140;1950 US Std Million (18 age groups),150;1960 US Std Million (18 age groups),160;1970 US Std Million (18 age groups),170;1980 US Std Million (18 age groups),180;1990 US Std Million (18 age groups),190;2000 US Std Million (18 age groups),200;2000 US Std Population (18 age groups - Census P25-1130),204;World Std Million (18 age groups),1;1991 Canadian Std Million (18 age groups),2;1996 Canadian Std Million (18 age groups),4;European Std Million (18 age groups),3; [RaceVariables] PopCategory=2 NonPopCategory=7 RaceVar1=Race recode (White, Black, Other) PopByteOffset1=14 RaceVar2=Custom race PopByteOffset10=14 [DatabaseINIOptions] Frequency=Frequency Session~true~false Rate=Rate Session~true~false Survival=Survival Session~true~false CaseList=Case Listing Session~true~false DisableSurvivalCaseList=Disable Case Listing in Survival Session~true~false DisableMPSIRCaseList=Disable Case Listing in MP-SIR Session~true~false Prevalence=Limited-Duration Prevalence Session~true~false~require_sorted MPSIR=MP-SIR Session~true~false~require_sorted BehaVar=Malignant Behavior Standard Selection~multiple_options~"" BehaVar_Option1=Behavior recode for analysis~"Behavior recode for analysis~3" BehaVar_Option2=Behavior code ICD-O-3~"Behavior code ICD-O-3~3" BehaVar_Option3=Behavior (92-00) ICD-O-2~"Behavior (92-00) ICD-O-2~3" MicroConfVar=Enable Microscopically Confirmed Survival Standard Selection~"Diagnostic confirmation~1-2,4"~"" ActFollowVar=Enable Actively Followed Survival Standard Selection~"SEER type of follow-up~2,4"~"" RptSrcVar=Enable DCO and Autopsy Only Survival, Prevalence and MP-SIR Std Excl~"Type of reporting source~0-5,8-15"~"" SexSelectVar=Enable Male or Female Sex Stardard Selection~"Sex~1-2"~"" AgeSelectVar=Enable Known Age Stardard Selection~"Age recode~1-18"~"" [DatabaseINI] MinimumVersion=6.2.5 Frequency=true Rate=true SingleYearPCEndPoints=true Survival=true CaseList=true MPSIR=false Prevalence=false MidYearPopulations=true PrimaryDataType=Case CommentPersonIDVars=Registry~Patient ID CommentRecordOrderVar=Sequence number StdMilID=00001 StdMilDefaultVal=204 PrevAgeSelectCaption=Age at Prevalence Date (Std Pop, Pop, Case Files - Calculated) PrevPopSelectCaption=Race, Sex, State, County (Pop, Case Files) SexVar=Sex AgeVar=Age recode AgeVarValues=1~0-4;2~5-9;3~10-14;4~15-19;5~20-24;6~25-29;7~30-34;8~35-39;9~40-44;10~45-49;11~50-54;12~55-59;13~60-64;14~65-69;15~70-74;16~75-79;17~80-84;18~85-252 RaceVar=Race recode (White, Black, Other) YearVar=Year of diagnosis PopVars=Sex~Year of diagnosis~Registry~County~Age recode~Race recode (White, Black, Other) RateProblemVars=Medicare Race~Race/ethnicity~Race recode B~Age at diagnosis~Spanish surname or origin RateWarningVars=Month of diagnosis recode~Month of diagnosis CountVar=Count ExpRateTableID=00790 PrevExpRateTableID=00790 BehaVar="Behavior recode for analysis~3" SeqnumVar=Sequence number~0-1~0 DisableSurvivalCaseList=false DisableMPSIRCaseList=false IndivAgeVar=Age at diagnosis IndivAgeCalcMonthVar=Month of diagnosis recode IndivAgeCalcYearVar=Year of diagnosis BeginDateName1=Date of diagnosis recode BeginDateMonthVar1=Month of diagnosis recode BeginDateYearVar1=Year of diagnosis EndDateName1=Date of last contact recode EndDateMonthVar1=Month of last contact recode EndDateYearVar1=Year of last contact recode EndDateVitStat1=Vital Status~1~4 CODVar1=Cause of death recode CODVar2=COD recode with Kaposi and mesothelioma CODVar3=Cause of death (ICD-7, 8 or 9) CODVar4=Cause of death (ICD-10) CODVar5=ICD code - cause of death CODVar6=Sequence number UnknownCODSelect={Cause of death (ICD-7, 8 or 9)} = 8555,8577 OR {Cause of death (ICD-10)} = 28600,28601 BirthDateMonthVar=Month of birth BirthDateYearVar=Year of birth PrevHideSelAndTableVars=Year of diagnosis~Month of diagnosis~Month of diagnosis recode ExposureDateName1=Date of diagnosis recode ExposureDateMonthVar1=Month of diagnosis recode ExposureDateYearVar1=Year of diagnosis MPSIRYearFUP=Year of last contact LatencyExclusionDef=2 LatencyCats=1y,5y,10y~10y,15y,20y AttainedAgeCats=5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,85 MPSIRExtraCaseVars=Age at diagnosis~Sex~Primary site~Histologic type ICD-O-3~Histology (92-00) ICD-O-2~Behavior recode for analysis~Behavior code ICD-O-3~Behavior (92-00) ICD-O-2~Type of reporting source~Grade~Laterality~Diagnostic confirmation~ICD code - cause of death~Cause of death (ICD-7, 8 or 9)~Cause of death (ICD-10)~SEER summary stage 2000~SEER summary stage 1977~Loc/reg/distant stage [PopCountField] Type=A ByteOffset=19 Length=8 FieldName=Count Index=0 Hidden=true [Format=Count] 00000000-99999999=* 00000000-99999999 [Conversion=Count] 0-99999999=* 0 [DerivedField1] FieldName=Origin recode SEER (Hispanic, Non-Hisp) Length=1 NumBaseVars=1 BaseVariable1=Spanish surname or origin Category=2 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Origin recode SEER (Hispanic, Non-Hisp)] 0=Non-Spanish-Hispanic-Latino 1=Spanish-Hispanic-Latino 9=Unknown [Conversion=Origin recode SEER (Hispanic, Non-Hisp)] 0-1,9=* 0 [DerivedField2] FieldName=Month of diagnosis recode NumBaseVars=4 BaseVariable1=Month of diagnosis BaseVariable2=Year of diagnosis BaseVariable3=Month of last contact BaseVariable4=Year of last contact Category=8 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true [Format=Month of diagnosis recode] 1=January 2=February 3=March 4=April 5=May 6=June 7=July 8=August 9=September 10=October 11=November 12=December 99=Unknown [DerivedField3] FieldName=Month of last contact recode NumBaseVars=4 BaseVariable1=Month of diagnosis BaseVariable2=Year of diagnosis BaseVariable3=Month of last contact BaseVariable4=Year of last contact Category=8 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true [Format=Month of last contact recode] 1=January 2=February 3=March 4=April 5=May 6=June 7=July 8=August 9=September 10=October 11=November 12=December 99=Unknown [DerivedField4] FieldName=Year of last contact recode NumBaseVars=4 BaseVariable1=Month of diagnosis BaseVariable2=Year of diagnosis BaseVariable3=Month of last contact BaseVariable4=Year of last contact Category=8 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true [Format=Year of last contact recode] 170=1970 171=1971 172=1972 173=1973 174=1974 175=1975 176=1976 177=1977 178=1978 179=1979 180=1980 181=1981 182=1982 183=1983 184=1984 185=1985 186=1986 187=1987 188=1988 189=1989 190=1990 191=1991 192=1992 193=1993 194=1994 195=1995 196=1996 197=1997 198=1998 199=1999 200=2000 201=2001 202=2002 203=2003 204=2004 205=2005 206=2006 207=2007 208=2008 209=2009 210=2010 211=2011 212=2012 213=2013 214=2014 215=2015 253=Unknown [DerivedField5] FieldName=Survival time recode (month) NumBaseVars=7 BaseVariable1=Month of diagnosis BaseVariable2=Year of diagnosis BaseVariable3=Month of last contact BaseVariable4=Year of last contact BaseVariable5=Type of reporting source BaseVariable6=Type of follow-up expected BaseVariable7=Vital status Category=10 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true [Format=Survival time recode (month)] 0-12=* 00-12 13=Error [DerivedField6] FieldName=Survival time recode (year) NumBaseVars=7 BaseVariable1=Month of diagnosis BaseVariable2=Year of diagnosis BaseVariable3=Month of last contact BaseVariable4=Year of last contact BaseVariable5=Type of reporting source BaseVariable6=Type of follow-up expected BaseVariable7=Vital status Category=10 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true [Format=Survival time recode (year)] 0-98=* 00-98 99=Error [DerivedField7] FieldName=Race recode (White, Black, Other) Length=1 NumBaseVars=2 BaseVariable1=Race/ethnicity BaseVariable2=Year of diagnosis Category=2 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true PopByteOffset=14 [Format=Race recode (White, Black, Other)] 1-3,7,9=All races 1=" White" 2=" Black" 3=" Other (American Indian/AK Native, Asian/Pacific Islander)" 7=" Other unspecified (1991+)" 9=" Unknown" [Conversion=Race recode (White, Black, Other)] 1-3,7,9=* 0 [DerivedField8] FieldName=Cause of death recode NumBaseVars=5 BaseVariable1=Cause of death (ICD-7, 8 or 9) BaseVariable2=Cause of death (ICD-10) BaseVariable3=ICD code - cause of death BaseVariable4=Age at diagnosis BaseVariable5=Year of last contact Category=3 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Only ICD-8, 9, and 10 are supported for the generation of this variable. For more information, see http://seer.cancer.gov/codrecode/1969+_d09172004/. [Format=Cause of death recode] 0=Alive 1-14,24,27,29-62,65-67,70,73-78,80,83,85-86,89-90,130,133,136,139,142,145,148,151,154,157,160,163,166,169,172,175,178,181,184,187,190,193,196,199,202,205,208,253=All Causes of Death 1-14,24,27,29-62,65-67,70,73-78,80,83,85-86,89-90=" All Malignant Cancers" 1-10=" Oral Cavity and Pharynx" 1=" Lip" 2=" Tongue" 3=" Salivary Gland" 4=" Floor of Mouth" 5=" Gum and Other Mouth" 6=" Nasopharynx" 7=" Tonsil" 8=" Oropharynx" 9=" Hypopharynx" 10=" Other Oral Cavity and Pharynx" 11-14,24,27,29-36=" Digestive System" 11=" Esophagus" 12=" Stomach" 13=" Small Intestine" 14,24=" Colon and Rectum" 14=" Colon excluding Rectum" 24=" Rectum and Rectosigmoid Junction" 27=" Anus, Anal Canal and Anorectum" 29-30=" Liver and Intrahepatic Bile Duct" 29=" Liver" 30=" Intrahepatic Bile Duct" 31=" Gallbladder" 32=" Other Biliary" 33=" Pancreas" 34=" Retroperitoneum" 35=" Peritoneum, Omentum and Mesentery" 36=" Other Digestive Organs" 37-41=" Respiratory System" 37=" Nose, Nasal Cavity and Middle Ear" 38=" Larynx" 39=" Lung and Bronchus" 40=" Pleura" 41=" Trachea, Mediastinum and Other Respiratory Organs" 42=" Bones and Joints" 43=" Soft Tissue including Heart" 44-45=" Skin excluding Basal and Squamous" 44=" Melanoma of the Skin" 45=" Other Non-Epithelial Skin" 46=" Breast" 47-53=" Female Genital System" 47=" Cervix Uteri" 48-49=" Corpus and Uterus, NOS" 48=" Corpus Uteri" 49=" Uterus, NOS" 50=" Ovary" 51=" Vagina" 52=" Vulva" 53=" Other Female Genital Organs" 54-57=" Male Genital System" 54=" Prostate" 55=" Testis" 56=" Penis" 57=" Other Male Genital Organs" 58-61=" Urinary System" 58=" Urinary Bladder" 59=" Kidney and Renal Pelvis" 60=" Ureter" 61=" Other Urinary Organs" 62=" Eye and Orbit" 90=" Brain and Other Nervous System" 65-66=" Endocrine System" 65=" Thyroid" 66=" Other Endocrine including Thymus" 67,70=" Lymphoma" 67=" Hodgkin Lymphoma" 70=" Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma" 73=" Myeloma" 74-78,80,83,85,89=" Leukemia" 74-76=" Lymphocytic Leukemia" 74=" Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia" 75=" Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia" 76=" Other Lymphocytic Leukemia" 77-78,80,89=" Myeloid and Monocytic Leukemia" 77=" Acute Myeloid Leukemia" 80=" Acute Monocytic Leukemia" 78=" Chronic Myeloid Leukemia" 89=" Other Myeloid/Monocytic Leukemia" 83,85=" Other Leukemia" 83=" Other Acute Leukemia" 85=" Aleukemic, Subleukemic and NOS" 86=" Miscellaneous Malignant Cancer" 130=" In situ, benign or unknown behavior neoplasm" 133=" Tuberculosis" 136=" Syphilis" 139=" Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) (1987+)" 142=" Septicemia" 145=" Other Infectious and Parasitic Diseases" 148=" Diabetes Mellitus" 151=" Alzheimers (ICD-9 and 10 only)" 154=" Diseases of Heart" 157=" Hypertension without Heart Disease" 160=" Cerebrovascular Diseases" 163=" Atherosclerosis" 166=" Aortic Aneurysm and Dissection" 169=" Other Diseases of Arteries, Arterioles, Capillaries" 172=" Pneumonia and Influenza" 175=" Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Allied Cond" 178=" Stomach and Duodenal Ulcers" 181=" Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis" 184=" Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome and Nephrosis" 187=" Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth, Puerperium" 190=" Congenital Anomalies" 193=" Certain Conditions Originating in Perinatal Period" 196=" Symptoms, Signs and Ill-Defined Conditions" 199=" Accidents and Adverse Effects" 202=" Suicide and Self-Inflicted Injury" 205=" Homicide and Legal Intervention" 208=" Other Cause of Death" 252=" State DC not available or state DC available but no COD" 253=" Unknown/missing/invalid COD" [DerivedField9] FieldName=COD recode with Kaposi and mesothelioma NumBaseVars=5 BaseVariable1=Cause of death (ICD-7, 8 or 9) BaseVariable2=Cause of death (ICD-10) BaseVariable3=ICD code - cause of death BaseVariable4=Age at diagnosis BaseVariable5=Year of last contact Category=3 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Only ICD-8, 9, and 10 are supported for the generation of this variable. For more information, see http://seer.cancer.gov/codrecode/1969+_d09172004/. [Format=COD recode with Kaposi and mesothelioma] 0=Alive 1-14,24,27,29-62,65-67,70,73-78,80,83,85-90,130,133,136,139,142,145,148,151,154,157,160,163,166,169,172,175,178,181,184,187,190,193,196,199,202,205,208,253=All Causes of Death 1-14,24,27,29-62,65-67,70,73-78,80,83,85-90=" All Malignant Cancers" 1-10=" Oral Cavity and Pharynx" 1=" Lip" 2=" Tongue" 3=" Salivary Gland" 4=" Floor of Mouth" 5=" Gum and Other Mouth" 6=" Nasopharynx" 7=" Tonsil" 8=" Oropharynx" 9=" Hypopharynx" 10=" Other Oral Cavity and Pharynx" 11-14,24,27,29-36=" Digestive System" 11=" Esophagus" 12=" Stomach" 13=" Small Intestine" 14,24=" Colon and Rectum" 14=" Colon excluding Rectum" 24=" Rectum and Rectosigmoid Junction" 27=" Anus, Anal Canal and Anorectum" 29-30=" Liver and Intrahepatic Bile Duct" 29=" Liver" 30=" Intrahepatic Bile Duct" 31=" Gallbladder" 32=" Other Biliary" 33=" Pancreas" 34=" Retroperitoneum" 35=" Peritoneum, Omentum and Mesentery" 36=" Other Digestive Organs" 37-41=" Respiratory System" 37=" Nose, Nasal Cavity and Middle Ear" 38=" Larynx" 39=" Lung and Bronchus" 40=" Pleura" 41=" Trachea, Mediastinum and Other Respiratory Organs" 42=" Bones and Joints" 43=" Soft Tissue including Heart" 44-45=" Skin excluding Basal and Squamous" 44=" Melanoma of the Skin" 45=" Other Non-Epithelial Skin" 46=" Breast" 47-53=" Female Genital System" 47=" Cervix Uteri" 48-49=" Corpus and Uterus, NOS" 48=" Corpus Uteri" 49=" Uterus, NOS" 50=" Ovary" 51=" Vagina" 52=" Vulva" 53=" Other Female Genital Organs" 54-57=" Male Genital System" 54=" Prostate" 55=" Testis" 56=" Penis" 57=" Other Male Genital Organs" 58-61=" Urinary System" 58=" Urinary Bladder" 59=" Kidney and Renal Pelvis" 60=" Ureter" 61=" Other Urinary Organs" 62=" Eye and Orbit" 90=" Brain and Other Nervous System" 65-66=" Endocrine System" 65=" Thyroid" 66=" Other Endocrine including Thymus" 67,70=" Lymphoma" 67=" Hodgkin Lymphoma" 70=" Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma" 73=" Myeloma" 74-78,80,83,85,89=" Leukemia" 74-76=" Lymphocytic Leukemia" 74=" Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia" 75=" Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia" 76=" Other Lymphocytic Leukemia" 77-78,80,89=" Myeloid and Monocytic Leukemia" 77=" Acute Myeloid Leukemia" 80=" Acute Monocytic Leukemia" 78=" Chronic Myeloid Leukemia" 89=" Other Myeloid/Monocytic Leukemia" 83,85=" Other Leukemia" 83=" Other Acute Leukemia" 85=" Aleukemic, Subleukemic and NOS" 87=" Mesothelioma (ICD-10 only)" 88=" Kaposi Sarcoma (ICD-10 only)" 86=" Miscellaneous Malignant Cancer" 130=" In situ, benign or unknown behavior neoplasm" 133=" Tuberculosis" 136=" Syphilis" 139=" Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) (1987+)" 142=" Septicemia" 145=" Other Infectious and Parasitic Diseases" 148=" Diabetes Mellitus" 151=" Alzheimers (ICD-9 and 10 only)" 154=" Diseases of Heart" 157=" Hypertension without Heart Disease" 160=" Cerebrovascular Diseases" 163=" Atherosclerosis" 166=" Aortic Aneurysm and Dissection" 169=" Other Diseases of Arteries, Arterioles, Capillaries" 172=" Pneumonia and Influenza" 175=" Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Allied Cond" 178=" Stomach and Duodenal Ulcers" 181=" Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis" 184=" Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome and Nephrosis" 187=" Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth, Puerperium" 190=" Congenital Anomalies" 193=" Certain Conditions Originating in Perinatal Period" 196=" Symptoms, Signs and Ill-Defined Conditions" 199=" Accidents and Adverse Effects" 202=" Suicide and Self-Inflicted Injury" 205=" Homicide and Legal Intervention" 208=" Other Cause of Death" 252=" State DC not available or state DC available but no COD" 253=" Unknown/missing/invalid COD" [Field1] Type=A ByteOffset=1 PopByteOffset=7 Length=2 FieldName=Registry 2 Category=7 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true AllowEditing=true [Format=Registry 2] 01=San Francisco-Oakland SMSA (1973+) 02=Connecticut (1973+) 20=Detroit (Metropolitan) (1973+) 21=Hawaii (1973+) 22=Iowa (1973+) 23=New Mexico (1973+) 25=Seattle (Puget Sound) (1974+) 26=Utah (1973+) 27=Atlanta (Metropolitan) (1975+) 29=Alaska Natives 31=San Jose-Monterey (1988+) 33=Arizona Indians 35=Los Angeles (1988+) 37=Rural Georgia (1992+) 41=Greater California (2000+) 42=Kentucky (2000+) 43=Louisiana (2000+) 44=New Jersey (2000+) 88=California (1973+) [Conversion=Registry 2] 1-2,20-23,25-27,29,31,33,35,37,41,42,43,44,88=* 0 [Field2] Type=A ByteOffset=3 Length=8 FieldName=Patient ID Category=10 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=true Description=SEER registry and Patient ID are needed to uniquely identify a patient. [Format=Patient ID] 00000000-99999999=* 00000000-99999999 [Conversion=Patient ID] 0-99999999=* 0 [Field3] Type=A ByteOffset=11 Length=1 FieldName=Five Percent Flag Category=10 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Five Percent Flag] 0=Not Included 1=Included [Conversion=Five Percent Flag] 0-1=* 0 [Field4] Type=A ByteOffset=12 Length=1 FieldName=Date of Death Flag Category=10 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Date of Death Flag] 0=Not dead 1=Dead, both files agree 2=Dead, off by 1-2 months 3=Dead, off by 3+ months 4=Dead in Medicare only 5=Dead in SEER only 6=Dead, but month missing [Conversion=Date of Death Flag] 0-6=* 0 [Field5] Type=A ByteOffset=13 Length=2 FieldName=Medicare Month of Death Category=8 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Medicare Month of Death] 00=Still Alive 01=January 02=February 03=March 04=April 05=May 06=June 07=July 08=August 09=September 10=October 11=November 12=December [Conversion=Medicare Month of Death] 00-12=* 0 [Field6] Type=A ByteOffset=15 Length=2 FieldName=Medicare Day of Death Category=8 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Medicare Day of Death] 00=Still Alive 01=01 02=02 03=03 04=04 05=05 06=06 07=07 08=08 09=09 10=10 11=11 12=12 13=13 14=14 15=15 16=16 17=17 18=18 19=19 20=20 21=21 22=22 23=23 24=24 25=25 26=26 27=27 28=28 29=29 30=30 31=31 [Conversion=Medicare Day of Death] 00-31=* 0 [Field7] Type=A ByteOffset=17 Length=4 FieldName=Medicare Year of Death Category=8 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Medicare Year of Death] 0000=Still Alive 1980=1980 1981=1981 1982=1982 1983=1983 1984=1984 1985=1985 1986=1986 1987=1987 1988=1988 1989=1989 1990=1990 1991=1991 1992=1992 1993=1993 1994=1994 1995=1995 1996=1996 1997=1997 1998=1998 1999=1999 2000=2000 2001=2001 2002=2002 2003=2003 2004=2004 2005=2005 2006=2006 2007=2007 2008=2008 2009=2009 2010=2010 2011=2011 2012=2012 2013=2013 2014=2014 2015=2015 [Conversion=Medicare Year of Death] 1970-2052=* -1800 0000=253 [Field8] Type=A ByteOffset=21 Length=2 FieldName=Month of birth Category=8 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Month of birth] 01=January 02=February 03=March 04=April 05=May 06=June 07=July 08=August 09=September 10=October 11=November 12=December 00=Invalid [Conversion=Month of birth] 1-12=* 0 00=13 [Field9] Type=A ByteOffset=23 Length=2 FieldName=Day of birth Category=8 Index=1 Hidden=1 Required=false [Format=Day of birth] 01=01 02=02 03=03 04=04 05=05 06=06 07=07 08=08 09=09 10=10 11=11 12=12 13=13 14=14 15=15 16=16 17=17 18=18 19=19 20=20 21=21 22=22 23=23 24=24 25=25 26=26 27=27 28=28 29=29 30=30 31=31 00=Invalid [Conversion=Day of birth] 01-31=* 0 00=32 [Field10] Type=A ByteOffset=25 Length=4 FieldName=Year of birth Category=8 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Year of birth] 1850=1850 1851=1851 1852=1852 1853=1853 1854=1854 1855=1855 1856=1856 1857=1857 1858=1858 1859=1859 1860=1860 1861=1861 1862=1862 1863=1863 1864=1864 1865=1865 1866=1866 1867=1867 1868=1868 1869=1869 1870=1870 1871=1871 1872=1872 1873=1873 1874=1874 1875=1875 1876=1876 1877=1877 1878=1878 1879=1879 1880=1880 1881=1881 1882=1882 1883=1883 1884=1884 1885=1885 1886=1886 1887=1887 1888=1888 1889=1889 1890=1890 1891=1891 1892=1892 1893=1893 1894=1894 1895=1895 1896=1896 1897=1897 1898=1898 1899=1899 1900=1900 1901=1901 1902=1902 1903=1903 1904=1904 1905=1905 1906=1906 1907=1907 1908=1908 1909=1909 1910=1910 1911=1911 1912=1912 1913=1913 1914=1914 1915=1915 1916=1916 1917=1917 1918=1918 1919=1919 1920=1920 1921=1921 1922=1922 1923=1923 1924=1924 1925=1925 1926=1926 1927=1927 1928=1928 1929=1929 1930=1930 1931=1931 1932=1932 1933=1933 1934=1934 1935=1935 1936=1936 1937=1937 1938=1938 1939=1939 1940=1940 1941=1941 1942=1942 1943=1943 1944=1944 1945=1945 1946=1946 1947=1947 1948=1948 1949=1949 1950=1950 1951=1951 1952=1952 1953=1953 1954=1954 1955=1955 1956=1956 1957=1957 1958=1958 1959=1959 1960=1960 1961=1961 1962=1962 1963=1963 1964=1964 1965=1965 1966=1966 1967=1967 1968=1968 1969=1969 1970=1970 1971=1971 1972=1972 1973=1973 1974=1974 1975=1975 1976=1976 1977=1977 1978=1978 1979=1979 1980=1980 1981=1981 1982=1982 1983=1983 1984=1984 1985=1985 1986=1986 1987=1987 1988=1988 1989=1989 1990=1990 1991=1991 1992=1992 1993=1993 1994=1994 1995=1995 1996=1996 1997=1997 1998=1998 1999=1999 2000=2000 2001=2001 2002=2002 2003=2003 2004=2004 2005=2005 2006=2006 2007=2007 2008=2008 2009=2009 2010=2010 2011=2011 2012=2012 2013=2013 2014=2014 2015=2015 0000=Invalid [Conversion=Year of birth] 1800-2052=* -1800 0000=253 [Field11] Type=A ByteOffset=29 Length=1 FieldName=Medicare Sex Category=2 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Medicare Sex] 1=Male 2=Female [Conversion=Medicare Sex] 1-2=* 0 [Field12] Type=A ByteOffset=30 Length=1 FieldName=Medicare Race Category=2 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Medicare Race] 1=White 2=Black 3=Other 4=Asian 5=Hispanic 6=N. Amer. Native 0=Unknown [Conversion=Medicare Race] 0-6=* 0 [Field13] Type=A ByteOffset=31 Length=1 FieldName=Original Reason for Entitlement Category=10 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Original Reason for Entitlement] 0=OASI 1=DIB 2=ESRD 3=DIB/ESRD [Conversion=Original Reason for Entitlement] 0-3=* 0 [Field14] Type=A ByteOffset=32 Length=1 FieldName=Current Reason for Entitlement Category=10 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Current Reason for Entitlement] 0=OASI 1=DIB 2=ESRD 3=DIB/ESRD [Conversion=Current Reason for Entitlement] 0-3=* 0 [Field15] Type=A ByteOffset=33 Length=1 FieldName=Chronic Renal Disease Category=10 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Chronic Renal Disease] 0=No ESRD 1=ESRD [Conversion=Chronic Renal Disease] 0-1=* 0 [Field16] Type=A ByteOffset=34 Length=2 FieldName=Medicare Status Code Category=10 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Medicare Status Code] 10=Aged 11=Aged with ESRD 20=Disabled 21=Disabled with ESRD 31=ESRD only [Conversion=Medicare Status Code] 10,11,20,21,31=* 0 [Field17] Type=A ByteOffset=36 Length=2 FieldName=State Category=7 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=State] 01=AL 02=AK 04=AZ 05=AR 06=CA 08=CO 09=CT 10=DE 11=DC 12=FL 13=GA 15=HI 16=ID 17=IL 18=IN 19=IA 20=KS 21=KY 22=LA 23=ME 24=MD 25=MA 26=MI 27=MN 28=MS 29=MO 30=MT 31=NE 32=NV 33=NH 34=NJ 35=NM 36=NY 37=NC 38=ND 39=OH 40=OK 41=OR 42=PA 44=RI 45=SC 46=SD 47=TN 48=TX 49=UT 50=VT 51=VA 53=WA 54=WV 55=WI 56=WY 60=Amer. Samoa 64=Micronesia 66=Guam 68=Marshall Islands 69=N. Mariana Islands 70=Palau 72=Puerto Rico 74=US Minor Islands 78=Virgin Islands [Conversion=State] 01,02,04-06,08-13,15-42,44-51,53-56,60,64,66,68-70,72,74,78=* 0 [Field18] Type=A ByteOffset=38 PopByteOffset=9 Length=3 FieldName=County Category=7 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true [Format=County] 000-999=* 000-999 [Conversion=County] 0-999=* 0 [Field19] Type=A ByteOffset=41 Length=5 FieldName=Zip Code (5 digit) Category=7 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Zip Code (5 digit)] 00000-99999=* 00000-99999 [Conversion=Zip Code (5 digit)] 0-99999=* 0 [Field20] Type=A ByteOffset=46 Length=4 FieldName=Zip Code (2nd part 4 digit) Category=7 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Zip Code (2nd part 4 digit)] 0000-9999=* 0000-9999 [Conversion=Zip Code (2nd part 4 digit)] 0-9999=* 0 [Field21] Type=A ByteOffset=50 Length=1 FieldName=Census Cod Sys 1970/80/90 Category=9 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true [Format=Census Cod Sys 1970/80/90] 0=Not tracted 1=1970 Census tract definitions 2=1980 Census tract definitions 3=1990 Census tract definitions 6=Blank(s) [Conversion=Census Cod Sys 1970/80/90] 0-3,6=* 0 [Field22] Type=A ByteOffset=51 Length=6 FieldName=Census Tract 1970/80/90 Category=9 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true [Format=Census Tract 1970/80/90] 000000-999999=* 000000-999999 [Conversion=Census Tract 1970/80/90] 0-999999=* 0 [Field23] Type=A ByteOffset=57 Length=6 FieldName=Census Tract 2000 Category=9 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true [Format=Census Tract 2000] 000000-999999=* 000000-999999 [Conversion=Census Tract 2000] 0-999999=* 0 [Field24] Type=A ByteOffset=63 Length=3 FieldName=Health Care Service Area Category=7 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Health Care Service Area] 000-999=* 000-999 [Conversion=Health Care Service Area] 0-999=* 0 [Field25] Type=A ByteOffset=66 Length=1 FieldName=Urban/Rural Recode Category=7 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Urban/Rural Recode] 1=Big Metro 2=Metro 3=Urban 4=Less Urban 5=Rural [Conversion=Urban/Rural Recode] 0-5=* 0 [Field26] Type=A ByteOffset=67 Length=2 FieldName=Urban/Rural Code Category=7 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Urban/Rural Code] 01=Counties of metro areas of 1 million population or more 02=Counties in metro areas of 250,000 - 1,000,000 population 03=Counties in metro areas of fewer than 250,000 population 04=Urban population of 20,000 or more, adjacent to a metro area 05=Urban population of 20,000 or more, not adjacent to a metro area 06=Urban population of 2,500-19,999, adjacent to a metro area 07=Urban population of 2,500-19,999, not adjacent to a metro area 08=Completely rural or less than 2,500 urban pop., adjacent to a metro area 09=Completely rural or less than 2,500 urban pop., not adjacent to a metro area 99=Missing Value [Conversion=Urban/Rural Code] 01-09,99=* 0 [Field27] Type=A ByteOffset=69 Length=6 FieldName=Census Tract: Per Capita Income 1990 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Census Tract: Per Capita Income 1990] 000000-800000=* 000000-800000 888888=Census tract not found 999999=Invalid Census tract [Conversion=Census Tract: Per Capita Income 1990] 000000-800000,888888,999999=* 0 [Field28] Type=A ByteOffset=75 Length=6 FieldName=Census Tract: Median Income 1990 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Census Tract: Median Income 1990] 000000-800000=* 000000-800000 888888=Census tract not found 999999=Invalid Census tract [Conversion=Census Tract: Median Income 1990] 000000-800000,888888,999999=* 0 [Field29] Type=A ByteOffset=87 Length=5 FieldName=Census Tract: Percent Non-HS 1990 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Census Tract: Percent Non-HS 1990] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Census Tract not found 99999=Invalid Census Tract [Conversion=Census Tract: Percent Non-HS 1990] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field30] Type=A ByteOffset=92 Length=5 FieldName=Census Tract: Percent HS Only 1990 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Census Tract: Percent HS Only 1990] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Census Tract not found 99999=Invalid Census Tract [Conversion=Census Tract: Percent HS Only 1990] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field31] Type=A ByteOffset=97 Length=5 FieldName=Census Tract: Percent Some College 1990 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Census Tract: Percent Some College 1990] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Census Tract not found 99999=Invalid Census Tract [Conversion=Census Tract: Percent Some College 1990] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field32] Type=A ByteOffset=102 Length=5 FieldName=Census Tract: Percent College 1990 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Census Tract: Percent College 1990] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Census Tract not found 99999=Invalid Census Tract [Conversion=Census Tract: Percent College 1990] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field33] Type=A ByteOffset=107 Length=5 FieldName=Census Tract: Percent Black 1990 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Census Tract: Percent Black 1990] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Census Tract not found 99999=Invalid Census Tract [Conversion=Census Tract: Percent Black 1990] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field34] Type=A ByteOffset=112 Length=5 FieldName=Census Tract: Percent White 1990 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Census Tract: Percent White 1990] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Census Tract not found 99999=Invalid Census Tract [Conversion=Census Tract: Percent White 1990] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field35] Type=A ByteOffset=117 Length=5 FieldName=Census Tract: Percent Hispanic 1990 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Census Tract: Percent Hispanic 1990] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Census Tract not found 99999=Invalid Census Tract [Conversion=Census Tract: Percent Hispanic 1990] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field36] Type=A ByteOffset=122 Length=5 FieldName=Census Tract: Percent Below Poverty 1990 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Census Tract: Percent Below Poverty 1990] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Census Tract not found 99999=Invalid Census Tract [Conversion=Census Tract: Percent Below Poverty 1990] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field37] Type=A ByteOffset=127 Length=5 FieldName=Census Tract: Percent Poor English 5+ 1990 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Census Tract: Percent Poor English 5+ 1990] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Census Tract not found 99999=Invalid Census Tract [Conversion=Census Tract: Percent Poor English 5+ 1990] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field38] Type=A ByteOffset=132 Length=5 FieldName=Census Tract: Percent Poor English 65+ 1990 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Census Tract: Percent Poor English 65+ 1990] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Census Tract not found 99999=Invalid Census Tract [Conversion=Census Tract: Percent Poor English 65+ 1990] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field39] Type=A ByteOffset=149 Length=5 FieldName=Census Tract: Percent Below Poverty by Race/Age 1990 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Census Tract: Percent Below Poverty by Race/Age 1990] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Census Tract not found 99999=Invalid Census Tract [Conversion=Census Tract: Percent Below Poverty by Race/Age 1990] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field40] Type=A ByteOffset=154 Length=5 FieldName=Census Tract: Percent Non-HS by Race 1990 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Census Tract: Percent Non-HS by Race 1990] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Census Tract not found 99999=Invalid Census Tract [Conversion=Census Tract: Percent Non-HS by Race 1990] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field41] Type=A ByteOffset=159 Length=5 FieldName=Census Tract: Percent HS Only by Race 1990 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Census Tract: Percent HS Only by Race 1990] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Census Tract not found 99999=Invalid Census Tract [Conversion=Census Tract: Percent HS Only by Race 1990] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field42] Type=A ByteOffset=164 Length=5 FieldName=Census Tract: Percent Some College by Race 1990 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Census Tract: Percent Some College by Race 1990] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Census Tract not found 99999=Invalid Census Tract [Conversion=Census Tract: Percent Some College by Race 1990] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field43] Type=A ByteOffset=169 Length=5 FieldName=Census Tract: Percent College by Race 1990 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Census Tract: Percent College by Race 1990] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Census Tract not found 99999=Invalid Census Tract [Conversion=Census Tract: Percent College by Race 1990] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field44] Type=A ByteOffset=174 Length=6 FieldName=Zip Code: Per Capita Income 1990 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Zip Code: Per Capita Income 1990] 000000-800000=* 000000-800000 888888=Zip Code not found 999999=Invalid Zip Code [Conversion=Zip Code: Per Capita Income 1990] 000000-800000,888888,999999=* 0 [Field45] Type=A ByteOffset=180 Length=6 FieldName=Zip Code: Median Income 1990 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Zip Code: Median Income 1990] 000000-800000=* 000000-800000 888888=Zip Code not found 999999=Invalid Zip Code [Conversion=Zip Code: Median Income 1990] 000000-800000,888888,999999=* 0 [Field46] Type=A ByteOffset=192 Length=5 FieldName=Zip Code: Percent Non-HS 1990 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Zip Code: Percent Non-HS 1990] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Zip Code not found 99999=Invalid Zip Code [Conversion=Zip Code: Percent Non-HS 1990] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field47] Type=A ByteOffset=197 Length=5 FieldName=Zip Code: Percent HS Only 1990 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Zip Code: Percent HS Only 1990] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Zip Code not found 99999=Invalid Zip Code [Conversion=Zip Code: Percent HS Only 1990] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field48] Type=A ByteOffset=202 Length=5 FieldName=Zip Code: Percent Some College 1990 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Zip Code: Percent Some College 1990] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Zip Code not found 99999=Invalid Zip Code [Conversion=Zip Code: Percent Some College 1990] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field49] Type=A ByteOffset=207 Length=5 FieldName=Zip Code: Percent College 1990 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Zip Code: Percent College 1990] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Zip Code not found 99999=Invalid Zip Code [Conversion=Zip Code: Percent College 1990] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field50] Type=A ByteOffset=212 Length=5 FieldName=Zip Code: Percent Black 1990 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Zip Code: Percent Black 1990] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Zip Code not found 99999=Invalid Zip Code [Conversion=Zip Code: Percent Black 1990] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field51] Type=A ByteOffset=217 Length=5 FieldName=Zip Code: Percent White 1990 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Zip Code: Percent White 1990] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Zip Code not found 99999=Invalid Zip Code [Conversion=Zip Code: Percent White 1990] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field52] Type=A ByteOffset=222 Length=5 FieldName=Zip Code: Percent Hispanic 1990 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Zip Code: Percent Hispanic 1990] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Zip Code not found 99999=Invalid Zip Code [Conversion=Zip Code: Percent Hispanic 1990] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field53] Type=A ByteOffset=227 Length=5 FieldName=Zip Code: Percent Poor English 5+ 1990 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Zip Code: Percent Poor English 5+ 1990] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Zip Code not found 99999=Invalid Zip Code [Conversion=Zip Code: Percent Poor English 5+ 1990] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field54] Type=A ByteOffset=232 Length=5 FieldName=Zip Code: Percent Poor English 65+ 1990 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Zip Code: Percent Poor English 65+ 1990] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Zip Code not found 99999=Invalid Zip Code [Conversion=Zip Code: Percent Poor English 65+ 1990] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field55] Type=A ByteOffset=237 Length=5 FieldName=Zip Code: Percent Non-HS by Race 1990 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Zip Code: Percent Non-HS by Race 1990] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Zip Code not found 99999=Invalid Zip Code [Conversion=Zip Code: Percent Non-HS by Race 1990] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field56] Type=A ByteOffset=242 Length=5 FieldName=Zip Code: Percent HS Only by Race 1990 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Zip Code: Percent HS Only by Race 1990] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Zip Code not found 99999=Invalid Zip Code [Conversion=Zip Code: Percent HS Only by Race 1990] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field57] Type=A ByteOffset=247 Length=5 FieldName=Zip Code: Percent Some College by Race 1990 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Zip Code: Percent Some College by Race 1990] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Zip Code not found 99999=Invalid Zip Code [Conversion=Zip Code: Percent Some College by Race 1990] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field58] Type=A ByteOffset=252 Length=5 FieldName=Zip Code: Percent College by Race 1990 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Zip Code: Percent College by Race 1990] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Zip Code not found 99999=Invalid Zip Code [Conversion=Zip Code: Percent College by Race 1990] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field59] Type=A ByteOffset=257 Length=6 FieldName=Census Tract: Per Capita Income 2000 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Census Tract: Per Capita Income 2000] 000000-800000=* 000000-800000 888888=Census tract not found 999999=Invalid Census tract [Conversion=Census Tract: Per Capita Income 2000] 000000-800000,888888,999999=* 0 [Field60] Type=A ByteOffset=263 Length=6 FieldName=Census Tract: Median Income 2000 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Census Tract: Median Income 2000] 000000-800000=* 000000-800000 888888=Census tract not found 999999=Invalid Census tract [Conversion=Census Tract: Median Income 2000] 000000-800000,888888,999999=* 0 [Field61] Type=A ByteOffset=269 Length=6 FieldName=Census Tract: Density 2000 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Census Tract: Density 2000] 000000-800000=* 000000-800000 888888=Census tract not found 999999=Invalid Census tract [Conversion=Census Tract: Density 2000] 000000-800000,888888,999999=* 0 [Field62] Type=A ByteOffset=275 Length=5 FieldName=Census Tract: Percent Non-HS 2000 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Census Tract: Percent Non-HS 2000] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Census Tract not found 99999=Invalid Census Tract [Conversion=Census Tract: Percent Non-HS 2000] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field63] Type=A ByteOffset=280 Length=5 FieldName=Census Tract: Percent HS Only 2000 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Census Tract: Percent HS Only 2000] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Census Tract not found 99999=Invalid Census Tract [Conversion=Census Tract: Percent HS Only 2000] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field64] Type=A ByteOffset=285 Length=5 FieldName=Census Tract: Percent Some College 2000 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Census Tract: Percent Some College 2000] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Census Tract not found 99999=Invalid Census Tract [Conversion=Census Tract: Percent Some College 2000] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field65] Type=A ByteOffset=290 Length=5 FieldName=Census Tract: Percent College 2000 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Census Tract: Percent College 2000] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Census Tract not found 99999=Invalid Census Tract [Conversion=Census Tract: Percent College 2000] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field66] Type=A ByteOffset=295 Length=5 FieldName=Census Tract: Percent Black 2000 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Census Tract: Percent Black 2000] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Census Tract not found 99999=Invalid Census Tract [Conversion=Census Tract: Percent Black 2000] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field67] Type=A ByteOffset=300 Length=5 FieldName=Census Tract: Percent White 2000 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Census Tract: Percent White 2000] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Census Tract not found 99999=Invalid Census Tract [Conversion=Census Tract: Percent White 2000] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field68] Type=A ByteOffset=305 Length=5 FieldName=Census Tract: Percent Hispanic 2000 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Census Tract: Percent Hispanic 2000] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Census Tract not found 99999=Invalid Census Tract [Conversion=Census Tract: Percent Hispanic 2000] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field69] Type=A ByteOffset=310 Length=5 FieldName=Census Tract: Percent Below Poverty 2000 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Census Tract: Percent Below Poverty 2000] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Census Tract not found 99999=Invalid Census Tract [Conversion=Census Tract: Percent Below Poverty 2000] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field70] Type=A ByteOffset=315 Length=5 FieldName=Census Tract: Percent Poor English 5+ 2000 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Census Tract: Percent Poor English 5+ 2000] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Census Tract not found 99999=Invalid Census Tract [Conversion=Census Tract: Percent Poor English 5+ 2000] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field71] Type=A ByteOffset=320 Length=5 FieldName=Census Tract: Percent Poor English 65+ 2000 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Census Tract: Percent Poor English 65+ 2000] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Census Tract not found 99999=Invalid Census Tract [Conversion=Census Tract: Percent Poor English 65+ 2000] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field72] Type=A ByteOffset=325 Length=6 FieldName=Census Tract: Median Income by Age 2000 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Census Tract: Median Income by Age 2000] 000000-800000=* 000000-800000 888888=Census tract not found 999999=Invalid Census tract [Conversion=Census Tract: Median Income by Age 2000] 000000-800000,888888,999999=* 0 [Field73] Type=A ByteOffset=331 Length=6 FieldName=Census Tract: Median Income by Race 2000 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Census Tract: Median Income by Race 2000] 000000-800000=* 000000-800000 888888=Census tract not found 999999=Invalid Census tract [Conversion=Census Tract: Median Income by Race 2000] 000000-800000,888888,999999=* 0 [Field74] Type=A ByteOffset=337 Length=5 FieldName=Census Tract: Percent Below Poverty by Race/Age 2000 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Census Tract: Percent Below Poverty by Race/Age 2000] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Census Tract not found 99999=Invalid Census Tract [Conversion=Census Tract: Percent Below Poverty by Race/Age 2000] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field75] Type=A ByteOffset=342 Length=5 FieldName=Census Tract: Percent Non-HS by Race 2000 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Census Tract: Percent Non-HS by Race 2000] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Census Tract not found 99999=Invalid Census Tract [Conversion=Census Tract: Percent Non-HS by Race 2000] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field76] Type=A ByteOffset=347 Length=5 FieldName=Census Tract: Percent HS Only by Race 2000 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Census Tract: Percent HS Only by Race 2000] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Census Tract not found 99999=Invalid Census Tract [Conversion=Census Tract: Percent HS Only by Race 2000] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field77] Type=A ByteOffset=352 Length=5 FieldName=Census Tract: Percent Some College by Race 2000 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Census Tract: Percent Some College by Race 2000] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Census Tract not found 99999=Invalid Census Tract [Conversion=Census Tract: Percent Some College by Race 2000] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field78] Type=A ByteOffset=357 Length=5 FieldName=Census Tract: Percent College by Race 2000 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Census Tract: Percent College by Race 2000] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Census Tract not found 99999=Invalid Census Tract [Conversion=Census Tract: Percent College by Race 2000] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field79] Type=A ByteOffset=362 Length=6 FieldName=Zip Code: Per Capita Income 2000 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Zip Code: Per Capita Income 2000] 000000-800000=* 000000-800000 888888=Zip Code not found 999999=Invalid Zip Code [Conversion=Zip Code: Per Capita Income 2000] 000000-800000,888888,999999=* 0 [Field80] Type=A ByteOffset=368 Length=6 FieldName=Zip Code: Median Income 2000 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Zip Code: Median Income 2000] 000000-800000=* 000000-800000 888888=Zip Code not found 999999=Invalid Zip Code [Conversion=Zip Code: Median Income 2000] 000000-800000,888888,999999=* 0 [Field81] Type=A ByteOffset=374 Length=6 FieldName=Zip Code: Density 2000 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Zip Code: Density 2000] 000000-800000=* 000000-800000 888888=Zip Code not found 999999=Invalid Zip Code [Conversion=Zip Code: Density 2000] 000000-800000,888888,999999=* 0 [Field82] Type=A ByteOffset=380 Length=5 FieldName=Zip Code: Percent Non-HS 2000 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Zip Code: Percent Non-HS 2000] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Zip Code not found 99999=Invalid Zip Code [Conversion=Zip Code: Percent Non-HS 2000] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field83] Type=A ByteOffset=385 Length=5 FieldName=Zip Code: Percent HS Only 2000 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Zip Code: Percent HS Only 2000] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Zip Code not found 99999=Invalid Zip Code [Conversion=Zip Code: Percent HS Only 2000] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field84] Type=A ByteOffset=390 Length=5 FieldName=Zip Code: Percent Some College 2000 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Zip Code: Percent Some College 2000] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Zip Code not found 99999=Invalid Zip Code [Conversion=Zip Code: Percent Some College 2000] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field85] Type=A ByteOffset=395 Length=5 FieldName=Zip Code: Percent College 2000 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Zip Code: Percent College 2000] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Zip Code not found 99999=Invalid Zip Code [Conversion=Zip Code: Percent College 2000] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field86] Type=A ByteOffset=400 Length=5 FieldName=Zip Code: Percent Black 2000 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Zip Code: Percent Black 2000] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Zip Code not found 99999=Invalid Zip Code [Conversion=Zip Code: Percent Black 2000] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field87] Type=A ByteOffset=405 Length=5 FieldName=Zip Code: Percent White 2000 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Zip Code: Percent White 2000] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Zip Code not found 99999=Invalid Zip Code [Conversion=Zip Code: Percent White 2000] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field88] Type=A ByteOffset=410 Length=5 FieldName=Zip Code: Percent Hispanic 2000 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Zip Code: Percent Hispanic 2000] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Zip Code not found 99999=Invalid Zip Code [Conversion=Zip Code: Percent Hispanic 2000] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field89] Type=A ByteOffset=415 Length=5 FieldName=Zip Code: Percent Poor English 5+ 2000 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Zip Code: Percent Poor English 5+ 2000] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Zip Code not found 99999=Invalid Zip Code [Conversion=Zip Code: Percent Poor English 5+ 2000] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field90] Type=A ByteOffset=420 Length=5 FieldName=Zip Code: Percent Poor English 65+ 2000 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Zip Code: Percent Poor English 65+ 2000] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Zip Code not found 99999=Invalid Zip Code [Conversion=Zip Code: Percent Poor English 65+ 2000] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field91] Type=A ByteOffset=425 Length=5 FieldName=Zip Code: Percent Non-HS by Race 2000 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Zip Code: Percent Non-HS by Race 2000] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Zip Code not found 99999=Invalid Zip Code [Conversion=Zip Code: Percent Non-HS by Race 2000] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field92] Type=A ByteOffset=430 Length=5 FieldName=Zip Code: Percent HS Only by Race 2000 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Zip Code: Percent HS Only by Race 2000] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Zip Code not found 99999=Invalid Zip Code [Conversion=Zip Code: Percent HS Only by Race 2000] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field93] Type=A ByteOffset=435 Length=5 FieldName=Zip Code: Percent Some College by Race 2000 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Zip Code: Percent Some College by Race 2000] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Zip Code not found 99999=Invalid Zip Code [Conversion=Zip Code: Percent Some College by Race 2000] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field94] Type=A ByteOffset=440 Length=5 FieldName=Zip Code: Percent College by Race 2000 Category=9 Index=0 Hidden=false Required=false Description=Two implied decimal places [Format=Zip Code: Percent College by Race 2000] 00000-10001=* 00000-10001 88888=Zip Code not found 99999=Invalid Zip Code [Conversion=Zip Code: Percent College by Race 2000] 00000-10001=* 0 88888=16380 99999=16381 [Field95] Type=A ByteOffset=445 PopByteOffset=14 Length=1 FieldName=Sex Category=2 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true [Format=Sex] 1-2=Male and female 1=" Male" 2=" Female" 3=" Other (hermaphrodite)" 4=" Transsexual" 9=" Not stated (unknown)" [Conversion=Sex] 1-4,9=* 0 [Field96] Type=A ByteOffset=446 Length=2 FieldName=Race recode B Category=2 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true [Format=Race recode B] 1-7,11=All races (excludes other and unknown) 1,11=" Total white" 1=" Caucasian, NOS" 11=" Caucasian, Spanish origin or surname" 2=" Black" 3=" American Indian or Alaskan native" 4=" Chinese" 5=" Japanese" 6=" Filipino" 7=" Hawaiian" 8=" Other" 9=" Unknown" 12=" Other Unspecified (1991+)" [Conversion=Race recode B] 1-9,11,12=* 0 [Field97] Type=A ByteOffset=448 Length=1 FieldName=ICD code - cause of death Category=3 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true [Format=ICD code - cause of death] 0=Patient is alive at last follow-up 8=Eighth ICD revision 9=Ninth ICD revision 1=Tenth ICD revision [Conversion=ICD code - cause of death] 0-1,8-9=* 0 [Field98] Type=A ByteOffset=449 Length=4 FieldName=Cause of death (ICD-7, 8 or 9) Category=3 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false UserDefined=Base11 Contingent=ICD code - cause of death~0,8-9~" " Description=Coded according to ICD-8 or 9 as specified in ICD code - cause of death. Last digit set to 9 for non-numerics. 7777=State DC not avail. 7797=State DC avail but no COD. [Format=Cause of death (ICD-7, 8 or 9)] 0001-9999=** 000_-9999 7777=State death certificate not available 7797=State death certificate available but under COD not coded 0000=Alive at last contact [Conversion=Cause of death (ICD-7, 8 or 9)] 0000-9999=** [Field99] Type=A ByteOffset=453 Length=4 FieldName=Cause of death (ICD-10) Category=3 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false UserDefined=Base26_11 Contingent=ICD code - cause of death~0-1~" " Description=Coded according to ICD-10. Last digit set to 9 for non-numerics. [Format=Cause of death (ICD-10)] A00_-Z999=** A00_-Z999 7777=State death certificate not available 7797=State death certificate available but under COD not coded 0000=Alive at last contact [Conversion=Cause of death (ICD-10)] A00_-Z999=** 7777=28600 7797=28601 0000=28602 [Field100] Type=A ByteOffset=457 Length=2 FieldName=SEER Month of Death Category=8 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=SEER Month of Death] 01=January 02=February 03=March 04=April 05=May 06=June 07=July 08=August 09=September 10=October 11=November 12=December 99=Unknown 00=Still Alive [Conversion=SEER Month of Death] 1-12,99=* 0 00=13 [Field101] Type=A ByteOffset=459 Length=4 FieldName=SEER Year of Death Category=8 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=SEER Year of Death] 1980=1980 1981=1981 1982=1982 1983=1983 1984=1984 1985=1985 1986=1986 1987=1987 1988=1988 1989=1989 1990=1990 1991=1991 1992=1992 1993=1993 1994=1994 1995=1995 1996=1996 1997=1997 1998=1998 1999=1999 2000=2000 2001=2001 2002=2002 2003=2003 2004=2004 2005=2005 2006=2006 2007=2007 2008=2008 2009=2009 2010=2010 2011=2011 2012=2012 2013=2013 2014=2014 2015=2015 0000=Still Alive [Conversion=SEER Year of Death] 1800-2053=* -1800 0000=253 [Field102] Type=A ByteOffset=463 Length=2 FieldName=Race/ethnicity Category=2 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true Description=Note that not all codes were in effect for all years. [Format=Race/ethnicity] 01=White 02=Black 03=American Indian, Aleutian Islander or Eskimo 04=Chinese 05=Japanese 06=Filipino 07=Hawaiian 08=Korean 09=Asian Indian, Pakistani 10=Vietnamese 11=Laotian 12=Hmong 13=Kampuchean 14=Thai (1994+) 20=Micronesian, NOS (1991+) 21=Chamorran (1991+) 22=Guamanian, NOS (1991+) 25=Polynesian, NOS (1991+) 26=Tahitian (1991+) 27=Samoan (1991+) 28=Tongan (1991+) 30=Melanesian, NOS (1991+) 31=Fiji Islander (1991+) 32=New Guinean (1991+) 96=Other Asian (1991+) 97=Pacific Islander, NOS (1991+) 98=Other 99=Unknown [Conversion=Race/ethnicity] 1-14,20-22,25-28,30-32,96-99=* 0 [Field103] Type=A ByteOffset=465 Length=1 FieldName=Spanish surname or origin Category=2 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true [Format=Spanish surname or origin] 0=Non-Spanish 1=Mexican (1988+) 2=Puerto Rican (1988+) 3=Cuban (1988+) 4=South or Central American except Brazil (1988+) 5=Other Spanish including European (1988+) 6=Spanish/Hispanic/Latino, NOS 7=Spanish surname only (1994+) 9=Unknown [Conversion=Spanish surname or origin] 0-7,9=* 0 [Field104] Type=A ByteOffset=466 Length=1 FieldName=Vital Status Category=10 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Vital Status] 1=Alive 4=Dead [Conversion=Vital Status] 1,4=* 0 [Field105] Type=A ByteOffset=467 Length=4 FieldName=SEER Year of Birth Category=8 Index=1 Hidden=1 Required=false [Format=SEER Year of Birth] 1850=1850 1851=1851 1852=1852 1853=1853 1854=1854 1855=1855 1856=1856 1857=1857 1858=1858 1859=1859 1860=1860 1861=1861 1862=1862 1863=1863 1864=1864 1865=1865 1866=1866 1867=1867 1868=1868 1869=1869 1870=1870 1871=1871 1872=1872 1873=1873 1874=1874 1875=1875 1876=1876 1877=1877 1878=1878 1879=1879 1880=1880 1881=1881 1882=1882 1883=1883 1884=1884 1885=1885 1886=1886 1887=1887 1888=1888 1889=1889 1890=1890 1891=1891 1892=1892 1893=1893 1894=1894 1895=1895 1896=1896 1897=1897 1898=1898 1899=1899 1900=1900 1901=1901 1902=1902 1903=1903 1904=1904 1905=1905 1906=1906 1907=1907 1908=1908 1909=1909 1910=1910 1911=1911 1912=1912 1913=1913 1914=1914 1915=1915 1916=1916 1917=1917 1918=1918 1919=1919 1920=1920 1921=1921 1922=1922 1923=1923 1924=1924 1925=1925 1926=1926 1927=1927 1928=1928 1929=1929 1930=1930 1931=1931 1932=1932 1933=1933 1934=1934 1935=1935 1936=1936 1937=1937 1938=1938 1939=1939 1940=1940 1941=1941 1942=1942 1943=1943 1944=1944 1945=1945 1946=1946 1947=1947 1948=1948 1949=1949 1950=1950 1951=1951 1952=1952 1953=1953 1954=1954 1955=1955 1956=1956 1957=1957 1958=1958 1959=1959 1960=1960 1961=1961 1962=1962 1963=1963 1964=1964 1965=1965 1966=1966 1967=1967 1968=1968 1969=1969 1970=1970 1971=1971 1972=1972 1973=1973 1974=1974 1975=1975 1976=1976 1977=1977 1978=1978 1979=1979 1980=1980 1981=1981 1982=1982 1983=1983 1984=1984 1985=1985 1986=1986 1987=1987 1988=1988 1989=1989 1990=1990 1991=1991 1992=1992 1993=1993 1994=1994 1995=1995 1996=1996 1997=1997 1998=1998 1999=1999 2000=2000 2001=2001 2002=2002 2003=2003 2004=2004 2005=2005 2006=2006 2007=2007 2008=2008 2009=2009 2010=2010 2011=2011 2012=2012 2013=2013 2014=2014 2015=2015 0000=Invalid [Conversion=SEER Year of Birth] 1800-2052=* -1800 0000=253 [Field106] Type=A ByteOffset=471 Length=2 FieldName=Sequence number Category=10 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true [Format=Sequence number] 00=One primary only 01=1st of 2 or more primaries 02=2nd of 2 or more primaries 03=3rd of 3 or more primaries 04=4th of 4 or more primaries 05=5th of 5 or more primaries 06=6th of 6 or more primaries 07=7th of 7 or more primaries 08=8th of 8 or more primaries 09=9th of 9 or more primaries 10=10th of 10 or more primaries 11=11th of 11 or more primaries 12=12th of 12 or more primaries 13=13th of 13 or more primaries 14=14th of 14 or more primaries 15=15th of 15 or more primaries 16=16th of 16 or more primaries 17=17th of 17 or more primaries 18=18th of 18 or more primaries 19=19th of 19 or more primaries 20=20th of 20 or more primaries 21=21st of 21 or more primaries 22=22nd of 22 or more primaries 23=23rd of 23 or more primaries 24=24th of 24 or more primaries 25=25th of 25 or more primaries 26=26th of 26 or more primaries 27=27th of 27 or more primaries 28=28th of 28 or more primaries 29=29th of 29 or more primaries 30=30th of 30 or more primaries 60=60th of 60 or more primaries 61=61st of 61 or more primaries 62=62nd of 62 or more primaries 98=Carcinoma in situ of the Cervix diagnosed 1/1/1996 or later 99=Unspecified sequence number [Conversion=Sequence number] 0-30,60-62,98-99=* 0 [Field107] Type=A ByteOffset=473 Length=3 FieldName=Primary site Category=3 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true [Format=Primary site] 000-809=* 000-809 [Conversion=Primary site] 0-809=* 0 [Field108] Type=A ByteOffset=476 Length=2 FieldName=Site recode Category=3 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false Description=For more information, see http://seer.cancer.gov/siterecode. [Format=Site recode] 1-13,15-23,25-27,29-66,68-69,71-78,80,83,85-86,89=All Sites 1-10=" Oral Cavity and Pharynx" 1=" Lip" 2=" Tongue" 3=" Salivary Gland" 4=" Floor of Mouth" 5=" Gum and Other Mouth" 6=" Nasopharynx" 7=" Tonsil" 8=" Oropharynx" 9=" Hypopharynx" 10=" Other Oral Cavity and Pharynx" 11-13,15-23,25-27,29-36=" Digestive System" 11=" Esophagus" 12=" Stomach" 13=" Small Intestine" 15-23,25-26=" Colon and Rectum" 15-23=" Colon excluding Rectum" 15=" Cecum" 16=" Appendix" 17=" Ascending Colon" 18=" Hepatic Flexure" 19=" Transverse Colon" 20=" Splenic Flexure" 21=" Descending Colon" 22=" Sigmoid Colon" 23=" Large Intestine, NOS" 25-26=" Rectum and Rectosigmoid Junction" 25=" Rectosigmoid Junction" 26=" Rectum" 27=" Anus, Anal Canal and Anorectum" 29-30=" Liver and Intrahepatic Bile Duct" 29=" Liver" 30=" Intrahepatic Bile Duct" 31=" Gallbladder" 32=" Other Biliary" 33=" Pancreas" 34=" Retroperitoneum" 35=" Peritoneum, Omentum and Mesentery" 36=" Other Digestive Organs" 37-41=" Respiratory System" 37=" Nose, Nasal Cavity and Middle Ear" 38=" Larynx" 39=" Lung and Bronchus" 40=" Pleura" 41=" Trachea, Mediastinum and Other Respiratory Organs" 42=" Bones and Joints" 43=" Soft Tissue including Heart" 44-45=" Skin excluding Basal and Squamous" 44=" Melanoma of the Skin" 45=" Other Non-Epithelial Skin" 46=" Breast" 47-53=" Female Genital System" 47=" Cervix Uteri" 48-49=" Corpus and Uterus, NOS" 48=" Corpus Uteri" 49=" Uterus, NOS" 50=" Ovary" 51=" Vagina" 52=" Vulva" 53=" Other Female Genital Organs" 54-57=" Male Genital System" 54=" Prostate" 55=" Testis" 56=" Penis" 57=" Other Male Genital Organs" 58-61=" Urinary System" 58=" Urinary Bladder" 59=" Kidney and Renal Pelvis" 60=" Ureter" 61=" Other Urinary Organs" 62=" Eye and Orbit" 63-64=" Brain and Other Nervous System" 63=" Brain" 64=" Cranial Nerves Other Nervous System" 65-66=" Endocrine System" 65=" Thyroid" 66=" Other Endocrine including Thymus" 68-69,71-72=" Lymphoma" 68-69=" Hodgkin Lymphoma" 68=" Hodgkin - Nodal" 69=" Hodgkin - Extranodal" 71-72=" Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma" 71=" NHL - Nodal" 72=" NHL - Extranodal" 73=" Myeloma" 74-78,80,83,85,89=" Leukemia" 74-76=" Lymphocytic Leukemia" 74=" Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia" 75=" Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia" 76=" Other Lymphocytic Leukemia" 77-78,80,89=" Myeloid and Monocytic Leukemia" 77=" Acute Myeloid Leukemia" 80=" Acute Monocytic Leukemia" 78=" Chronic Myeloid Leukemia" 89=" Other Myeloid/Monocytic Leukemia" 83,85=" Other Leukemia" 83=" Other Acute Leukemia" 85=" Aleukemic, Subleukemic and NOS" 86=" Miscellaneous" [Conversion=Site recode] 1-13,15-23,25-27,29-66,68-69,71-86,89=* 0 [Field109] Type=A ByteOffset=478 Length=2 FieldName=Site rec with Kaposi and mesothelioma Category=3 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false Description=For more information, see http://seer.cancer.gov/siterecode. [Format=Site rec with Kaposi and mesothelioma] 1-13,15-23,25-27,29-66,68-69,71-78,80,83,85-89=All Sites 1-10=" Oral Cavity and Pharynx" 1=" Lip" 2=" Tongue" 3=" Salivary Gland" 4=" Floor of Mouth" 5=" Gum and Other Mouth" 6=" Nasopharynx" 7=" Tonsil" 8=" Oropharynx" 9=" Hypopharynx" 10=" Other Oral Cavity and Pharynx" 11-13,15-23,25-27,29-36=" Digestive System" 11=" Esophagus" 12=" Stomach" 13=" Small Intestine" 15-23,25-26=" Colon and Rectum" 15-23=" Colon excluding Rectum" 15=" Cecum" 16=" Appendix" 17=" Ascending Colon" 18=" Hepatic Flexure" 19=" Transverse Colon" 20=" Splenic Flexure" 21=" Descending Colon" 22=" Sigmoid Colon" 23=" Large Intestine, NOS" 25-26=" Rectum and Rectosigmoid Junction" 25=" Rectosigmoid Junction" 26=" Rectum" 27=" Anus, Anal Canal and Anorectum" 29-30=" Liver and Intrahepatic Bile Duct" 29=" Liver" 30=" Intrahepatic Bile Duct" 31=" Gallbladder" 32=" Other Biliary" 33=" Pancreas" 34=" Retroperitoneum" 35=" Peritoneum, Omentum and Mesentery" 36=" Other Digestive Organs" 37-41=" Respiratory System" 37=" Nose, Nasal Cavity and Middle Ear" 38=" Larynx" 39=" Lung and Bronchus" 40=" Pleura" 41=" Trachea, Mediastinum and Other Respiratory Organs" 42=" Bones and Joints" 43=" Soft Tissue including Heart" 44-45=" Skin excluding Basal and Squamous" 44=" Melanoma of the Skin" 45=" Other Non-Epithelial Skin" 46=" Breast" 47-53=" Female Genital System" 47=" Cervix Uteri" 48-49=" Corpus and Uterus, NOS" 48=" Corpus Uteri" 49=" Uterus, NOS" 50=" Ovary" 51=" Vagina" 52=" Vulva" 53=" Other Female Genital Organs" 54-57=" Male Genital System" 54=" Prostate" 55=" Testis" 56=" Penis" 57=" Other Male Genital Organs" 58-61=" Urinary System" 58=" Urinary Bladder" 59=" Kidney and Renal Pelvis" 60=" Ureter" 61=" Other Urinary Organs" 62=" Eye and Orbit" 63-64=" Brain and Other Nervous System" 63=" Brain" 64=" Cranial Nerves Other Nervous System" 65-66=" Endocrine System" 65=" Thyroid" 66=" Other Endocrine including Thymus" 68-69,71-72=" Lymphoma" 68-69=" Hodgkin Lymphoma" 68=" Hodgkin - Nodal" 69=" Hodgkin - Extranodal" 71-72=" Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma" 71=" NHL - Nodal" 72=" NHL - Extranodal" 73=" Myeloma" 74-78,80,83,85,89=" Leukemia" 74-76=" Lymphocytic Leukemia" 74=" Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia" 75=" Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia" 76=" Other Lymphocytic Leukemia" 77-78,80,89=" Myeloid and Monocytic Leukemia" 77=" Acute Myeloid Leukemia" 80=" Acute Monocytic Leukemia" 78=" Chronic Myeloid Leukemia" 89=" Other Myeloid/Monocytic Leukemia" 83,85=" Other Leukemia" 83=" Other Acute Leukemia" 85=" Aleukemic, Subleukemic and NOS" 87=" Mesothelioma" 88=" Kaposi Sarcoma" 86=" Miscellaneous" [Conversion=Site rec with Kaposi and mesothelioma] 1-13,15-23,25-27,29-66,68-69,71-86,80,83,85-89=* 0 [Field110] Type=A ByteOffset=482 Length=4 FieldName=Histologic type ICD-O-3 Category=3 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true UserDefined=8000,9989,-8000 [Format=Histologic type ICD-O-3] 8000-9989=* 8000-9989 [Conversion=Histologic type ICD-O-3] 8000-9989=* -8000 [Field111] Type=A ByteOffset=486 Length=4 FieldName=Histology (92-00) ICD-O-2 Category=3 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true UserDefined=8000,9989,-8000 [Format=Histology (92-00) ICD-O-2] 8000-9989=* 8000-9989 [Conversion=Histology (92-00) ICD-O-2] 8000-9989=* -8000 [Field112] Type=A ByteOffset=490 Length=1 FieldName=Behavior code ICD-O-3 Category=3 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true [Format=Behavior code ICD-O-3] 0=Benign 1=Borderline malignancy 2=In situ 3=Malignant [Conversion=Behavior code ICD-O-3] 0-3=* 0 [Field113] Type=A ByteOffset=491 Length=1 FieldName=Behavior (92-00) ICD-O-2 Category=3 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true Description=NAACCR Item #=430 NAACCRItemNumber=430 [Format=Behavior (92-00) ICD-O-2] 0=Benign 1=Borderline malignancy 2=In situ 3=Malignant [Conversion=Behavior (92-00) ICD-O-2] 0-3=* 0 [Field114] Type=A ByteOffset=492 Length=1 FieldName=Behavior recode for analysis Category=3 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true Description=For more information, see http://seer.cancer.gov/behavrecode. [Format=Behavior recode for analysis] 0=Benign 1=Borderline malignancy 2=In situ 3=Malignant 4=Only malignant in ICD-O-3 5=No longer reportable in ICD-O-3 [Conversion=Behavior recode for analysis] 0-5=* 0 [Field115] Type=A ByteOffset=493 Length=2 FieldName=Month of diagnosis Category=8 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true [Format=Month of diagnosis] 01=January 02=February 03=March 04=April 05=May 06=June 07=July 08=August 09=September 10=October 11=November 12=December 99=Unknown [Conversion=Month of diagnosis] 1-12=* 0 99=13 [Field116] Type=A ByteOffset=495 PopByteOffset=1 Length=4 FieldName=Year of diagnosis Category=8 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true [Format=Year of diagnosis] 1970-2015=Total 1970=1970 1971=1971 1972=1972 1973=1973 1974=1974 1975=1975 1976=1976 1977=1977 1978=1978 1979=1979 1980=1980 1981=1981 1982=1982 1983=1983 1984=1984 1985=1985 1986=1986 1987=1987 1988=1988 1989=1989 1990=1990 1991=1991 1992=1992 1993=1993 1994=1994 1995=1995 1996=1996 1997=1997 1998=1998 1999=1999 2000=2000 2001=2001 2002=2002 2003=2003 2004=2004 2005=2005 2006=2006 2007=2007 2008=2008 2009=2009 2010=2010 2011=2011 2012=2012 2013=2013 2014=2014 2015=2015 [Conversion=Year of diagnosis] 1970-2015=* -1800 [Field117] PopByteOffset=17 Type=A ByteOffset=499 Length=2 FieldName=Age recode Category=1 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true [Format=Age recode] 01=00-04 years 02=05-09 years 03=10-14 years 04=15-19 years 05=20-24 years 06=25-29 years 07=30-34 years 08=35-39 years 09=40-44 years 10=45-49 years 11=50-54 years 12=55-59 years 13=60-64 years 14=65-69 years 15=70-74 years 16=75-79 years 17=80-84 years 18=85+ years [Conversion=Age recode] 1-18=* 0 [Field118] Type=A ByteOffset=501 Length=1 FieldName=Type of reporting source Category=10 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true [Format=Type of reporting source] 1=Hospital inpatient/outpatient or clinic 3=Laboratory only (hospital or private) 4=Physicians office/private medical practitioner (LMD) 5=Nursing/convalescent home/hospice 6=Autopsy only 7=Death certificate only [Conversion=Type of reporting source] 1,3-7=* 0 [Field119] Type=A ByteOffset=502 Length=1 FieldName=Historic Stage A Category=4 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Historic Stage A] 0=In Situ 1=Localized 2=Regional 3=Other 3,5-8=Other 4=Distant 5=Other 6=Other 7=Other 8=Other 9=Unstaged [Conversion=Historic Stage A] 0-9=* 0 [Field120] Type=A ByteOffset=503 Length=2 FieldName=Modified AJC Stage (1973-1987) Category=4 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Modified AJC Stage (1973-1987)] 00-99=* 00-99 [Conversion=Modified AJC Stage (1973-1987)] 0-99=* 0 [Field121] Type=A ByteOffset=505 Length=2 FieldName=Modified AJC Stage (1988+) Category=4 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Modified AJC Stage (1988+)] 00-99=* 00-99 [Conversion=Modified AJC Stage (1988+)] 0-99=* 0 [Field122] Type=A ByteOffset=507 Length=2 FieldName=AJCC Stage 3rd Edition (1988+) Category=4 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=AJCC Stage 3rd Edition (1988+)] 00-99=* 00-99 [Conversion=AJCC Stage 3rd Edition (1988+)] 0-99=* 0 [Field123] Type=A ByteOffset=509 Length=1 FieldName=Reason no cancer-directed surgery Category=5 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Reason no cancer-directed surgery] 0=Cancer directed surgery performed 1=Cancer directed surgery not recommended 2=Contraindicated due to other conditions 5=Not performed, patient died prior to recommended surgery 6=Unknown 7=Refused 8=Recommended, unknown if done 9=Unknown; death certificate only case [Conversion=Reason no cancer-directed surgery] 0-2,5-9=* 0 [Field124] Type=A ByteOffset=510 Length=1 FieldName=Grade Category=3 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Grade] 1=Well differentiated; Grade I 2=Moderately differentiated; Grade II 3=Poorly differentiated; Grade III 4=Undifferentiated; Grade IV 5=T-cell; T-precursor 6=B-cell; pre-B; B-precursor 7=Null cell; Non T, non B 8=NK cell; natural killer cell (1995+) 9=Unknown [Conversion=Grade] 1-9=* 0 [Field125] Type=A ByteOffset=511 Length=1 FieldName=Diagnostic confirmation Category=10 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true [Format=Diagnostic confirmation] 1-2,4=Microscopically confirmed 1=" Positive histology" 2=" Positive exfoliative cytology, no positive histology" 4=" Positive microscopic confirm, method not specified" 5=Positive laboratory test/marker study 6=Direct visualization without microscopic confirmation 7=Radiography without microscopic confirm 8=Clinical diagnosis only 9=Unknown [Conversion=Diagnostic confirmation] 1-2,4-9=* 0 [Field126] Type=A ByteOffset=512 Length=2 FieldName=Site specific surgery (1983-1997) Category=5 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false Description=For more information, see http://seer.cancer.gov/Publications/Manuals/AppendC.pdf. [Format=Site specific surgery (1983-1997)] 00-99=* 00-99 [Conversion=Site specific surgery (1983-1997)] 0-99=* 0 [Field127] Type=A ByteOffset=514 Length=1 FieldName=Radiation Category=5 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Radiation] 0=None 1=Beam radiation 2=Radioactive implants 3=Radioisotopes 4=Combination of beam with implants or isotopes 5=Radiation, NOS method or source not specified 6=Other radiation (1973-1987 cases only) 7=Refused 8=Recommended, unknown if administered 9=Unknown [Conversion=Radiation] 0-9=* 0 [Field128] Type=A ByteOffset=515 Length=1 FieldName=Laterality Category=10 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false Description=For more information, see http://seer.cancer.gov/Publications/Manuals/AppendD.pdf. [Format=Laterality] 0=Not a paired site 1=Right - origin of primary 2=Left - origin of primary 3=Only one side - side unspecified 4=Bilateral, single primary 9=Paired site, but no information concerning laterality [Conversion=Laterality] 0-4,9=* 0 [Field129] Type=A ByteOffset=516 Length=1 FieldName=Coding system-extent of disease Category=6 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true [Format=Coding system-extent of disease] 0=Two-digit non-specific EOD (1973-1982) 1=Two-digit site-specific EOD (1973-1982) 2=Thirteen-digit (expanded) site-specific EOD (1973-1982) 3=Four-digit EOD (1983-1987) 4=Ten-digit EOD (1988+) [Conversion=Coding system-extent of disease] 0-4=* 0 [Field130] Type=A ByteOffset=517 Length=2 FieldName=EOD 4 - size (1983-1987) Category=6 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=EOD 4 - size (1983-1987)] 00-99=* 00-99 [Conversion=EOD 4 - size (1983-1987)] 0-99=* 0 [Field131] Type=A ByteOffset=519 Length=1 FieldName=EOD 4 - extent (1983-1987) Category=6 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=EOD 4 - extent (1983-1987)] 0-9=* 0-9 [Conversion=EOD 4 - extent (1983-1987)] 0-9=* 0 [Field132] Type=A ByteOffset=520 Length=1 FieldName=EOD 4 - nodes (1983-1987) Category=6 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=EOD 4 - nodes (1983-1987)] 0-9=* 0-9 [Conversion=EOD 4 - nodes (1983-1987)] 0-9=* 0 [Field133] Type=A ByteOffset=521 Length=3 FieldName=EOD 10 - size (1988+) Category=6 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false Description=For more information, see http://seer.cancer.gov/Publications/Manuals/EOD10Dig.3rd.pdf. [Format=EOD 10 - size (1988+)] 000-999=* 000-999 [Conversion=EOD 10 - size (1988+)] 0-999=* 0 [Field134] Type=A ByteOffset=524 Length=2 FieldName=EOD 10 - extent (1988+) Category=6 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false Description=For more information, see http://seer.cancer.gov/Publications/Manuals/EOD10Dig.3rd.pdf. [Format=EOD 10 - extent (1988+)] 00-99=* 00-99 [Conversion=EOD 10 - extent (1988+)] 0-99=* 0 [Field135] Type=A ByteOffset=526 Length=1 FieldName=EOD 10 - nodes (1988+) Category=6 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false Description=For more information, see http://seer.cancer.gov/Publications/Manuals/EOD10Dig.3rd.pdf. [Format=EOD 10 - nodes (1988+)] 0-9=* 0-9 [Conversion=EOD 10 - nodes (1988+)] 0-9=* 0 [Field136] Type=A ByteOffset=527 Length=2 FieldName=EOD 10 - # pos nodes (1988+) Category=6 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false Description=For more information, see http://seer.cancer.gov/Publications/Manuals/EOD10Dig.3rd.pdf. [Format=EOD 10 - # pos nodes (1988+)] 00-99=* 00-99 [Conversion=EOD 10 - # pos nodes (1988+)] 0-99=* 0 [Field137] Type=A ByteOffset=529 Length=2 FieldName=EOD 10 - # nodes exam (1988+) Category=6 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false Description=For more information, see http://seer.cancer.gov/Publications/Manuals/EOD10Dig.3rd.pdf. [Format=EOD 10 - # nodes exam (1988+)] 00-99=* 00-99 [Conversion=EOD 10 - # nodes exam (1988+)] 0-99=* 0 [Field138] Type=A ByteOffset=531 Length=2 FieldName=EOD 10 - Prostate pathology ext (1995+) Category=6 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false Description=For more information, see http://seer.cancer.gov/Publications/Manuals/EOD10Dig.3rd.pdf. [Format=EOD 10 - Prostate pathology ext (1995+)] 00-99=* 00-99 [Conversion=EOD 10 - Prostate pathology ext (1995+)] 0-99=* 0 [Field139] Type=A ByteOffset=533 Length=1 FieldName=Marital status at diagnosis Category=10 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Marital status at diagnosis] 1=Single (never married) 2=Married (including common law) 3=Separated 4=Divorced 5=Widowed 9=Unknown [Conversion=Marital status at diagnosis] 1-5,9=* 0 [Field140] Type=A ByteOffset=534 Length=2 FieldName=Surgery of primary site (1988+) Category=5 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false Description=For more information, see http://seer.cancer.gov/manuals/AppendC.pdf. [Format=Surgery of primary site (1988+)] 00-99=* 00-99 [Conversion=Surgery of primary site (1988+)] 0-99=* 0 [Field141] Type=A ByteOffset=536 Length=2 FieldName=Number of regional lymph nd exam (1998+) Category=5 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false Description=For more information, see http://seer.cancer.gov/manuals/AppendC.pdf. [Format=Number of regional lymph nd exam (1998+)] 00-99=* 00-99 [Conversion=Number of regional lymph nd exam (1998+)] 0-99=* 0 [Field142] Type=A ByteOffset=538 Length=1 FieldName=Scope of regional lymph nd surg (1988+) Category=5 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false Description=For more information, see http://seer.cancer.gov/manuals/AppendC.pdf. [Format=Scope of regional lymph nd surg (1988+)] 0-9=* 0-9 [Conversion=Scope of regional lymph nd surg (1988+)] 0-9=* 0 [Field143] Type=A ByteOffset=539 Length=1 FieldName=Surgery of other reg/dist sites (1998+) Category=5 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false Description=For more information, see http://seer.cancer.gov/manuals/AppendC.pdf. [Format=Surgery of other reg/dist sites (1998+)] 0-9=* 0-9 [Conversion=Surgery of other reg/dist sites (1998+)] 0-9=* 0 [Field144] Type=A ByteOffset=540 Length=1 FieldName=First course of reconstruction (1998+) Category=5 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false Description=For more information, see http://seer.cancer.gov/manuals/AppendC.pdf. [Format=First course of reconstruction (1998+)] 0=No reconstruction/restoration 1=Reconstruction, NOS (unknown if flap) 2=Implant; reconstruction without flap 3=Reconstruction with flap, NOS 4=Latissimus dorsi flap 5=Abdominus recti flap 6=Flap, NOS plus implant 7=Latissimus dorsi flap plus implant 8=Abdominus recti flap plus implant 9=Unknown [Conversion=First course of reconstruction (1998+)] 0-9=* 0 [Field145] Type=A ByteOffset=541 Length=1 FieldName=Tumor Marker # 1 Category=10 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false Description=For more information, see http://seer.cancer.gov/manuals/codeman.pdf. [Format=Tumor Marker # 1] 0-9=* 0-9 [Conversion=Tumor Marker # 1] 0-9=* 0 [Field146] Type=A ByteOffset=542 Length=1 FieldName=Tumor Marker # 2 Category=10 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false Description=For more information, see http://seer.cancer.gov/manuals/codeman.pdf. [Format=Tumor Marker # 2] 0-9=* 0-9 [Conversion=Tumor Marker # 2] 0-9=* 0 [Field147] Type=A ByteOffset=543 Length=1 FieldName=Tumor Marker # 3 Category=10 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false Description=For more information, see http://seer.cancer.gov/manuals/codeman.pdf. [Format=Tumor Marker # 3] 0-9=* 0-9 [Conversion=Tumor Marker # 3] 0-9=* 0 [Field148] Type=A ByteOffset=544 Length=1 FieldName=First malignant primary indicator Category=10 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false Description=For more information, see http://seer.cancer.gov/manuals/codeman.pdf. [Format=First malignant primary indicator] 0=No 1=Yes [Conversion=First malignant primary indicator] 0-1=* 0 [Field149] Type=A ByteOffset=545 Length=1 FieldName=Multiple primary indicator Category=10 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Multiple primary indicator] 0=First in situ, no malignants 1=First malignant 9=Second or Subsequent [Conversion=Multiple primary indicator] 0-1,9=* 0 [Field150] Type=A ByteOffset=546 Length=1 FieldName=Radiation sequence with surgery Category=10 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false Description=For more information, see http://seer.cancer.gov/manuals/codeman.pdf. [Format=Radiation sequence with surgery] 0=No radiation and/or cancer-directed surgery 2=Radiation prior to surgery 3=Radiation after surgery 4=Radiation before and after surgery 5=Intraoperative radiation 6=Intraoperative rad with other rad before/after surgery 9=Sequence unknown, but both were given [Conversion=Radiation sequence with surgery] 0-9=* 0 [Field151] Type=A ByteOffset=547 Length=1 FieldName=Radiation to Brain or CNS (1988-1997) Category=10 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false Description=For more information, see http://seer.cancer.gov/manuals/codeman.pdf. [Format=Radiation to Brain or CNS (1988-1997)] 0=None 1=Radiation 7=Refused 8=Recommended 9=Unknown [Conversion=Radiation to Brain or CNS (1988-1997)] 0-9=* 0 [Field152] Type=A ByteOffset=548 Length=3 FieldName=Place of birth Category=10 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false Description=For more information, see http://seer.cancer.gov/manuals/codeman.pdf. [Format=Place of birth] 000=United States 001=New England and New Jersey 002=Maine 003=New Hampshire 004=Vermont 005=Massachusetts 006=Rhode Island 007=Connecticut 008=New Jersey 010=North Mid-Atlantic States 011=New York 014=Pennsylvania 017=Delaware 020=South Mid-Atlantic States 021=Maryland 022=District of Columbia 023=Virginia 024=West Virginia 025=North Carolina 026=South Carolina 030=Southeastern States 031=Tennessee 033=Georgia 035=Florida 037=Alabama 039=Mississippi 040=North Central States 041=Michigan 043=Ohio 045=Indiana 047=Kentucky 050=Northern Midwest States 051=Wisconsin 052=Minnesota 053=Iowa 054=North Dakota 055=South Dakota 056=Montana 060=Central Midwest States 061=Illinois 063=Missouri 065=Kansas 067=Nebraska 070=Southern Midwest States 071=Arkansas 073=Louisiana 075=Oklahoma 077=Texas 080=Mountain States 081=Idaho 082=Wyoming 083=Colorado 084=Utah 085=Nevada 086=New Mexico 087=Arizona 090=Pacific Coast States 091=Alaska 093=Washington 095=Oregon 097=California 099=Hawaii 100=Atlantic/Caribbean Area 101=Puerto Rico 102=U.S. Virgin Islands 109=Other Atlantic/Caribbean Area 110=Canal Zone 120=Pacific Area 121=American Samoa 122=Kiribati (Canton, Enderbury, Gilbert, S Lines, Phoenix) 123=Micronesia (Fed States of) (Caroline, Trust Terr of Pacific) 124=Cook Islands (New Zealand) 125=Tuvalu (Ellice Islands) 126=Guam 127=Johnston Atoll 129=Mariana Islands (Trust Territory of Pacific Islands) 131=Marshall Islands (Trust Territory Pacific Islands) 132=Midway Islands 133=Nampo-Shoto, Southern 134=Ryukyu Islands (Japan) 135=Swan Islands 136=Tokelau Islands (New Zealand) 137=Wake Island 139=Palau (Trust Territory of Pacific Islands) 210=Greenland 220=Canada 221=Maritime Provinces (New Brunsw, Newfound, Nova Scotia, PE) 222=Quebec 223=Ontario 224=Prairie Provinces (Alberta Manitoba, Saskatchewan) 225=Northwest Territories, Yukon Territory 226=British Columbia 230=Mexico 240=North American Islands 241=Cuba 242=Haiti 243=Dominican Republic 244=Jamaica 245=Other Caribbean Islands 246=Bermuda 247=Bahamas 250=Central America 251=Guatemala 252=Belize (British Honduras) 253=Honduras 254=El Salvador 255=Nicaragua 256=Costa Rica 257=Panama 265=Latin America, NOS 300=South America 311=Colombia 321=Venezuela 331=Guyana (British Guiana) 332=Suriname (Dutch Guiana) 333=French Guiana 341=Brazil 345=Ecuador 351=Peru 355=Bolivia 361=Chile 365=Argentina 371=Paraguay 375=Uruguay 380=South American Island 400=United Kingdom 401=England, Channel Islands, Isle of Man 402=Wales 403=Scotland 404=Northern Ireland (Ulster) 410=Ireland (Eire) (Ireland NOS, Republic of Ireland) 420=Scandinavia 421=Iceland 423=Norway (Svalbard, Jan Mayen) 425=Denmark, Faroe Islands 427=Sweden 429=Finland 430=Germanic Countries 431=Germany (East and West) 432=Netherlands 433=Belgium 434=Luxembourg 435=Switzerland 436=Austria 437=Liechtenstein 440=Romance-Language Countries 441=France, Corsica, Monaco 443=Spain (Canary Islands, Balearic Islands), Andorra 445=Portugal (Madeira Islands, Azores, Cape Verde Islands) 447=Italy (Sardinia, Sicily), San Marino, Vatican City 449=Romania 450=Slavic Countries 451=Poland 452=Czechoslovakia (former) 453=Yugoslavia (former) 454=Bulgaria 455=Russian SFSR (Russia) 456=Ukraine and Moldavia 457=Byelorus (Byelorussian SSR, White Russia) 458=Estonian SSR (Estonia) 459=Latvian SSR (Estonia) 461=Lithuania (Lithuanian SSR) 463=Baltic Republic(s), NOS (Baltic States, NOS) 470=Other Mainland Europe 471=Greece 475=Hungary 481=Albania 485=Gibraltar 490=Other Mediterranean Isles 491=Malta 495=Cyprus 499=Europe, NOS (Central, Eastern, Northern, Southern, Western) 500=Africa, NOS (Central, Equatorial) 510=North Africa 511=Morocco 513=Algeria 515=Tunisia 517=Libya (Tripoli, Tripolitania, Cyrenaica) 519=Egypt (United Arab Republic) 520=Sudanese Countries 530=West Africa, NOS (French Africa, NOS) 531=Nigeria 539=Other West African Countries 540=South Africa, NOS 541=Zaire (Congo-Leopoldville, Belgian Congo, Congo/Kinshasa) 543=Angola (Sao Tome, Principe, Cabinda) 545=Republic of South Africa 547=Zimbabwe (Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia) 549=Zambia (Northern Rhodesia) 551=Malawi (Nyasaland) 553=Mozambique 555=Madagascar (Malagasy Republic) 570=East Africa 571=Tanzania (Tanganyika, Zanzibar) 573=Uganda 575=Kenya 577=Rwanda (Ruanda) 581=Somalia (Somali Republic, Somaliland) 583=Djibouti 585=Ethiopia (Abyssinia), Eritrea 580=African Coastal Islands (previously in South Africa, NOS) 600=Asia, NOS 610=Near East 611=Turkey 620=Asian and Arab Countries 621=Syria 623=Lebanon 625=Jordan (Transjordan) and former Arab Palestine 627=Iraq 629=Arabian Peninsula 631=Israel and former Jewish Palestine 633=Caucasian Republics of the USSR 634=Other Asian Republics of the USSR 637=Iran (Persia) 638=Afghanistan 639=Pakistan (West Pakistan) 640=Mid-East Asia, NOS 641=India 643=Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim 645=Bangladesh (East Pakistan) 647=Ceylon (Sri Lanka) 649=Burma 650=Southeast Asia 651=Thailand (Siam) 660=Indochina 661=Laos 663=Cambodia 665=Vietnam (Tonkin, Annam, Cochin China) 671=Malasia, Singapore, Brunei 673=Indonesia (Dutch East Indies) 675=Philippines (Philippine Islands) 680=East Asia 681=China, NOS 682=China (Peoples Republic of China) 683=Hong Kong 684=Taiwan (Formosa) (Republic of China) 685=Tibet 686=Macao (Macau) 691=Mongolia 693=Japan 695=Korea (North and South) 711=Australia and Australian New Guinea 715=New Zealand 720=Pacific Islands 721=Melanesian Islands, Solomon Islands 723=Micronesian Islands 725=Polynesian Islands 998=Not U.S., but no other information 999=Unknown [Conversion=Place of birth] 0-999=* 0 [Field153] Type=A ByteOffset=551 Length=2 FieldName=Number of primaries Category=10 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false Description=For more information, see http://seer.cancer.gov/manuals/codeman.pdf. [Format=Number of primaries] 00-98=* 00-98 [Conversion=Number of primaries] 0-98=* 0 [Field154] Type=A ByteOffset=553 PopByteOffset=7 Length=2 FieldName=Registry Category=7 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true AllowEditing=true [Format=Registry] 01=San Francisco-Oakland SMSA (1973+) 02=Connecticut (1973+) 20=Detroit (Metropolitan) (1973+) 21=Hawaii (1973+) 22=Iowa (1973+) 23=New Mexico (1973+) 25=Seattle (Puget Sound) (1974+) 26=Utah (1973+) 27=Atlanta (Metropolitan) (1975+) 29=Alaska Natives 31=San Jose-Monterey (1988+) 33=Arizona Indians 35=Los Angeles (1988+) 37=Rural Georgia (1992+) 41=Greater California (2000+) 42=Kentucky (2000+) 43=Louisiana (2000+) 44=New Jersey (2000+) 88=California (1973+) [Conversion=Registry] 1-2,20-23,25-27,29,31,33,35,37,41,42,43,44,88=* 0 [Field155] Type=A ByteOffset=555 Length=2 FieldName=Month of Therapy (RX) Category=8 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Month of Therapy (RX)] 00=No therapy 01=January 02=February 03=March 04=April 05=May 06=June 07=July 08=August 09=September 10=October 11=November 12=December 99=Unknown [Conversion=Month of Therapy (RX)] 0-12=* 0 99=13 [Field156] Type=A ByteOffset=557 PopByteOffset=1 Length=4 FieldName=Year of therapy Category=8 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true [Format=Year of therapy] 1970-2015=Total 1970=1970 1971=1971 1972=1972 1973=1973 1974=1974 1975=1975 1976=1976 1977=1977 1978=1978 1979=1979 1980=1980 1981=1981 1982=1982 1983=1983 1984=1984 1985=1985 1986=1986 1987=1987 1988=1988 1989=1989 1990=1990 1991=1991 1992=1992 1993=1993 1994=1994 1995=1995 1996=1996 1997=1997 1998=1998 1999=1999 2000=2000 2001=2001 2002=2002 2003=2003 2004=2004 2005=2005 2006=2006 2007=2007 2008=2008 2009=2009 2010=2010 2011=2011 2012=2012 2013=2013 2014=2014 2015=2015 9999=unknown [Conversion=Year of therapy] 1970-2015,9999=* -1800 [Field157] Type=A ByteOffset=561 Length=1 FieldName=Other therapy Category=5 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true [Format=Other therapy] 0=No other cancer-directed therapy 1=Other cancer-directed therapy 2=Other experimental cancer-directed therapy 3=Double blind study, code not yet broken 6=Unproven therapy (including Laetrile, Krebiozen, etc) 7=Refused therapy 1-3 above 8=Recommended, unknown if administered 9=Unknown [Conversion=Other therapy] 0-9=* 0 [Field158] Type=A ByteOffset=562 Length=2 FieldName=RX summ--surg prim site Category=5 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=RX summ--surg prim site] 10-80=* 10-80 00=No cancer-directed surgery of primary site 90=Surgery, NOS 98=Site specific codes; special 99=Unknown [Conversion=RX summ--surg prim site] 0,10-80,90,98-99=* 0 [Field159] Type=A ByteOffset=564 Length=1 FieldName=RX summ--scope reg LN sur Category=5 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=RX summ--scope reg LN sur] 0=No regional lymph nodes removed 1=Biopsy or aspiration of reg lymph node, NOS 2=Sentinel lymph node biopsy 3=Num of reg lymph nodes removed unk, not stated; removed NOS 4=1 to 3 regional lymph nodes removed 5=4 or more regional lymph nodes removed 6=Sentinel node biopsy and code 3,4,5 at same time or time NS 7=Sentinel node biopsy and code 3,4,5 at different times 9=Unknown or not applicable [Conversion=RX summ--scope reg LN sur] 0-7,9=* 0 [Field160] Type=A ByteOffset=565 Length=1 FieldName=RX summ--surg oth reg/dis Category=5 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=RX summ--surg oth reg/dis] 0=None; diagnosed at autopsy 1=Non-primary surgical proc performed 2=Non-primary surgical proc to other regional sites 3=Non-primary surgical proc to distant lymph node(s) 4=Non-primary surgical proc to distant site 5=Any combination of codes 2, 3, or 4 9=Unknown; death certificate only [Conversion=RX summ--surg oth reg/dis] 0-5,9=* 0 [Field161] Type=A ByteOffset=566 PopByteOffset=9 Length=3 FieldName=County 2 Category=7 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true [Format=County 2] 000-999=* 000-999 [Conversion=County 2] 0-999=* 0 [Field162] Type=A ByteOffset=569 Length=2 FieldName=Month of last contact Category=8 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true [Format=Month of last contact] 01=January 02=February 03=March 04=April 05=May 06=June 07=July 08=August 09=September 10=October 11=November 12=December 99=Unknown 00=Invalid [Conversion=Month of last contact] 0-12=* 0 99=13 [Field163] Type=A ByteOffset=571 Length=4 FieldName=Year of last contact Category=8 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true [Format=Year of last contact] 1970=1970 1971=1971 1972=1972 1973=1973 1974=1974 1975=1975 1976=1976 1977=1977 1978=1978 1979=1979 1980=1980 1981=1981 1982=1982 1983=1983 1984=1984 1985=1985 1986=1986 1987=1987 1988=1988 1989=1989 1990=1990 1991=1991 1992=1992 1993=1993 1994=1994 1995=1995 1996=1996 1997=1997 1998=1998 1999=1999 2000=2000 2001=2001 2002=2002 2003=2003 2004=2004 2005=2005 2006=2006 2007=2007 2008=2008 2009=2009 2010=2010 2011=2011 2012=2012 2013=2013 2014=2014 2015=2015 [Conversion=Year of last contact] 1800-2053=* -1800 [Field164] Type=A ByteOffset=575 Length=1 FieldName=Follow-up status Category=10 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true [Format=Follow-up status] 1=Alive 4=Dead [Conversion=Follow-up status] 1,4=* 0 [Field165] Type=A ByteOffset=576 Length=3 FieldName=Age at diagnosis Category=1 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true [Format=Age at diagnosis] 000-252=* 000-252 999=Unknown [Conversion=Age at diagnosis] 0-252=* 0 999=253 [Field166] Type=A ByteOffset=579 Length=1 FieldName=Type of follow-up expected Category=10 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=true [Format=Type of follow-up expected] 1=Autopsy/death certificate only cases 2=Active follow-up 3=In situ cases of the Cervix Uteri only 4=SF/Oakland only (originally inactive/now active) [Conversion=Type of follow-up expected] 1-4=* 0 [Field167] Type=A ByteOffset=580 Length=2 FieldName=Number of primaries 2 Category=10 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Number of primaries 2] 01=1 record 02=2 records 03=3 records 04=4 records 05=5 records 06=6 records 07=7 records 08=8 records 09=9 records 10=10 records [Conversion=Number of primaries 2] 01-10=* 0 [Field168] Type=A ByteOffset=582 Length=2 FieldName=Sequence number recode Category=10 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Sequence number recode] 00=One primary only 01=1st of 2 or more primaries 02=2nd of 2 or more primaries 03=3rd of 3 or more primaries 04=4th of 4 or more primaries 05=5th of 5 or more primaries 06=6th of 6 or more primaries 07=7th of 7 or more primaries 08=8th of 8 or more primaries 09=9th of 9 or more primaries 10=10th of 10 or more primaries [Conversion=Sequence number recode] 00-10=* 0 [Field169] Type=A ByteOffset=584 Length=1 FieldName=Cohort Flag Category=10 Index=1 Hidden=false Required=false [Format=Cohort Flag] 0=Not Included 1=Included [Conversion=Cohort Flag] 0-1=* 0 [Field170] Type=A ByteOffset=585 Length=1 FieldName=User-specified 1st length 1 Category=11 Index=1 Hidden=1 Required=false AllowEditing=true EditName=true Description=Please enter a meaningful description here. Note that this can only be edited with SEER*Prep. [Format=User-specified 1st length 1] 0=Value 0 1=Value 1 2=Value 2 [Conversion=User-specified 1st length 1] 0-2=* 0 [Field171] Type=A ByteOffset=586 Length=1 FieldName=User-specified 2nd length 1 Category=11 Index=1 Hidden=1 Required=false AllowEditing=true EditName=true Description=Please enter a meaningful description here. Note that this can only be edited with SEER*Prep. [Format=User-specified 2nd length 1] 0=Value 0 1=Value 1 2=Value 2 [Conversion=User-specified 2nd length 1] 0-2=* 0 [Field172] Type=A ByteOffset=587 Length=1 FieldName=User-specified 3rd length 1 Category=11 Index=1 Hidden=1 Required=false AllowEditing=true EditName=true Description=Please enter a meaningful description here. Note that this can only be edited with SEER*Prep. [Format=User-specified 3rd length 1] 0=Value 0 1=Value 1 2=Value 2 [Conversion=User-specified 3rd length 1] 0-2=* 0 [Field173] Type=A ByteOffset=588 Length=1 FieldName=User-specified 4th length 1 Category=11 Index=1 Hidden=1 Required=false AllowEditing=true EditName=true Description=Please enter a meaningful description here. Note that this can only be edited with SEER*Prep. [Format=User-specified 4th length 1] 0=Value 0 1=Value 1 2=Value 2 [Conversion=User-specified 4th length 1] 0-2=* 0 [Field174] Type=A ByteOffset=589 Length=1 FieldName=User-specified 5th length 1 Category=11 Index=1 Hidden=1 Required=false AllowEditing=true EditName=true Description=Please enter a meaningful description here. Note that this can only be edited with SEER*Prep. [Format=User-specified 5th length 1] 0=Value 0 1=Value 1 2=Value 2 [Conversion=User-specified 5th length 1] 0-2=* 0 [Field175] Type=A ByteOffset=590 Length=1 FieldName=User-specified 6th length 1 Category=11 Index=1 Hidden=1 Required=false AllowEditing=true EditName=true Description=Please enter a meaningful description here. Note that this can only be edited with SEER*Prep. [Format=User-specified 6th length 1] 0=Value 0 1=Value 1 2=Value 2 [Conversion=User-specified 6th length 1] 0-2=* 0 [Field176] Type=A ByteOffset=591 Length=1 FieldName=User-specified 7th length 1 Category=11 Index=1 Hidden=1 Required=false AllowEditing=true EditName=true Description=Please enter a meaningful description here. Note that this can only be edited with SEER*Prep. [Format=User-specified 7th length 1] 0=Value 0 1=Value 1 2=Value 2 [Conversion=User-specified 7th length 1] 0-2=* 0 [Field177] Type=A ByteOffset=592 Length=1 FieldName=User-specified 8th length 1 Category=11 Index=1 Hidden=1 Required=false AllowEditing=true EditName=true Description=Please enter a meaningful description here. Note that this can only be edited with SEER*Prep. [Format=User-specified 8th length 1] 0=Value 0 1=Value 1 2=Value 2 [Conversion=User-specified 8th length 1] 0-2=* 0 [Field178] Type=A ByteOffset=593 Length=1 FieldName=User-specified 9th length 1 Category=11 Index=1 Hidden=1 Required=false AllowEditing=true EditName=true Description=Please enter a meaningful description here. Note that this can only be edited with SEER*Prep. [Format=User-specified 9th length 1] 0=Value 0 1=Value 1 2=Value 2 [Conversion=User-specified 9th length 1] 0-2=* 0 [Field179] Type=A ByteOffset=594 Length=1 FieldName=User-specified 10th length 1 Category=11 Index=1 Hidden=1 Required=false AllowEditing=true EditName=true Description=Please enter a meaningful description here. Note that this can only be edited with SEER*Prep. [Format=User-specified 10th length 1] 0=Value 0 1=Value 1 2=Value 2 [Conversion=User-specified 10th length 1] 0-2=* 0 [Field180] Type=A ByteOffset=595 Length=2 FieldName=User-specified 1st length 2 Category=11 Index=1 Hidden=1 Required=false AllowEditing=true EditName=true Description=Please enter a meaningful description here. Note that this can only be edited with SEER*Prep. [Format=User-specified 1st length 2] 00=Value 00 01=Value 01 02=Value 02 03=Value 03 04=Value 04 05=Value 05 06=Value 06 07=Value 07 08=Value 08 09=Value 09 10=Value 10 [Conversion=User-specified 1st length 2] 0-10=* 0 [Field181] Type=A ByteOffset=597 Length=2 FieldName=User-specified 2nd length 2 Category=11 Index=1 Hidden=1 Required=false AllowEditing=true EditName=true Description=Please enter a meaningful description here. Note that this can only be edited with SEER*Prep. [Format=User-specified 2nd length 2] 00=Value 00 01=Value 01 02=Value 02 03=Value 03 04=Value 04 05=Value 05 06=Value 06 07=Value 07 08=Value 08 09=Value 09 10=Value 10 [Conversion=User-specified 2nd length 2] 0-10=* 0 [Field182] Type=A ByteOffset=599 Length=2 FieldName=User-specified 3rd length 2 Category=11 Index=1 Hidden=1 Required=false AllowEditing=true EditName=true Description=Please enter a meaningful description here. Note that this can only be edited with SEER*Prep. [Format=User-specified 3rd length 2] 00=Value 00 01=Value 01 02=Value 02 03=Value 03 04=Value 04 05=Value 05 06=Value 06 07=Value 07 08=Value 08 09=Value 09 10=Value 10 [Conversion=User-specified 3rd length 2] 0-10=* 0 [Field183] Type=A ByteOffset=601 Length=2 FieldName=User-specified 4th length 2 Category=11 Index=1 Hidden=1 Required=false AllowEditing=true EditName=true Description=Please enter a meaningful description here. Note that this can only be edited with SEER*Prep. [Format=User-specified 4th length 2] 00=Value 00 01=Value 01 02=Value 02 03=Value 03 04=Value 04 05=Value 05 06=Value 06 07=Value 07 08=Value 08 09=Value 09 10=Value 10 [Conversion=User-specified 4th length 2] 0-10=* 0 [Field184] Type=A ByteOffset=603 Length=2 FieldName=User-specified 5th length 2 Category=11 Index=1 Hidden=1 Required=false AllowEditing=true EditName=true Description=Please enter a meaningful description here. Note that this can only be edited with SEER*Prep. [Format=User-specified 5th length 2] 00=Value 00 01=Value 01 02=Value 02 03=Value 03 04=Value 04 05=Value 05 06=Value 06 07=Value 07 08=Value 08 09=Value 09 10=Value 10 [Conversion=User-specified 5th length 2] 0-10=* 0 [Field185] Type=A ByteOffset=605 Length=2 FieldName=User-specified 6th length 2 Category=11 Index=1 Hidden=1 Required=false AllowEditing=true EditName=true Description=Please enter a meaningful description here. Note that this can only be edited with SEER*Prep. [Format=User-specified 6th length 2] 00=Value 00 01=Value 01 02=Value 02 03=Value 03 04=Value 04 05=Value 05 06=Value 06 07=Value 07 08=Value 08 09=Value 09 10=Value 10 [Conversion=User-specified 6th length 2] 0-10=* 0 [Field186] Type=A ByteOffset=607 Length=2 FieldName=User-specified 7th length 2 Category=11 Index=1 Hidden=1 Required=false AllowEditing=true EditName=true Description=Please enter a meaningful description here. Note that this can only be edited with SEER*Prep. [Format=User-specified 7th length 2] 00=Value 00 01=Value 01 02=Value 02 03=Value 03 04=Value 04 05=Value 05 06=Value 06 07=Value 07 08=Value 08 09=Value 09 10=Value 10 [Conversion=User-specified 7th length 2] 0-10=* 0 [Field187] Type=A ByteOffset=609 Length=2 FieldName=User-specified 8th length 2 Category=11 Index=1 Hidden=1 Required=false AllowEditing=true EditName=true Description=Please enter a meaningful description here. Note that this can only be edited with SEER*Prep. [Format=User-specified 8th length 2] 00=Value 00 01=Value 01 02=Value 02 03=Value 03 04=Value 04 05=Value 05 06=Value 06 07=Value 07 08=Value 08 09=Value 09 10=Value 10 [Conversion=User-specified 8th length 2] 0-10=* 0 [Field188] Type=A ByteOffset=611 Length=2 FieldName=User-specified 9th length 2 Category=11 Index=1 Hidden=1 Required=false AllowEditing=true EditName=true Description=Please enter a meaningful description here. Note that this can only be edited with SEER*Prep. [Format=User-specified 9th length 2] 00=Value 00 01=Value 01 02=Value 02 03=Value 03 04=Value 04 05=Value 05 06=Value 06 07=Value 07 08=Value 08 09=Value 09 10=Value 10 [Conversion=User-specified 9th length 2] 0-10=* 0 [Field189] Type=A ByteOffset=613 Length=2 FieldName=User-specified 10th length 2 Category=11 Index=1 Hidden=1 Required=false AllowEditing=true EditName=true Description=Please enter a meaningful description here. Note that this can only be edited with SEER*Prep. [Format=User-specified 10th length 2] 00=Value 00 01=Value 01 02=Value 02 03=Value 03 04=Value 04 05=Value 05 06=Value 06 07=Value 07 08=Value 08 09=Value 09 10=Value 10 [Conversion=User-specified 10th length 2] 0-10=* 0 [Field190] Type=A ByteOffset=615 Length=3 FieldName=User-specified 1st length 3 Category=11 Index=1 Hidden=1 Required=false AllowEditing=true EditName=true Description=Please enter a meaningful description here. Note that this can only be edited with SEER*Prep. [Format=User-specified 1st length 3] 000=Value 000 001=Value 001 002=Value 002 003=Value 003 004=Value 004 005=Value 005 006=Value 006 007=Value 007 008=Value 008 009=Value 009 010=Value 010 [Conversion=User-specified 1st length 3] 0-10=* 0 [Field191] Type=A ByteOffset=618 Length=3 FieldName=User-specified 2nd length 3 Category=11 Index=1 Hidden=1 Required=false AllowEditing=true EditName=true Description=Please enter a meaningful description here. Note that this can only be edited with SEER*Prep. [Format=User-specified 2nd length 3] 000=Value 000 001=Value 001 002=Value 002 003=Value 003 004=Value 004 005=Value 005 006=Value 006 007=Value 007 008=Value 008 009=Value 009 010=Value 010 [Conversion=User-specified 2nd length 3] 0-10=* 0 [Field192] Type=A ByteOffset=621 Length=3 FieldName=User-specified 3rd length 3 Category=11 Index=1 Hidden=1 Required=false AllowEditing=true EditName=true Description=Please enter a meaningful description here. Note that this can only be edited with SEER*Prep. [Format=User-specified 3rd length 3] 000=Value 000 001=Value 001 002=Value 002 003=Value 003 004=Value 004 005=Value 005 006=Value 006 007=Value 007 008=Value 008 009=Value 009 010=Value 010 [Conversion=User-specified 3rd length 3] 0-10=* 0 [Field193] Type=A ByteOffset=624 Length=3 FieldName=User-specified 4th length 3 Category=11 Index=1 Hidden=1 Required=false AllowEditing=true EditName=true Description=Please enter a meaningful description here. Note that this can only be edited with SEER*Prep. [Format=User-specified 4th length 3] 000=Value 000 001=Value 001 002=Value 002 003=Value 003 004=Value 004 005=Value 005 006=Value 006 007=Value 007 008=Value 008 009=Value 009 010=Value 010 [Conversion=User-specified 4th length 3] 0-10=* 0 [Field194] Type=A ByteOffset=627 Length=3 FieldName=User-specified 5th length 3 Category=11 Index=1 Hidden=1 Required=false AllowEditing=true EditName=true Description=Please enter a meaningful description here. Note that this can only be edited with SEER*Prep. [Format=User-specified 5th length 3] 000=Value 000 001=Value 001 002=Value 002 003=Value 003 004=Value 004 005=Value 005 006=Value 006 007=Value 007 008=Value 008 009=Value 009 010=Value 010 [Conversion=User-specified 5th length 3] 0-10=* 0 [Field195] Type=A ByteOffset=630 Length=4 FieldName=User-specified 1st length 4 Category=11 Index=0 Hidden=1 Required=false AllowEditing=true EditName=true Description=Please enter a meaningful description here. Note that this can only be edited with SEER*Prep. [Format=User-specified 1st length 4] 0000=Value 0000 0001=Value 0001 0002=Value 0002 0003=Value 0003 0004=Value 0004 0005=Value 0005 0006=Value 0006 0007=Value 0007 0008=Value 0008 0009=Value 0009 0010=Value 0010 [Conversion=User-specified 1st length 4] 0-10=* 0 [Field196] Type=A ByteOffset=634 Length=4 FieldName=User-specified 2nd length 4 Category=11 Index=0 Hidden=1 Required=false AllowEditing=true EditName=true Description=Please enter a meaningful description here. Note that this can only be edited with SEER*Prep. [Format=User-specified 2nd length 4] 0000=Value 0000 0001=Value 0001 0002=Value 0002 0003=Value 0003 0004=Value 0004 0005=Value 0005 0006=Value 0006 0007=Value 0007 0008=Value 0008 0009=Value 0009 0010=Value 0010 [Conversion=User-specified 2nd length 4] 0-10=* 0 [Field197] Type=A ByteOffset=638 Length=4 FieldName=User-specified 3rd length 4 Category=11 Index=0 Hidden=1 Required=false AllowEditing=true EditName=true Description=Please enter a meaningful description here. Note that this can only be edited with SEER*Prep. [Format=User-specified 3rd length 4] 0000=Value 0000 0001=Value 0001 0002=Value 0002 0003=Value 0003 0004=Value 0004 0005=Value 0005 0006=Value 0006 0007=Value 0007 0008=Value 0008 0009=Value 0009 0010=Value 0010 [Conversion=User-specified 3rd length 4] 0-10=* 0 [Field198] Type=A ByteOffset=642 Length=4 FieldName=User-specified 4th length 4 Category=11 Index=0 Hidden=1 Required=false AllowEditing=true EditName=true Description=Please enter a meaningful description here. Note that this can only be edited with SEER*Prep. [Format=User-specified 4th length 4] 0000=Value 0000 0001=Value 0001 0002=Value 0002 0003=Value 0003 0004=Value 0004 0005=Value 0005 0006=Value 0006 0007=Value 0007 0008=Value 0008 0009=Value 0009 0010=Value 0010 [Conversion=User-specified 4th length 4] 0-10=* 0 [Field199] Type=A ByteOffset=646 Length=4 FieldName=User-specified 5th length 4 Category=11 Index=0 Hidden=1 Required=false AllowEditing=true EditName=true Description=Please enter a meaningful description here. Note that this can only be edited with SEER*Prep. [Format=User-specified 5th length 4] 0000=Value 0000 0001=Value 0001 0002=Value 0002 0003=Value 0003 0004=Value 0004 0005=Value 0005 0006=Value 0006 0007=Value 0007 0008=Value 0008 0009=Value 0009 0010=Value 0010 [Conversion=User-specified 5th length 4] 0-10=* 0 [Field200] Type=A ByteOffset=650 Length=5 FieldName=User-specified 1st length 5 Category=11 Index=0 Hidden=1 Required=false AllowEditing=true EditName=true Description=Please enter a meaningful description here. Note that this can only be edited with SEER*Prep. [Format=User-specified 1st length 5] 00000-99999=* 00000-99999 [Conversion=User-specified 1st length 5] 0-99999=* 0 [Field201] Type=A ByteOffset=655 Length=5 FieldName=User-specified 2nd length 5 Category=11 Index=0 Hidden=1 Required=false AllowEditing=true EditName=true Description=Please enter a meaningful description here. Note that this can only be edited with SEER*Prep. [Format=User-specified 2nd length 5] 00000-99999=* 00000-99999 [Conversion=User-specified 2nd length 5] 0-99999=* 0 [Field202] Type=A ByteOffset=660 Length=5 FieldName=User-specified 3rd length 5 Category=11 Index=0 Hidden=1 Required=false AllowEditing=true EditName=true Description=Please enter a meaningful description here. Note that this can only be edited with SEER*Prep. [Format=User-specified 3rd length 5] 00000-99999=* 00000-99999 [Conversion=User-specified 3rd length 5] 0-99999=* 0 [Field203] Type=A ByteOffset=665 Length=5 FieldName=User-specified 4th length 5 Category=11 Index=0 Hidden=1 Required=false AllowEditing=true EditName=true Description=Please enter a meaningful description here. Note that this can only be edited with SEER*Prep. [Format=User-specified 4th length 5] 00000-99999=* 00000-99999 [Conversion=User-specified 4th length 5] 0-99999=* 0 [Field204] Type=A ByteOffset=670 Length=5 FieldName=User-specified 5th length 5 Category=11 Index=0 Hidden=1 Required=false AllowEditing=true EditName=true Description=Please enter a meaningful description here. Note that this can only be edited with SEER*Prep. [Format=User-specified 5th length 5] 00000-99999=* 00000-99999 [Conversion=User-specified 5th length 5] 0-99999=* 0