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FAC-COR Certification

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The FAC-COR Certification is the only certification HHS recognizes as meeting the eligibility standards to be appointed as a Contracting Officer Representative (COR) for all contracts in HHS and its Operating Divisions.  NIH strictly follows HHS guidance and adheres to all policies and procedures set forth in the HHS FAC-COR Handbook.  A COR is authorized, in writing, by the Contracting Officer to perform specific technical and/or administrative functions. 

The FAC-COR Program is divided into three tiers based on complexity and dollar thresholds of the total contract value.  Each tier is independent of the others and does not require perquisite certifications to obtain a higher level.  Please Note: The thresholds set forth below are NIH-specific as determined by the Head of the Contracting Activity, Diane Frasier, in conjunction with the HHS policy directive issued in January 2012 by the Senior Procurement Executive, Dr. Angela Billups, which allows for OPDIVs under HHS to set specific threshold levels.

All certification are handled by the Federal Acquisition Institutes Training Application System (FAITAS).  You must be register in this system in order to be eligible for any acquisition certifications at NIH. FAITAS Website Click Here




Level I:   Entry Level/Apprentice (No Prior Experience Required)

Appropriate for individuals serving on technical evaluation panels or supporting low risk contract vehicles such as firm fixed price and services/supply contracts and orders that do not exceed $150,000.  Training includes completion of 26 CLPs of specific courses.  Complete the following steps in order to be approved.

STEP 1:  Register in the FAITAS System.  FAITAS Website Click Here

STEP 2:  Complete the required training (in any order):

A.  8+ hour Intro to COR Training (DAU: CLC 106 or FCR-100 or  ASI Sequence)

B.  16 hour HHS Appropriation Law training

C.  2 hour Green Purchase training

STEP 3:  Apply for certification in the Federal Acquisition Institute Training Application System (FAITAS) through the following commands. Please Note: All applications have three sections that require an attachment to be added in order to submit.  “Education” and “Experience” are not required for Level I so attach a word document stating “Not required” to bypass this error.


Top Toolbar>>Manager Career>>Certification>>My Certification Request>>Add Certification Requests


STEP 4:  Subscribe to the NIH PROJECTOFFICER ListServ for program updates and training opportunities. Click Here for FAC-COR listserv 


What Happens Next? The application will be routed, in the system, to your supervisor who will approve or disapprove.  Once approved, it will be routed to the NIH Acquisition Career Program Office for review and approval/disapproval.  Once approved, it will then be routed to the HHS Agency Certification Manager for final review and approval/disapproval.  Once approved, you will be notified through FAITAS and your certification will be available in the FAITAS system.  You must maintain your certification every two years by meeting all the re-certification requirements.


Level II:  Mid-level/Journeyman (One Year Experience Required)

Appropriate for individuals supporting contract vehicles of moderate to high complexity with threshold values ranging from $150,000 to $25,000,000.  Training includes completion of 60 CLPs of specific trainings.  Complete the following steps in order to be approved.

STEP 1: Register in the FAITAS System.  FAITAS Website Click Here

STEP 2: Complete the required training (in any order):

A.   40 hour Basic COR training

B.  16 hour HHS Appropriation Law training

C.  2 hour Green Purchase training

D.  2 hour Acquisition Elective

STEP 3:  Complete Appendix G

STEP 4:  Apply for certification in the Federal Acquisition Institute Training Application System (FAITAS) through the following commands. Please Note: All applications have three sections that require an attachment to be added in order to submit.  “Education” is not required for Level II so attach a word document stating “Not required” to bypass this error. Appendix G will be uploaded into the “Experience” section.


Top Toolbar>>Manager Career>>Certification>>My Certification Request>>Add Certification Requests


STEP 5:  Subscribe to the NIH PROJECTOFFICER ListServ for program updates and training opportunities. Click Here for FAC-COR listserv


What Happens Next? The application will be routed, in the system, to your supervisor who will approve or disapprove.  Once approved, it will be routed to the NIH Acquisition Career Program Office for review and approval/disapproval.  Once approved, it will then be routed to the HHS Agency Certification Manager for final review and approval/disapproval.  Once approved, you will be notified through FAITAS and your certification will be available in the FAITAS system.  You must maintain your certification every two years by meeting all the re-certification requirements.



Level III:  Senior/Expert (Two Years Experience on Federal Projects Required)

Appropriate for highly complex and mission critical contract vehicles requiring significant acquisition investment for contracts exceeding $25,000,000.  Training includes completion of 98 CLPs of specific trainings.  Complete the following steps in order to be approved.

STEP 1: Register in the FAITAS System.  FAITAS Website Click Here

STEP 2: Complete the required training (in any order):

A.  40 hour Basic COR training

B.  16 hour HHS Appropriation Law training

C.  2 hour Green Purchase training

D.  16 hour Intro to Project/Program Management – complete suggested sequence through FAI/DAU or other source such as ASI

E.  8 hour Earned Value Management training – Complete CLB 016, CLB 018 & CLM 013 through FAI/DAU or other source such as ASI

F.  8 hour Risk Management training – Complete CLM 017 through FAI/DAU, the NIH Training Center, or other source such as ASI

G.  Complete any 8 hour IT/Construction/Advanced R&D training via FAI/DAU, via the NIH Training Center or other source such as ASI

STEP 3:  Complete Appendix G

STEP 4:  Apply for certification in the Federal Acquisition Institute Training Application System (FAITAS) through the following commands. Please Note: All applications have three sections that require an attachment to be added in order to submit.  “Education” is not required for Level III so attach a word document stating “Not required” to bypass this error. Appendix G will be uploaded into the “Experience” section.



Top Toolbar>>Manage Career>>Certification>>My Certification Request>>Add Certification Requests


STEP 5:  Subscribe to the NIH PROJECTOFFICER ListServ for program updates and training opportunities. Click Here for FAC-COR listserv


What Happens Next? The application will be routed, in the system, to your supervisor who will approve or disapprove.  Once approved, it will be routed to the NIH Acquisition Career Program Office for review and approval/disapproval.  Once approved, it will then be routed to the HHS Agency Certification Manager for final review and approval/disapproval.  Once approved, you will be notified through FAITAS and your certification will be available in the FAITAS system.  You must maintain your certification every two years by meeting all the re-certification requirements.





There are currently two free online vendors that provide numerous training options to complete the certification and re-certification requirements.


FAI/DAU: The Defense Acquisition University (DAU) offers several courses related to acquisition and budget.  These courses can be registered for through FAITAS and a complete listing of their courses with the number of CLPs awarded for each can be found at www.dau.mil.


ASI: ASI’s Applied Learning Online (ALO) modules offer several course related to acquisitions.  The licenses for this vendor are paid for annually by HHS.  They are reusable so HHS limits the enrollment time one has to complete the trainings to 21 days.  Send enrollment requests to FAC-COR@mail.nih.gov.



The links below provides the FAITAS User Guides for both Employee and Supervisor actions in FAITAS. These are step-by-step instructions to all the actions employees or supervisors will do in the FAITAS System. The instructions to the most common action are provided below with HHS/NIH specific details.

Click Here for FAITAS Employee User Guide

Click Here for FAITAS Supervisor User Guide


Submitting a new certification request: This process covers new certification requests, requests for a different FAC-COR certification level, and for FAC-COR certifications that have lapsed.  This process is NOT for re-certification requests. 

Please follow the command chain below to locate the initial certification request form.  Please upload the necessary training and experience documents into each of the sections.  The certification request is approved by your immediate supervisor, the NIH ACM, and the HHS ACM.

Top Toolbar>>Manage Career>>Certification>>My Certification Request>>Add Certification Requests

Questions? Send to FAC-COR@mail.nih.gov

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