April 2012

Red, Itchy Rash?
Get the Skinny on Dermatitis

Cartoon of a doctor examining a rash on a woman’s arm.

You’ve probably had a rash at some point or another, whether from poison ivy or the chickenpox or something more unusual. Why does your skin break out in red blotches like that? More important, is there anything you can do about it? Read more about skin rashes.

When Blood Cells Bend
Understanding Sickle Cell Disease

Cartoon of dad comforting his tired looking son on a break from playing baseball.

Fifty years ago, half of children born with sickle cell disease died by age 10. Now they’re living into their 40s and 50s, thanks to therapies developed with NIH support. Researchers are now working on promising new treatments. Read more about sickle cell disease.

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