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Home » Research at NEI » Laboratory of Sensorimotor Research

Laboratory of Sensorimotor Research

Building 49, Room 2A50
49 Convent Drive
Bethesda, Maryland 20892-4435
Phone: (301) 496-9375
Fax: (301) 402-0511

NEI Laboratory of Sensorimotor Research
Mission Statement

The ability to guide our movements under sensory control is one of the most critical of human abilities. Our use of this ability ranges from the mundane coordination needed in everyday life to the precision of athletic achievement. Disorders of this ability are devastating and cost billions of dollars in custodial health care. The goal of the Laboratory of Sensorimotor Research is to understand the fundamental brain mechanisms that allow such sensory-motor coordination. We concentrate on the system within the brain that is probably best understood in the control of such complex activities: the visual/oculomotor system. Our center of interest is how this system works in humans, both normally and when it fails as a result of disease or trauma. We are fortunate to have a superb animal model, the Rhesus monkey, which allows us to investigate the mechanisms within the brain related to the visual input, the oculomotor output, and the central processing that connects them.

Principal Investigators

Section Name E-mail Phone (301)
Vision Bruce G. Cumming, M.D., Ph.D. 402-8097
Acuity Edmond J. FitzGibbon, M.D.
PubMed Author Search 496-7144
Neural Modeling Lance M. Optican, Ph.D.  496-9375
Visuomotor Integration Robert H. Wurtz, Ph.D.  496-7170
Neuronal Networks Okihide Hikosaka, M.D., Ph.D.  402-7959
Eye Movements & Visual Selection Richard Krauzlis, Ph.D.  496-2455

Distributed Software

The LSR develops software for data collection and analysis that is freely available under license agreements issued by the LSR. Following is a list of some of the distributed software:

Department of Health and Human Services NIH, the National Institutes of Health