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CIT supports the Video Relay Service enabling sign language communication over video conferencing equipment. CIT VideoCasts, Podcasts, and Connect meetings can be enhanced with captioning to enable people with hearing or language challenges to fully participate in NIH communications.

Captioning a Connect Online Meeting

About Captioning

CIT supports Web Collaboration (Online Meetings) using the Adobe Connect application. Just like a face-to-face meeting, in an online meeting, some adjustments must be made to enable a hearing impaired person to participate fully. Adobe offers the Acrobat Connect Captioning Extension (i.e., Captioning Pod). By using this extension, the meeting host can provide captioning to hearing-impaired attendees. A captioner attends the meeting and transcribes any aural content of the meeting. The text is encoded during the meeting, real time, and appears as captions in the Captioning Pod.

Arrange for Captioning of an Online Meeting using Connect

Additional fees may apply. For detailed information on setting up the Captioning Pod and requesting a captioner, please contact the Web Collaboration team (webmeeting@mail.nih.gov).