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    Generate Confirmatory License

Note: A version of the confirmatory license may be generated from the public area of the iEdison site (requiring no login) or from the secure area of the iEdison site. If the license is generated from the secure area, the iEdison system will automatically populate the form with the information from the selected patent report.

Generating the Confirmatory License from the public area:

  1. From the Welcome to iEdison page, select NIH to access the NIH Extramural Invention Topics page.
  2. Select License to the U. S. Government to access the License to United States Government - License Form page.
  3. Enter the confirmatory license information.
  4. Click Submit.
  5. A printable version of the confirmatory license is displayed with the information you entered filled in.
  6. Print, sign and fax the form to the NIH at (301) 480-0272.

Generating the Confirmatory License from the secure area:

  1. Add/Modify a patent report as described in Add/Modify Patent Reports.
  2. When the confirmation page is displayed, select Print License.
  3. A printable version of the confirmatory license is displayed with information from the selected patent report filled in.
  4. Print, sign and fax the form to the NIH at (301) 480-0272.

  Field Definitions
Invention Title

The invention title indicates the title of the invention as it appears in the Invention Report.


The inventor fields reflect the full name of each inventor associated with the invention. Any combination of upper- and lower-case letters may be used.

The iEdison system allows up to 12 inventors to be associated with each Invention Report. The main screen allows entry of the first inventor. Additional inventors may be added using the "Add/Edit Inventors" button.

Patent Number

The patent number uniquely identifies the patent issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

The format for this field is ####### or RE##### or PLT#####: ####### or RE##### or PLT#####.

Patent Issue Date

The patent issue date is the date cited on the upper right-hand corner of the issued patent. The format for this field is mm/dd/yyyy.

Grant/Contract Numbers

For each agency contributing to the grant or contract under which the conception or first actual reduction to practice of the invention was made, the corresponding grant or contract number must be provided. The format of the grant or contract number is unique to the associated agency. The iEdison system enforces the grant or contract number format for each participating iEdison agency.

Foreign Filings

The Foreign Filings fields are used to record information (country, status, and action date) regarding any foreign filings associated with the patent filing.

The iEdison system allows up to 12 foreign filings to be associated with a patent filing. The main screen allows entry of the first foreign filing. Additional foreign filings may be added using the "Add/Edit Foreign Filings" button.

There are no government regulations requiring that foreign patent applications be filed. However, the agency must be notified if there will be no foreign filing in order to give the government agency time to make such a filing on its own if it chooses to do so.

The government realizes the time constraints encountered by grantee institutions prior to foreign filing deadlines and will allow users to indicate where a foreign application has been filed ten months after a U.S. patent application has been filed on a particular Invention Report.

Grantee/Contractor Organization

The full name of the Extramural Grantee or Contractor Organization. The organization name is automatically generated by the iEdison system using the organization information associated with the account of the user logged on to the system. If the organization name is missing or is not what is expected, the session should be terminated, and iEdison User Support notified as soon as possible at, (301) 435-1986, or toll-free (866) 504-9552.

Business Address

The address of the Grantee or Contractor Organization. The address is composed of the street address, city, state, zip, and country.

    See Also

Generate Inventor Certification Form
Generate Inventor Waiver Request Form
Generate Third Party Assignment Request
Generate U.S. Manufacturing Waiver Request Form



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