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National Impact

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With our partners, we are developing faster and less expensive ways of turning laboratory discoveries into new diagnostic tests and treatments for cancer and AIDS.

Type of work ranges from basic research, translational research, technology development and research support, and clincial/pre-clinical development. Read about some of our success stories below.

View our National Impact gallery.


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Thank you for your interest in doing business with the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research (FNLCR).

FNLCR is a Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) operated by SAIC-Frederick, Inc. under prime contract with the National Cancer Institute.

Extensive business opportunities exist for providing an array of vital goods and services in support of the operational, technical and research efforts required at the FFRDC.

View our contracting opportunities.


child and helper with science project

The Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research and its prime contractor, SAIC-Frederick, Inc., are actively involved in nurturing the community in which their employees live and work. The campus supports a wide cross section of nonprofit organizations and charities. Frederick National Lab sponsors a series of educational programs from grade school through graduate school.

Read more about how we support our mission in the areas of business, health and more.


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Any successful project requires planning, development, implementation, and follow-through. Obtaining NIH funding for your research idea is no exception.

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Who are we?

The Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research is a Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) operated by SAIC-Frederick, Inc. for the National Cancer Institute (NCI), part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). The lab provides quick response capabilities and meets special long-term research and development needs for NCI that cannot be met as effectively by existing in-house or contractor resources. The FFRDC also supports other institutes of NIH and wide range of research collaborations and partnerships with third parties, consistent with NCI's mission.

The Frederick National Lab is headquartered on the NCI Campus at Frederick, which is located within the perimeter of Fort Detrick in Frederick, Md., 50 miles north of Washington, D.C. View our organization page for information on other NCI operations in Frederick.

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