Anticipate and plan for times when you may be tempted to smoke


Quitting is hard! During the first few weeks you may:

  • Feel a little depressed
  • Not be able to sleep
  • Get cranky, frustrated, or mad
  • Feel anxious, nervous, or restless
  • Have trouble thinking clearly

These feelings are normal and—more importantly—they are only temporary. Most people who start smoking again do it to stop these uncomfortable feelings quickly. That doesn’t have to be you! Anticipating and planning ahead will make it easier for you to stay smokefree. START with this:


  • Know your triggers – Certain people, places, things, or situations can make you want to smoke. Avoid the temptation by avoiding them
  • Prepare for cravings – Cravings only last a few minutes, so come up with a list of things you could do instead of smoking when a craving hits; try quick and easy 10-minute distractions
  • Plan for withdrawal – Withdrawal is your body adjusting to not having nicotine; not everyone has symptoms of withdrawal, but if you do, it helps to know what’s happening