Planning for Restoration with Public Input

Restoring a wetland in Louisiana.

Restoring a wetland in Louisiana.

A Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement, or PEIS, will serve as the core planning document for restoration associated with the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The purpose of the PEIS is to provide an analysis of potential environmental effects associated with the implementation of proposed types of restoration. To maximize efficiency and reduce the time needed for restoration planning, we are combining restoration planning with the analysis of legal requirements under a PEIS.

The responsible agencies want to begin the process of restoring your resources as soon as possible. Given the scope of resources affected across five states – and the Gulf itself – and the need to consider different types of restoration to offset those potential impacts, restoration planning must be done comprehensively and include public input up front.

A PEIS can also help focus complex restoration needs across the region to help generate more effective restoration projects, and expedite future project implementation.

See what the PEIS process will look like and where you can get involved.