Tuesday, July 13, 2010

TSA Blog to Write Several Posts as Part of a DoD Live Blog Series

I've agreed to write a series of blog posts aimed at members of our armed forces over at DoD Live. Now that I think of it, maybe “aim” wasn’t the best choice of words when talking about soldiers. I’m a vet, so maybe they’ll cut me some slack.

Anyways, I’ll be writing several posts for DoD live and the first one was just posted on their “Armed With Science” blog for the Tech Tuesday series. Armed with Science highlights the importance of science and technology to military operations and celebrates those involved in cutting-edge research, development, and education.

The post talks about the various types of technology we use at our checkpoints. Future posts will address things that members of our military might have an interest in reading. As a former soldier, it gives me great pleasure to be able to write some blog posts directed at a military audience. Maybe I’ll reconnect with some old Army buddies?

Fighting Terrorism with Technology is the first post of the series. I’ll announce future posts here as they go live. Make sure to check out the other great posts at DoD Live.

Blogger Bob
TSA Blog Team