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Sequencing Facility (SF)

Providing high-throughput sequencing technologies to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms, insertions and deletions, and copy number or structural variations

Laboratory Overview

The introduction of DNA sequencing instruments capable of producing millions of DNA sequence reads in a single run has profoundly altered the landscape of genetics and cancer biology. Complex questions can now be answered at previously unthinkable speeds and a fraction of their former cost. At the Sequencing Facility, NCI researchers are provided access to the latest technologies, with consultation and Q&A services available throughout the design and execution of sequencing projects. Please click here for more detailed information on sequencing applications and supported projects.

Our lab currently employs the following sequencing platforms:


Illumina Sequencing Platforms

  • Sequencing utilizes reversible terminator chemistry optimized to achieve high levels of cost effectiveness and throughput (Detailed description)
  • Millions of reads produced per sample lane at 36bp and 101bp read lengths
  • Support for the multiplexing of bar-coded samples into a single lane
  • Available resources include two HiSeq 2000 and two GA IIx sequencers

PacBio RS Sequencing

  • Sequencing via single molecule real-time (SMRT) technology allows rapid identification of long nucleotide chains (Detailed description)
  • Read lengths averaging 1,800bp per molecule facilitate genome assembly and mapping of repetitive regions
  • Minimizes machine turnaround time and provides flexibility in experimental and run design
  • As a selected member of the Limited Pre-Release program, installation of the PacBio RS prior to commercial release has made the Sequencing Facility a unique source of this new technology

More information on the sequencing services offered at SF can be found on the Services page. For supplemental reading materials and forms needed to submit your project, please go to Protocols and Resources.

Page last updated January 22, 2013 @ 8:00 am