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NEHEP Programs

¡Ojo con su visión!

¡Ojo con su visión!
Messages for Social Media

Use these messages in your social media outlets to help increase awareness about eye diseases and how Hispanics/Latinos can protect their sight.

Facebook [Spanish]

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  1. Una de las mejores cosas que puede hacer para asegurarse de que su visión sea la mejor posible y de que sus ojos se mantengan sanos es hacerse un examen completo de los ojos con dilatación de las pupilas. Aprenda más sobre este examen importante aquí:

    Having a comprehensive dilated eye exam is one of the best things you can do to make sure that you're seeing the best you can and that you're keeping your eyes healthy. Learn more about this important exam here:
  2. Sus ojos son una parte importante de su salud. Hay muchas cosas que usted puede hacer para mantenerlos sanos y asegurarse de que está viendo lo mejor posible. Lea estos consejos para mantener sus ojos sanos y su visión lo mejor posible:

    Your eyes are an important part of your health. There are many things you can do to keep them healthy and make sure you are seeing your best. Read these tips for keeping your eyes healthy and your vision at its best:
  3. ¿Alguna vez ha tenido curiosidad de las partes del ojo que nos ayudan a crear la visión? Para aprender como es que vemos, visite nuestra página web:

    Have you ever wondered how the different parts of the eye help create vision? To learn how we see, visit our web page:
  4. Actualmente el glaucoma afecta a más de 2 millones de personas en toda la Nación y es una de las principales causas de ceguera entre los hispanos/latinos. Para aprender más sobre el glaucoma y como prevenirlo, visite

    Currently, glaucoma affects more than 2 million people across the Nation and it is one of the leading causes of blindness among Hispanics/Latinos. To learn more about glaucoma and how to prevent vision loss from it, visit
  5. Nuestros abuelitos cuidaron de nosotros. Ahora es tiempo de cuidarlos a ellos y ayudarlos a ver mejor. Aprenda cómo ayudarlos a superar la baja visión visitando:

    [Our grandparents took care of us. Now it's time for us to take care of them and help maximize their vision. Learn how to help them overcome low vision by visiting]
  6. ¿Ha escuchado el término "baja visión"? Para obtener información es español, visite:

    Have you heard the term low vision? For more information in Spanish, visit:
  7. ¿Se le hace difícil reconocer la cara de sus amigos o familiares? ¿Las tareas diarias son más difíciles de hacer? Aprenda sobre la baja visión y cómo puede afectar su vista visitando:

    Are you having trouble recognizing the faces of relatives or friends? Are you having trouble getting your daily chores done? Learn about low vision and how it can affect your sight by visiting

Facebook [English]

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  1. It's an eye health fiesta! Celebrations year round can help you reach Hispanics/Latinos with eye health information. Check out our Celebrations page for ideas:
  2. Did you know Hispanics/Latinos have some of the highest rates of visual impairment and blindness? Eye disease frequently goes undetected in Hispanics/Latinos. Find resources to help raise awareness about eye health among Hispanics/Latinos at
  3. Eye health education materials are available "en español" directly from the National Eye Health Education Program. Order yours today!
  4. The Diabetes and Healthy Eyes Toolkit helps community health workers inform people with diabetes and their loved ones about diabetic eye disease and maintaining healthy vision. Learn more or download the Toolkit in English or Spanish at
  5. Did you know that although early detection and treatment can prevent vision loss from glaucoma, most cases of glaucoma in the Hispanic/Latino population go undiagnosed? Learn more about glaucoma at
  6. Hispanics/Latinos with diabetes at higher risk of losing vision or going blind from diabetic eye disease. But, vision loss can be prevented when it is detected and treated early. Learn more at
  7. Studies show Hispanics/Latinos in the United States have high rates of eye disease and visual impairment, and many are unaware they have an eye disease. The @National Eye Health Education Program has Spanish-language materials to help you promote eye health. Order materials at
  8. We need to take care of our "abuelitos." If someone you love has low vision, learn about the resources available to help them maximize their vision at

Department of Health and Human Services NIH, the National Institutes of Health