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Try all the Smokefree Women quizzes...
Nicotine Addiction
Secondhand Smoke

Weight Quiz

Many women worry about gaining weight as a result of quitting smoking. Getting the facts about weight and smoking can help you know what to expect. Take the quiz to find out how much you already know about this topic and learn how to maintain a healthy lifestyle as you quit smoking. Be sure to visit the Weight Management section for more useful information and tips.

1. When you quit smoking, you can expect to gain at least 15-20 pounds.

2. Quitting smoking can lead to cravings for foods that have lots of fat and sugar.

3. Because putting on weight from quitting smoking is very bad for my health, it’s better for me to just keep smoking.

4. Smoking is good for weight control.

5. Most weight gain happens within the first 6 months of quitting smoking.

6. Alcohol can cause extra weight gain.

7. Low levels of physical activity are common in both smokers and ex-smokers.

8. It’s impossible to fit exercise into my daily routine.

9. Smoking increases the number of calories your body uses.

10. "Oral gratification" refers to the feeling to need to have something in my mouth.

11. The more cigarettes a person smokes each day, the less weight they are likely to gain after quitting.


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