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Sisters Together Program Guide

Move More, Eat Better
Help your community take steps toward better health


Sisters Together: Move More, Eat Better is a health awareness program that encourages Black women 18 years and older to maintain a healthy weight by being more physically active and eating nutritious foods. It is a project of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health, through the Weight-control Information Network (WIN). Sisters Together programs are run locally by dedicated individuals or groups—anyone who sees a need in his or her community and wants to help can start a Sisters Together program. This guide and the resources in the “Additional Materials” section can help you create a health awareness program for Black women in your community that encourages them to be physically active and make healthier food selections. The materials are based on the Sisters Together: Move More, Eat Better pilot program that took place in Boston from 1994 to 1998. The “Additional Materials” section contains useful resources such as:

• CD
• fact sheet
• feedback form
• flyer
• letterhead
• news release
• radio public service announcements (PSAs)
• reproducible logos
• walking group sign-up form



Overweight and obesity are significant health problems for the Black community, with recent Government statistics indicating that 77 percent of U.S. Black women age 20 and older are overweight, and nearly 50 percent of Black women are classified as obese. Research indicates that extra pounds place unnecessary strain on the body and contribute to a host of medical problems such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes, stroke, coronary heart disease, and certain types of cancer.

Research involving Black women has revealed that various physical and cultural factors are potential barriers to healthy eating and being physically active. In order to help them make healthier lifestyle choices, it is important to identify and address these factors with effective health promotion programs.

This guide is designed to help you create a health awareness effort in your community that encourages Black women to become physically active and make healthier food selections. Anyone can make positive changes. Whether you are a health professional, business owner, cosmetologist, student, retired person, or homemaker, you can start a Sisters Together program. By following the steps in this guide and supplementing your program with our culturally relevant, age-appropriate Sisters Together publications, you can help your community become healthier and well informed.


Program Beginnings


The Sisters Together pilot program was developed by WIN in partnership with the Boston Obesity Nutrition Research Center, which included representatives from the New England Medical Center, the Harvard School of Public Health, and the Tufts University School of Nutrition Science and Policy. A community nutritionist, a media specialist, and an educator also contributed to the development of the program. The following considerations factored into program development:

Objective: The Sisters Together program began as a campaign to increase physical activity and healthful eating among young Black women in three Boston communities—Dorchester, Mattapan, and Roxbury.

Audience: The audience for the Sisters Together pilot program was Black women age 18 to 35. The program’s founders hoped that this group would share the health messages from Sisters Together with their friends and families.

Theme: The overall theme for the pilot program—Sisters Together: Move More, Eat Better—was developed with input from Black women who were interviewed in focus groups. During these meetings, obesity experts, community nutritionists, and health center staff tried to gauge the audience’s knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to diet and physical activity.

Design: The design for Sisters Together combines social marketing with community-building efforts. The pilot program’s design was comprised of five phases: design, promotion, demonstration, transfer, and sustained activity.

Health Communication Strategy: To effectively attract the attention of Black women and inform them about the importance of a healthy lifestyle, the Sisters Together pilot program conducted focus groups and interviews with Black women. Sisters Together then developed partnerships with local media, health centers, recreation centers, and other community organizations. For a summary of the focus group findings, see “Focus group data pertinent to the prevention of obesity in African Americans” in the American Journal of Medical Sciences, 2001 Nov; 322(5): 286-9.


Using This Guide

If you are interested in starting a Sisters Together program in your community, this guide is for you. It outlines six steps to help you plan your program, providing practical examples of various Sisters Together activities held nationally and locally.

The six steps are:

1. Getting Started
2. Identifying Community Resources
3. Setting Your Objectives
4. Working With the Media
5. Planning Activities
6. Measuring Your Success

In addition to using this guide, you may contact WIN for assistance at any time during your program’s development or implementation. Our contact information is located at the end of this guide.


Creating Your Program


Step 1: Getting Started





In the pilot program, focus group discussions among Black women confirmed that they are more accepting of higher weight and are generally satisfied with their bodies. These discussions also revealed a need for healthy food preparation skills and markets that provide high quality food, especially fresh and frozen produce. Obtaining this information early on allowed the program coordinators to tailor the activities and events to meet the needs of the participants.



Gathering Background Information
The primary audience for Sisters Together programs is Black women age 18 and older, but you may tailor your program based on your community’s needs. For example, the pilot program’s intended audience was Black women age 18 through 35. However, you may find that mature Black women in your community would benefit the most from the kind of information and activities Sisters Together provides. This program is flexible enough to target Black women of all ages, communities, and demographics.

Research indicates that a community’s lack of access to healthy foods and places to exercise may be interwoven with other health, social, and economic issues. When you develop your program’s core messages and activities, consider how the community as a whole may affect peoples’ health-related attitudes and choices. Then, determine the area(s) of greatest need. The following questions may help you gather relevant information:

  • What are the attitudes, perceptions, beliefs, and overall knowledge of Black women in the community regarding nutrition and physical activity?
  • What do Black women in the community already know about overweight, obesity, and their health risks?
  • What types of health services and information are available in the community?
  • What opportunities for physical activity do Black women have in the community?
  • Where can Black women find healthy foods in the community?
  • Who are the respected leaders in the community?
  • What is the sociodemographic makeup of the community?

Sociodemographic Information
Basic sociodemographic information will help you learn more about the audience you intend to help. This information may include age, gender, income level, race, ethnicity, language, educational level, occupation, place of residence, family structure, and lifestyle data. This information is actually easy to find. For help accessing this type of information, try contacting the U.S. Census Bureau (, local colleges and universities, or government offices such as the state and local departments of health, education, social services, and recreation.

Community Input
It is also important to gather information from a representative sample of community residents about their physical activity- and nutrition-related behaviors, knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs. This information can be collected through personal interviews, focus groups, telephone surveys, hand-delivered questionnaires, or mail questionnaires; by hosting informal meetings in local salons, churches, and other neighborhood locations; and by attending meetings of other neighborhood organizations.

When designing a Sisters Together program in your community, ask yourself the following questions: Does your community already have nutrition- and physical activity-related programs in place? What type of program would achieve the highest rates of participation in your community? For example, would a church-based, neighborhood-based, or community center-based program be most effective? Determining what resources are available to you and setting your program objectives will help shape your plan.

Community leaders can be a valuable resource in learning more about your community. Contact leaders who are trusted and well respected and ask for their input on the best ways to reach your audience. In addition, community leaders will help spread the word about your program and help you locate additional resources. Black health care providers, religious leaders, and business owners may also be able to provide helpful feedback.

Once you have a clear understanding of your community’s needs, you can begin focusing your efforts. You can use the sociodemographic information, community input, and community leaders’ feedback to determine the best venue for your program. For example, you may decide to base your program in a community center, church, or neighborhood.

Community Center
A community center can be a great resource when starting a Sisters Together program. Community center-based programs are usually created when there is a great need for information in the community and when the initiative is estimated to draw a steady following. Recreation centers, such as the YWCA or the YMCA, will often lend you their space for group meetings or exercise classes. It is important to become familiar with community organizations and public programs providing food assistance and nutrition education, such as the Women, Infants, and Children Program (WIC), Head Start, and the Food Stamp Program. Check out local sororities, community health centers, and social services to learn about the services they provide. These groups may serve as valuable resources when you start your community center-based program.

Partnering with churches can be one of the most effective ways to increase health awareness in Black communities, since it is a well-established tradition for many Black churches to support community service. Before beginning the program, it is important to get the pastor’s or church leader’s support. It is also important to establish trust, credibility, and open communication with church members. You can do this by requesting an informational meeting or gathering with church members, becoming active in church events, or volunteering in community programs hosted by the church. Find out if the church has a health or wellness ministry in place. You may be able to contact the director of the ministry for ways to collaborate, such as participating in health fairs, using space in the church for meetings, recruiting during church announcements, or getting in touch with other ministries.

Is there a need in your immediate neighborhood for a Sisters Together program? If so, you may find that starting a neighborhood-based program is the best option for you. Neighborhood-based programs can be more personalized and usually do not require many resources to get started. Find out if there is a local school with a track that you could use for walking groups and other exercise events. Try holding your Sisters Together meetings and events in places such as laundromats, day care centers, health centers, markets, restaurants, gyms, dance studios, parks, and playgrounds. You could also alternate hosting Sisters Together events in your home and in the homes of other participants.


Step 2: Identifying Community Resources


National Example
To spread the word about
Sisters Together across the nation, Sisters Together conducted a holiday radio promotion in 10 cities with sizable Black radio stations.


Success Story
Local Partnership

The Greensboro, NC, YWCA partnered with physicians from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro for their 12-week
Sisters Together walking program. Participants underwent pre- and post-walk body weight assessments and attended educational seminars on diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, healthy food choices, and general nutrition.


Success Story
National Partnership

In October 2001,
Sisters Together successfully kicked off its National Walk and Health Fair with the help of several key partnerships. Over 300 women and their families participated in a 1.8 mile walk around the historic U Street corridor in Washington, DC. Nationally known fitness expert Donna Richardson led the participants through a warm-up, the walk, and a post-walk cool-down. Partners such as the Kennedy Center and the athletic women’s apparel company Moving Comfort provided giveaways and door prizes for the event. Local hair salons, food markets, and the police department also donated their time and services to the kickoff.



Partnering with individuals and groups in your community is a great way to increase participation and exposure, as well as to encourage members to take ownership. Partners can help ensure success by adding insight, resources, and volunteers to your Sisters Together events. To find out what others are doing in your community to promote healthy eating and physical activity, take note of posters, advertisements, and PSAs that convey healthy messages. Along with other organizations and individuals already identified in this guide, potential partners could include:

  • local and national businesses and corporations (for sponsorship opportunities or incentive donations such as water bottles, visors, gift certificates, coupons, or nonperishable food items)
  • food markets/supermarkets
  • media outlets (such as television and radio stations, daily newspapers, and local and national magazines)
  • retail stores
  • neighborhood associations and housing authorities
  • libraries
  • bookstores and newsstands

Begin by creating a list of individuals and organizations with the most potential for support or involvement in your program.
Choose individuals and groups that:

  • Use messages that are similar to those of the Sisters Together program.
  • Address women’s issues and concerns.
  • Have access to and credibility with Black women in your community.
  • Are interested in and committed to improving the health of Black women.
  • Can make a significant contribution.

Once you have prioritized the individuals or groups you would like to approach, determine how you would like them to support your Sisters Together program. Match your program needs with their interests and develop a list of key selling points that clearly describe “what is in it for them.” It may be helpful and less intimidating to make the initial contact through a personal friend or acquaintance. Contacting organizations with which you already have an existing relationship gives you a chance to rehearse your pitch. Also, having partners who are already on board can lend credibility to your cause when you approach new organizations. The following steps may help you enlist a partner:

  • Write or call your contact and explain that you would like to discuss a potential partnership opportunity that might be of interest to them. Describe the goals and potential benefits of your program. Request a meeting to discuss the possibility further.
  • Have a “pitch” or notes ready when you approach potential partners. You can start your conversation with information about the health benefits of healthy eating and regular physical activity, and the health risks of being overweight and inactive.
  • Give them a copy of the fact sheet included in this guide for information about the program. You can also use the Sisters Together letterhead for the letters you send.
  • Suggest specific short-term activities in which they may serve as a partner. Make sure the roles are realistic and consistent with the organization’s resources.
  • Be prepared to offer something in return, such as credit lines on materials, visibility for their logo, media attention, or awards.
  • Ask for a commitment, but be aware that that they will probably need time to review your request.
  • Follow up immediately after your meeting with a thank-you letter that reiterates your interest in establishing a partnership. Encourage them to contact you if they have questions.
  • Once you have solidified your partnership, try to identify one person with whom you will communicate.
  • Create a memorandum of understanding (MOU). The MOU should highlight the short- and long-term elements of your partnership. It should be reviewed and updated at least once a year.
  • Update your partners regularly and use their feedback to refine your program. Their advice can help you attract new members and determine where to promote your events.
  • Do not forget to say thank you with letters, certificates, or public recognition of the individual’s or group’s contribution.



Step 3: Setting Your Objectives


Having a few well-defined objectives will keep your Sisters Together program messages simple and easy to convey, which can improve the effect you have on your community. Try to select realistic goals. For example, the objectives of the national kickoff were:

  • To encourage the development of Sisters Together programs.
  • To continue to increase awareness of the benefits of healthy eating and increased physical activity.
  • To continue to provide Black women with information that would help them eat healthier and become more physically active.

You can use these objectives as a guide and change them to meet your community’s needs. For example, if another group in your community is already involved in promoting physical activity, you could focus on increasing awareness about the benefits of healthy eating or collaborate with this group.


Step 4: Working With the Media










National Example
Essence magazine helped spread the word about Sisters Together by mentioning the national kickoff in its calendar of events and by publishing the Sisters Together toll-free number and website link in an article concerning weight control.







National Media Placement
Sisters Together national kickoff in Washington, DC, received local coverage from radio stations, cable TV news blasts, public transit advertisements, and local newspaper articles. Sisters Together also received national exposure through articles in Essence, Heart and Soul, and O magazines.


An effective way to promote your Sisters Together program may be to use media sources that Black women rely on for their daily news and entertainment. If you do not already have a list of newspapers, local city magazines, and television and radio stations that reach Black women, the following tips can help you create one:

  • Determine if an up-to-date media list for your local area already exists.
  • Check with community partners and members to see if they have a list of influential personalities, reporters, stations, and print media they will share with you. Make sure the list is less than 6 months old.
  • If you do not have access to an existing list, begin by looking in your local phone book for media organizations or borrowing a “Media Yellow Book” from your local library.
  • It will be helpful to create a list that includes the name, title, telephone and fax numbers, and street and email addresses of reporters who cover health and wellness issues so you can send materials directly to them. Reporters who cover general community news are also useful contacts.
  • You may wish to include information about deadlines and the best method and time for contacting reporters.
  • Research the media organizations on your list. Focus on media outlets that reach Black women first, and then branch out to various general interest outlets.
  • Send a steady stream of news and information about Sisters Together and ask them to cover a special event, such as a walk or food festival. This not only helps reinforce the visibility of your program, but also raises awareness about issues that the program addresses. 

When you send materials to the people on your media list, remember to:

  • Allow several days for the materials to arrive.
  • Make a follow-up phone call to the contacts to make sure they have received the materials, to answer any questions, and to restate the value of the program.
  • Send a note of thanks for every story that appears.

Whenever possible, deliver your materials personally or arrange a face-to-face meeting. Emphasize the importance of encouraging Black women to improve their health by becoming physically active and eating healthier. Explain that Black women who are overweight are at risk of developing diabetes and coronary heart disease. In addition, mention all the community partners involved in Sisters Together to let the media know how widespread your program is. Be sure to leave your card or name and telephone number.
Finally, be sure to track media coverage and do not forget to let your media contacts know about your Sisters Together program’s successes. Media is a great promotional tool. By getting the word out about successful events, you may be able to make new community partners as well as further promote Sisters Together messages.

News releases and media advisories are common publicity tools you can use to promote your Sisters Together activities and messages. The media is interested in reporting new information, so present your information in a timely and interesting way, or try linking your story with one that is already receiving wide coverage. Focus on your program’s activities and use the letterhead samples and logo included in this guide to make your news releases look professional—media organizations receive many submissions each week, so it is important to make your advisory eye-catching. Send advisories 3 to 4 days before your event and send a news release the day your activities begin. Make follow-up calls to see if reporters need more information and encourage them to attend. A sample news release can be found in the “Additional Materials” section of this guide.

A PSA is a great way to promote your Sisters Together messages along with your program’s related activities and events. PSAs are noncommercial advertisements that educate the public about a specific issue or cause. Broadcast PSAs are often aired free of charge in 10-, 15-, 30-, or 60-second lengths. You may want to find a sponsor to cover the costs of producing PSAs. “Radio readers”—scripts that disc jockeys read live on air or record for broadcast—are also inexpensive and equally effective tools. Be sure to include a “pitch memo” when sending your PSAs. Sample PSAs can be found in the “Additional Materials” section of this guide.

Because media outlets place these announcements free of charge, it is difficult to control when or where your PSAs will run. If your program can afford paid advertising, you may want to explore this strategy.

Fact sheets and flyers are effective ways to promote your Sisters Together program. They are also easy to create. Your fact sheet might include these three components:

  1. Explanation of the purpose and audience of Sisters Together.
  2. Description of your Sisters Together program’s activities.
  3. Information on how readers can find out more about your program.

You can create your own flyers and post them on bulletin boards throughout your community. You can also distribute them through partner organizations and at meetings. A sample fact sheet and flyer are included in this guide.

A media kit will provide your media contacts with information about your Sisters Together program as well as any activities you have planned. This information may encourage media outlets to promote your events.

What to Consider Including in Your Media Kit

  • Sisters Together fact sheet (two-page maximum)*
  • Biographical sketch of program leader(s)
  • Current news release*
  • PSA (if distributed to radio/television)*
  • Black-and-white photographs of your Sisters Together events or members
  • Sisters Together brochures*
  • List of upcoming program activities
  • Contact name and number

*Samples of these items are included in this guide.

You do not need elaborate packaging for your media kit. You can place the items in a double-pocket folder and customize it with the Sisters Together logo included in this guide, or you can create your own logo. Make sure you include a place for your contact information. Reproducible Sisters Together logos can be found in the “Additional Materials” section of this guide.

You should make your kit available at all Sisters Together events receiving media coverage. You should also distribute the kit with PSAs to television and radio stations in advance of on-air presentations. Do not forget to update the kit yearly or whenever major changes occur in your Sisters Together program.

Once you begin contacting the media, some organizations may request interviews. Interviews offer you an opportunity to talk about your activities and promote participation. The following tips will help you in the interview process:

  • Prepare thoroughly for an interview.
  • Organize key message points and practice answering questions using the materials that you prepared for your media kit.
  • Be prepared to make simple, direct, easy-to-understand statements. Get back to interviewers promptly with any promised information.
  • Send a note thanking the media outlet for the opportunity to talk about the Sisters Together program.

If your Sisters Together program has developed a positive relationship with a media organization, you might want to consider broadening it into a media partnership. Media partners can offer high levels of exposure and increase interest in your program. There are many ways you can include national and local television, radio, newspaper, and magazine outlets in your program. Consider pitching one of the following ideas:

Spokespersons: A television or radio station might provide a media personality to participate in your events.

Community Activities: A media outlet might sponsor your event by offering free publicity, its own information booth, or setting up a “live remote” or report from the event.

You can use the following media to publicize your program:

Television and Radio Stations

  • national and local news and talk shows
  • broadcast editorials
  • call-in shows
  • public affairs and health programs
  • public access cable TV

National and Local Newspapers (Weekly and Daily)

  • feature articles
  • health sections and supplements
  • food sections
  • editorials
  • print ads
  • partners’ ads—try to place the Sisters Together message and logo or event announcement in your partners’ ads (such as a grocery store ad)
  • calendar of events
  • public affairs listings

National and Local or Regional Magazines

  • regular columns or features
  • partners’ ads (see above)


Step 5: Planning Activities






Local Publicity Story
“The community health planner at the Lexington-Fayette County (Kentucky) Health Department contacted the columnist for the Lexington Herald-Leader about a
Sisters Together: Move More, Eat Better health conference being sponsored at a local church. Over 200 women attended various workshops on topics such as obesity and diabetes and enjoyed a nutritious lunch designed by a dietitian.” – Mark Johnson, Lexington County Health Department


Activities and events can generate interest and increase awareness for your Sisters Together program. They can also establish an identity and reinforce program messages, so you should plan activities that support your program’s objectives. For example, a wellness walk would fit within your program goals better than hosting a bake sale.

When planning activities, choose events that:

  • Address the current needs and interests of the Black women in your community.
  • Fit in with your program objectives—to increase awareness of the benefits of healthy eating and increased physical activity, and to provide information that can lead to healthy lifestyle changes.
  • Tie in your partners’ activities and meet with their approval.
  • Do not require more time and resources than you and your partners are willing or able to contribute.

To make sure that your Sisters Together program activities meet the needs of your community and are well received, try using the following suggestions from focus groups and research:

  • Research has found that Black women are not physically active because they are not familiar with practical, convenient, and enjoyable forms of exercise that could be performed routinely. You can form walking groups and dance classes using the information included in this guide.
  • Research has found that Black women are more likely to respond to programs that encourage physical activity versus exercise and that focus on short-term outcomes. Black women who participated in focus groups associated healthy eating and increased physical activity with benefits such as having more energy, relieving stress, feeling better about themselves, living longer, and looking good. You may want to stress these benefits in your program messages and materials. The Sisters Together publications featured on the CD highlight these benefits.
  • Research has found that Black women recognize the importance of limiting the fat, cholesterol, sodium, and sugar in their diets, but need information on how to do this without sacrificing the flavor of their meals. To give women “how to” information, you can hold cooking demonstrations and give out healthy recipes to women in your community. Check with the outpatient dietitian in your local hospital to see if he or she will conduct a cooking demonstration or if he or she has healthy recipes that you can distribute to your Sisters Together program participants.

People love souvenirs, so consider creating Sisters Together giveaway items for your program participants and sponsors. Promotional items can help spark interest in your program and give it exposure. Some popular giveaway items include refrigerator magnets, T-shirts, key chains, and water bottles. If your program has an exhibit booth, a poster or banner can provide added visibility as well as make your booth easy to find. Consider creating a portable poster or banner to display at all of your Sisters Together program events. Try to keep participants and partners updated on your Sisters Together program. If you keep a list of the names and addresses of everyone who has attended your events, you can send them a postcard or newsletter to update them on future activities. An easy way to build up your mailing list is to bring a sign-up sheet to all of your events.

A great way to create excitement for your Sisters Together program is to hold a kickoff event. You can work with your partners to plan an event that will increase awareness of your Sisters Together program and its messages among the Black women in your community. Some successful Sisters Together events have included the creation of walking groups, dance classes, aerobics classes, and cooking demonstrations, as well as the creation of a fitness calendar.

You can promote your kickoff event by:

  1. Distributing flyers throughout your community.
  2. Hanging posters in local stores, community centers, libraries, and schools.
  3. Inviting the media.
  4. Participating in other local festivals and special events. Other venues can be great places to distribute your Sisters Together materials and create buzz about your pending event.


Step 6: Measuring Your Success



Success Story
Local Kickoff

In Kentucky, the Lexington-Fayette County Health Department’s
Sisters Together program was launched on September 25, 2005 at the “Body and Soul Fest” health fair, during Lexington’s “Roots & Heritage Festival.” Women attended seminars on nutritional cooking and eating and received church fans imprinted with information about free or inexpensive walking and exercise classes in the Lexington area. This Sisters Together initiative received media coverage in the Lexington Herald-Leader twice in 2005. The program’s organizers are planning to create walking clubs.


Evaluating your program will allow you to identify minor problems and make adjustments before major ones develop. Program evaluation can help you find more effective ways to publicize your Sisters Together activities, identify materials that best serve your community, repeat successful activities, and eliminate activities that were not well received.

Assessing whether you are meeting your objectives will help keep your Sisters Together program on track. For example, the Sisters Together national kickoff conducted talks with participants to determine:

  • Whether the women who attended found the Sisters Together materials and demonstrations useful.
  • The number of participants who enjoyed the event.
  • Whether the women would attend similar events in the future.
  • What changes they would make to future events.

Other ways you can measure the success of your program include estimating how many participants you have, the attendance at your events, and the number of Sisters Together publications you distribute.

It is helpful to track participation at your Sisters Together events. This tells you how appealing your events were to the members of your community, and can help you decide whether to hold similar activities in the future.

The following questions can help you measure the success of your Sisters Together events:

  • How many women attend your events?
  • How many walking groups are set up?
  • How many people stop by your exhibit at other organizations’ festivals?
  • How many Sisters Together publications you have distributed?
  • Is participation increasing or decreasing?

A feedback form is a great way to find out what participants thought of your Sisters Together program events. You can use the information you gather to plan future activities. It is best to keep feedback forms simple and to the point, so try to include only multiple choice questions. A bounce-back card that participants can detach and return to you with comments is another great way to solicit participant feedback. A sample feedback form is included in this guide.

Monitoring the distribution of your materials is also important. Keeping track of when, where, and how much you distribute will help you plan future Sisters Together events. For example, if you gave away all of your flyers at a weekend event and only a few at a weekday event, that might tell you that weekends are a better time to distribute materials. If you have your own Sisters Together phone number, it is also a good idea to record how many calls were received, and what type of information and materials were sent out in response to those calls.

Your partners can provide valuable feedback on your Sisters Together program. Ask for their comments on your program, events, and activities, and inquire about their involvement in the program. Some questions you may want to ask your partners include:

  • What is working well?
  • Which areas need to be improved?
  • How can improvements be made?
  • What are you willing to do next?

You may find that you need to revise your objectives after you have launched your Sisters Together program. The needs of your community may change over time, and part of having a successful program is being able to adjust and respond to your community’s needs.

Finally, it is important to share your program’s successes with your partners, the community, and other relevant parties. Writing and speaking about your program’s achievements is a good way to make your partners, Black women, and potential participants aware of Sisters Together and its messages. Highlighting your accomplishments further promotes better health for Black women.


Additional Materials


The materials included in this section are (.pdf) samples. They are intended as guides for you to use when creating items for your own Sisters Together program. Each sample is also available in modifiable form on the CD included with this program guide.

The following materials are not mentioned in the program guide, but may be useful to your Sisters Together program.



Weight-control Information Network

1 WIN Way
Bethesda, MD 20892–3665
Phone: (202) 828–1025
Toll-free number: 1–877–946–4627
Fax: (202) 828–1028


National Institutes of Health

NIH Publication No. 07-3329
May 1999
Updated May 2007

To contact WIN, call toll free 1–877–946–4627; fax: 202–828–1028; email:;
or write Weight-control Information Network, 1 WIN Way, Bethesda, MD 20892–3665.

Last Modified: April 7, 2010

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