Los Alamos National Laboratory

Science >  LANL Institutes >  Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics

National Security Education Center


Expanding the Frontiers of Astrophysical, Space, Earth, & Climate Sciences & Their Signatures

The Institute of Geophysics, Planetary Physics, and Signatures at Los Alamos National Laboratory is committed to promoting and supporting high quality, cutting-edge science in the areas of astrophysics, space physics, solid planetary geoscience, and climate science. These subject areas are selected based on their breadth of scientific challenges facing the international scientific community, as well as relevance to the strategic objective to extend Laboratory scientific excellence.

IGPPS/LANL makes a special effort to promote and support new research ideas, which can be further developed through seed funding into major programs supported by federal or other funding sources. IGPPS also supports feasibility studies, in order to assess the potential for seed projects to rapidly advance to new capabilities and program growth.

Have you noticed?  We’ve added an “S” to the logo.  This is to emphasize our interest in understanding which signatures may best be exploited for collecting data relevant to advancing our understanding of Geoscience, Planetary Physics, Astrophysics, and Global Climate.

IGPPS Partnerships


Collaborations between Los Alamos National Laboratory and university scientists is an effective way to promote creativity and extend science beyond today’s understanding.  As part of our strategy to encourage university collaborations, we strongly encourage participation of students and/or post docs, who in turn spend part of their reserach experience working with the Los Alamos scientific staff.


IGPPS is also committed to:

  • Developing long-term collaborative relationships with university faculty and departments that extend beyond the lifetime of any given project;
  • Establishing relationships with students working IGPPS-relevant research areas and assisting in identifying career opprtunities for IGPPS-supported students at Los Alamos National Laboratory;
  • Supporting educational programs on topics relevant to IGPPS and desired by Los Alamos National Laboratory programs, particularly in subject areas where there are gaps and inadequacies in existing university curricula.
Los Alamos Research Park

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Advisory Board 2012
External Committee

Richard Aster - Chair
New Mexico Tech

George Fuller
UC San Diego

Brian McPherson
University of Utah

Mike Liemohn
University of Michigan

Greg Taylor
University of New Mexico

Carol Anne Clayson
Woods Hole

Dave Gutzler
University of New Mexico

Katrin Heitmann
Argonne National Laboratory

Donald "Don" Wuebbles
University of Illinois

Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA
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