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Ambassador Kirk "talks up 'smart trade' in D.C."

02/04/2010 - 3:04pm

Ambassador Kirk attended the Texas State Society breakfast this week to talk about "smart and balanced" trade policy. While at the breakfast, Ambassador Kirk spent some time talking to the Dallas Morning News about the potential for American businesses to increase exports overseas. Read excerpts from the article below and the full article here.

... The former Dallas mayor, on the job for about nine months as U.S. trade representative, took an hour Wednesday with 50 or so members of the Texas State Society, a club for expatriates in Washington that Kirk first took part in when he was a young aide to Sen. Lloyd Bentsen.

...President Barack Obama's State of the Union speech last week included a fresh emphasis on U.S. exports and a renewed push to complete long-stalled trade deals with South Korea, Colombia and Panama.

Kirk doesn't claim that export growth would be a silver bullet, but with 95 percent of the world's consumers outside the United States, the potential is clear.

"As my old police chief used to say: That's a clue," he said. "Having a smart export strategy is stimulus that's not part of the budget."