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NIH Catalog of Sample Courses

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1. Course Disciplines

The courses for meeting the 24 semester hours requirement may include any combination of the following fields:

Accounting, business, finance, law, contracts, purchasing, economics, industrial management, marketing, quantitative methods, or organization and management.

2. Course Credit

To be given credit towards the 24 semester hours (or 36 quarter hours) of required courses, the course should be identified in an institution’s catalog as "core" courses in one of the disciplines specified in Paragraph 1. An individual who has taken courses closely related to one of the disciplines and believes they should apply towards the 24 semester hours requirement should obtain a complete course description from the institution (from a catalog or other supporting documentation) for each course in question and submit the information with his/her application.

The general policies and instructions outlined in the U.S. OPM Qualifications Standards Operating Manual for General Schedule Positions will be applied when determining whether course credits are acceptable.

3. Procedures for Verifying Course Grades and Other Education

It is the individual’s responsibility to provide to the Human Resource Office documentation that he/she has met the 24 semester hours requirement. An official transcript, statement from the institution’s registrar, dean or other appropriate official, or equivalent document (as determined by the institution) is acceptable for verifying the requirement.

4. Introductory Courses

Introductory courses will be counted for credit. Employees are encouraged to use introductory courses as the first course in a series of courses in the same field; e.g., Introduction to Accounting, followed by Principles of Accounting, Intermediate Accounting, and Cost Accounting, etc.

5. Listing of Sample Courses

Below is a listing of sample courses which would be appropriate in meeting the 24 semester hours requirement. This list is meant only to provide examples of appropriate courses. It is not all inclusive nor is it a complete list of all appropriate courses. It should be used as a guide for the types of courses which are appropriate.

ACCOUNTING - Introduction to Accounting, Principles of Accounting, Intermediate Accounting I and II, Cost Accounting, Accounting Systems, Survey of Accounting, Government Accounting Practices, Survey of Accounting, Tax Accounting.

BUSINESS - Introduction to Business, Business Ethics, Labor Relations, Production Management, Human Resources Management, Business Telecommunications, Organizational Behavior, Retail Management, Distribution Management.

FINANCE - Investments, Financial Management, Securities Analysis, Future Contracts and Options, Commercial Bank Management, International Finance, Corporate Finance, Capital Venturing, Insurance and Risk Management, Financial Institutions, Financial Analysis.

LAW - Legal Environment of Business, Marketing Law, Banking and Securities Law, Business Law I and II, Employment Law, Contracts, Torts, International Law, General Business Law, Civil Procedures, Legal Research, Appellate Practices.

CONTRACTS - Contract Law, Negotiation Techniques, International Contracting, Production Contracts, Proposal Preparation, Contract Administration, Contract Management.

PURCHASING - Consumer Behavior, Promotion Management, Retailing Management, Market Fluctuations, Business Policy, Organizational Purchasing.

ECONOMICS - Principles of Economics, Macroeconomics Theory, Microeconomics Theory, Money and Banking, Economics of Development, Cost/Benefit Analysis of Public Expenditures, Managerial Economics, Public Finance, Economic Integration Movements, Public Sector Economics, Health Economics.

INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT - Production Systems, System Analysis, Integrated Manufacturing System, Techniques of Modeling, Nonlinear Control, Control Management, Industrial Analysis.

MARKETING - Retail Marketing, Promotion Management, Industrial Marketing, Sales Management, Advertising, Consumer Analysis, Marketing Research Methods, Marketing Strategies, International Marketing, Distribution Channels.

QUANTITATIVE METHODS - Linear Statistical Models in Business, Introduction to Optimization Theory, Applied Probability Models, Statistical Decision Theory in Business, Data Analysis for Business, Data Analysis for Marketing, Data Sampling for Sales.

ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT - Human Resources Management, Organizational Behavior, Production Management, Personnel Administration, Methods of Problem-Solving, Managing Conflict, Business Policy, Public Relations, Management Theory, Management Design, Large Group Management, Public Management and Policy, Policy Analysis in Public Administration, The Manager in a Technological Society.

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