Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Ensuring a safe and sound national banking system for all Americans Site Map | Text Size: S M L

Alphabetical Listing

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Publications by Type

OTS Examination Handbook: Administration

NumberIssue DateTitleRescinded DateComment
EH 01011/2004Handbook and Program UseNot applicable 
EH 02004/2009Conduct of Agency PersonnelNot applicable 
EH 06002/2011Examination Scheduling, Scoping, and ManagementNot applicable 
EH 060p02/2011ProgramNot applicable 
EH 060aa02/2011Appendix A: Basic Scoping MatrixNot applicable 
EH 060ab02/2011Appendix B: Examination Scope WorksheetNot applicable 
EH 060ac02/2011Appendix C: Examination Management ChecklistNot applicable 
EH 060ad09/2010Appendix D: Exception SheetNot applicable 
EH 07002/2011Ratings: Developing, Assigning, and PresentingNot applicable 
EH 070p02/2011ProgramNot applicable 
EH 070aa02/2011Appendix A: Uniform Financial Institutions Rating SystemNot applicable 
EH 070ab02/2011Appendix B - Compliance Rating ScaleNot applicable 
EH 08007/2008Enforcement Actions09/09/2011Replaced4 by OCC 2011-37
EH 080p07/2008Enforcement Actions Program09/09/2011Replaced4 by OCC 2011-37
EH 080aa07/2008Enforcement Actions – Appendix A: Prompt Corrective Action Guidelines09/09/2011Replaced4 by OCC 2011-37

The reason each document is rescinded is noted as one of the following:

1 Outdated – The document is no longer needed. Any attachments to the document are rescinded only as they relate to national banks and federal savings associations.

2 Duplicative – The document transmitted interagency guidance that was issued jointly with the OCC. The rescission applies to the transmitting document only and not the attached interagency guidance. Thrifts are directed to use the OCC-issued document.

3 Conveyance – The document is a cover letter that merely conveyed another document. The rescission does not change the applicability of the conveyed document. To determine the applicability of the conveyed document, please refer to the original issuer of the document.

4 Replaced – The document and any attachments are superseded by OCC guidance.