August 28, 2012

Feinstein, Snowe Applaud Increased Fuel Economy Standards

Fuel economy standards to reach 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025

WashingtonSenators Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) today applauded the release of finalized standards mandating an increase in average fleet-wide fuel economy for light duty vehicles to the equivalent of 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025.

Senators Feinstein and Snowe were the original authors of the Ten-in-Ten Fuel Economy Act, which was enacted as part of the 2007 energy bill. That law required the Department of Transportation to issue the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards that were finalized today.

Senator Feinstein said: “I am thrilled today to reach the final step in our long battle to increase the country’s fuel economy standards. For years we have worked to close loopholes and fight for the highest possible passenger vehicle fuel efficiency. Today’s announcement increasing CAFE standards to 54.5 mpg by 2025 implements a key provision in the bill I authored with Senator Snowe. With gas prices soaring, this increase in fuel efficiency standards means Americans will save $1.7 trillion at the pump and reduce oil consumption by 12 billion barrels, or 234 billion gallons of gasoline.”

Senator Snowe said: “With gasoline prices having increased 50 cents per gallon since January, rising energy costs have placed an unacceptable burden on American families and our country’s economy. I am encouraged that the ambitious fuel economy standards outlined today by the Department of Transportation will maintain consumer choice for cars and trucks and help reduce energy costs, while also making our country less dependent on imported Middle Eastern oil. The law that Senator Feinstein and I wrote was intended to cost-effectively move our country beyond our increasingly expensive oil consumption levels, and I am pleased that this final rule is consistent with the intent of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007.”
