Davis-Bacon Wage Determination Database

Produced by: Department of Labor

Subscription order number: SUB-5282INQ

Update Schedule: Weekly

Options: (A) Download to a single-user computer $4,000 + $500 per additional user, outside the U.S., Canada, and Mexico $6,000; (B) Unlimited redistribution within the purchasing organization, call the Project Manager at (703) 605-6515.

To place your subscription, call NTIS at 1-800-363-2068 or (703 605-6060) general subscription information

The Davis-Bacon Act mandates that all Federal Government construction contracts and most contracts for federally-assisted construction over $2,000 must contain the appropriate Davis-Bacon wage determinations. For procurement purposes, federal agencies should access the WDOL.gov website for official Davis-Bacon Act wage determinations.

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