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NPI Registry Help
NPI Registry Search Selection Page
NPI Registry Search Criteria Page
NPI Registry Search Results Page
NPI Registry Details Page

NPI Registry Search Results Page

Individual: The NPI Registry Search Results page displays the search criteria used to execute the search. Below the search criteria, the Search Results list is displayed.

Search Results: The Search Results portion of the page displays the records returned by the search. The data displayed in the search results list is an overview of the information for each provider. Information in the NPI Registry is updated daily. A message appears above the results portion of the page indicating the page number and number of results. The results list will contain up to 150 records and will display 20 records at a time. If there are more than 20 records, navigation controls appear and allow additional records to be displayed. Additional search criteria can be entered to narrow the search results. See the Search Criteria section below.

NPI Hyperlink:This page allows the details of any record in the results list to be displayed by clicking on the NPI hyperlink for the desired record. Selecting the NPI hyperlink for any row will navigate to the Details page and display all the FOIA information for the selected provider.

The Taxonomy column lists the primary taxonomy for the provider.If a primary taxonomy does not exist for the provider, the Taxonomy column will be blank. Regardless of the primary taxonomy status, all taxonomies for the provider will be displayed on the Details page.

Search Criteria:In addition to displaying the search criteria, this page allows search criteria to be changed and the search to be re-executed. Search criteria for individuals are used to find NPI records for individual providers. Wild card searches are permitted for First Name, Last Name, and City fields. When a user conducts a wild card search, they are not required to type a complete entry into these fields. Instead, the user may enter at least two characters followed by an asterisk (*), as in “Jo*” or “Joh*” to search for “John.” If attempting to search for a record with a Military Address, enter either APO or FPO into the City field and leave the State drop down blank.

Descriptions of the fields that may be entered as search parameters follow:

  • NPI: The unique, 10-digit National Provider Identifier assigned to the provider. If the NPI is entered as a search criterion, the record associated with the NPI will be displayed if it is found regardless of whether the provider is an individual or organization.
  • First Name: If this field is used, at least two characters must be entered. This field allows the following special characters: ampersand, apostrophe, colon, comma, forward slash, hyphen, left and right parentheses, period, pound sign, quotation mark, and semi-colon.
  • Last Name: If this field is used, at least two characters must be entered. This field allows the following special characters: ampersand, apostrophe, colon, comma, forward slash, hyphen, left and right parentheses, period, pound sign, quotation mark, and semi-colon.
  • Practice Address City: If this field is used, at least two characters must be entered. This field allows the following special characters: ampersand, apostrophe, colon, comma, forward slash, hyphen, left and right parentheses, period, pound sign, quotation mark, and semi-colon.
  • Practice Address State: This field cannot be used as the only search criterion. If this field is used, at least one other field must be populated. Select the desired state from the drop down list.
  • Practice Address Zip: This field will search the zip code of the practice location.
  • Search button: Executes the search using the criteria in the fields above.
  • Reset button: Clears all of the search criteria fields.
  • Back button: Returns to the Search Criteria page.
  • Security Image: Users must enter the value shown in the security image in order to continue with the NPI search. The value entered must be case sensitive.

If attempting to search for a record with a Military Address enter either APO or FPO into the City field and leave the State drop down blank.