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Investor Match Program

The FDIC strongly encourages small, women- and minority-owned investors to register for the Investor Match Program.  The Investor Match Program was developed to encourage and facilitate interaction between small investors, asset managers and large investors to bring sources of capital together with the expertise needed to participate in structured sales transactions.

The Investor Match Program is designed to:

  • Match large investors with small and MWO investors and asset managers
  • Match small and MWO investors and asset managers that are interested in participating in syndicates with other small and MWO investors and asset managers
  • Facilitate a cooperative solution between large investors, small and MWO investors and asset managers to increase participation by allowing investing experience and knowledge transfer to be key components of this program’s success

To read more about the program see the press release: PR-148-2011

Program Registration
To participate in the Investor Match Program, every investor must be pre-qualified to bid in FDIC structured sales auctions.  Go to http://www.fdic.gov/buying/financial/qualification_process.html to learn more about the pre-qualification process and to pre-qualify.  Once pre-qualified, you will be invited by an email notification to be a part of the Investor Match Program.

Note: the FDIC has no direct role in the matching of program participants.  Potential partners are identified at the sole discretion of the participating firms.

For more information on the Investor Match Program, please contact prospectivepurchaser@fdic.gov.


The FDIC continues to proactively expand its outreach efforts to encourage participation of small, minority and women-owned (MWO) investors in FDIC asset sales programs. 

In 2010, the FDIC hosted eight Asset Purchaser, Investor, and Minority Depository Institutions Outreach Seminars designed for small and MWO firms including: fixed income managers, hedge fund managers, private equity investors, real estate investors and developers, broker dealers, other financial service investors and asset purchasers.  These seminars provided information about the types of assets the FDIC has for sale, the various methods used to sell assets, how to become pre-qualified as a potential investor or asset purchaser, and the types of sales and investor opportunities/programs available.

Feedback gathered from these seminars as well as from many conversations with small and MWO investors and asset managers indicates a need for these firms to build consortiums or develop partnerships with other investors in order to enhance qualifications and participate in FDIC structured sales programs. 

In response to this feedback, the FDIC has developed the Investor Match Program to encourage and facilitate interaction between small and MWO investors, asset managers and large investors to bring sources of capital together with the expertise needed to participate in structured sales programs.  The Investor Match Program is executed via an automated online networking system. 

Last Updated 09/07/2011 prospectivepurchaser@fdic.gov