
Formation of ion clusters in aqueous NaCl solutions at 25 C is investigated with dynamics simulations in the 0.1-3 M concentration range. The medium is found to be highly structured even at moderate concentrations, and clusters of over twenty ions are observed above ~2 M. The medium can be viewed as a multicomponent fluid, composed of reacting particles with well-defined average populations, shape, size, and charge distributions. Clusters show substantial morphological variations that are here characterized by hydrodynamic radii and internal charge distributions. Clusters can be described as prolate spheroids in the sub-nanometer length scale. The hydrodynamic radius and the radius of gyration follow simple power laws with the number of ions in the cluster. Dipole moment distributions show characteristic peaks in the ~10-60 Debye range that reflect conformational preferences modulated by electrostatic and liquid-structure forces.

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