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Colocalization Colormap

Independent  fluorescent  labeling  of  two different components  is a commonly used  method  to determine  their colocalization. This website contains an ImageJ plugin for automatic quantification and visualization of colocalized fluorescent signals.The plugin is based on the method, which was originally described by Jaskolski et. al. (2005). This algorithm  computes correlation of intensities between pairs of individual  pixels in two different channels. Results are presented as a  colocalization color map. Hot colors represent positive correlation (colocalization), whereas cold colors represent negative correlation (exclusion).

Spatial representation of colocalization        

Correlation between pair of pixels (described by x,y coordinates in the image) is calculated according to the formula presented below:
Distribution of nMDP (normalized mean deviation product) values (ranging from -1 to 1) is visualized with color scale. Indexes below 0 are represented by cold colors (exclusion). Indexes above 0 are represented by hot colors (colocalization).

Fig.1 Automatic colocalization calculation using Colocalization Colormap plugin.
(A) Neuronal body (asterisks) and dendritic processes (arrowheads) stained with antibody against MAP2 protein.
(B) Immunoreactivity of  CD44 adhesion molecule in the brain.
(C-D) Color map demonstrating colocalization between adhesion molecule and MAP2 neuronal marker.