An Exercise Story

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Name: Lucy
Age: 66
Location: Illinois
Activity: Dance Aerobics

I attended my first dance aerobics course 23 years ago. In the beginning, it was difficult to follow the quick movements for each routine during the hour-long class, but I promised myself to stick it out for six weeks. By then I was hooked. Presently I am still doing dance aerobics twice a week. My backaches disappeared years ago and I have tons of energy. During a ten-day trip to Italy, I walked up steep hills and many miles with high school students. The stretching and cardiovascular workouts keep me limber with plenty of stamina to interact with my seven grandchildren. I am able to walk during a game of golf. Most remarkable is what dance aerobics does for my mind. The music brings back memories throughout the years. It helps me in making better decisions and feeling warm outside in the winter!

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Last reviewed: August 2005