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Last Updated 4/6/2012

Art in Embassies


The Office of Art in Embassies (OBO/OPS/AIE) is responsible for the selection, commissioning, acquisition, placement, and installation of the artworks in the public areas of new office buildings and diplomatic representational residences. The Office maintains an extensive public-private partnership for loaned and acquired art with private and public collections, foundations, corporations, galleries, and living artists. 


Art humanizes and energizes diplomatic facilities, and provides an additional means of communication, often across linguistic barriers. Art can demonstrate the rich history and cultural heritage of the United States, as well as the communal experiences that we share with peoples of different countries, backgrounds, and faiths.


Works of art in U.S. diplomatic and consular facilities serve as platforms for continuing education and cultural outreach, and further the Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO) mission to assist in achieving the foreign policy objectives of the United States. Dynamic, contemporary collections and exhibitions showcase a blend of cultures, particular themes of interest, mission goals, and styles of art. The artworks include site-specific works commissioned by OBO and the Office of Art in Embassies, created by American and host country artists who collaborate with post and participate in ongoing cultural exchanges.


These permanent collections complement the varying architecture of the facilities and emphasize the cultural ties between the United States and the host governments. They reinforce the vision for the building, serve as a bridge with the host country’s culture, broaden employee appreciation of diversity, and encourage discussions and expression of opinions. They evidence cultural exchange, and help unite the diplomatic and host communities. Multi-lingual publications based on these collections promote an appreciation of the aesthetic and cultural traditions in U.S. and host country audiences.




The architectural designs of diplomatic facilities should accommodate and have synergy with permanent and temporary art placement. The facilities should showcase the best American and local art.


Integrate Art with Architectural and Cultural Context

The art displayed in a diplomatic facility should complement the architecture. Selected or commissioned works should represent the best American art, along with work from local artists, in response to the cultural context of the country. Where possible, exterior installations should bring art into the diplomatic compound, enhancing the experience for visitors and staff.


Make Art a Part of the Design Process

The early, active presence of the Office of Art in Embassies in the initial design phase results in a stronger and more integrated the art collection. Working with the selected lead designer and the Project Manager, the staff should endeavor directly and collaboratively to create a fully integrated environment between the art and the architecture.




A portion of each capital budget is reserved for public works of art. The Office of Art in Embassies should work with the lead designer to coordinate the placement of art with building elements and systems, and include a briefing on proposed art for the Director’s Concept Approval meeting for each major project. Strategies underway to implement these goals include:

  • Participate in Director’s Concept Approval Meetings
  • Approach Art Budget Holistically
  • Coordinate Installation Areas