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Screening and diagnosis: Mammogram, clinical breast exam, and other tests


Breast cancer screening

Breast cancer screening looks for signs of cancer before a woman has symptoms. Screening can help find breast cancer early, when the chance of successful treatment is best. Two tests are commonly used to screen for breast cancer:

  • Mammogram. A low-dose x-ray exam of the breasts to look for changes that are not normal. The National Cancer Institute recommends that women age 40 and older have screening mammograms every one to two years.

    Related information

    Free or low-cost mammograms

    Some women do not get regular mammograms because of cost and lack of insurance. Yet there are free and low-cost programs to help women get breast cancer screening. You can learn more by contacting the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program.
    Depending on factors such as family history and your general health, your doctor may recommend a mammogram before age 40 or more often. Learn more about mammograms and what to expect.
  • Clinical breast exam (CBE). The doctor looks at and feels the breasts and under the arms for lumps or anything else that seems unusual. Ask your doctor if you need a CBE.

Regular screening is the best way to find breast cancer early in most women. If you are at higher risk of breast cancer, your doctor might want to use other tests too, such as a different type of mammogram or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

It is important to let your doctor know if you find any changes in your breast, such as a lump or dimpling or puckering of the skin. Although research results do not support an official recommendation that all women conduct breast self-exams, knowing your body is key to pointing out any concerns to your doctor.

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Diagnosing breast cancer

Screening tests look for signs of cancer. If a screening mammogram or CBE shows a breast change that could be cancer, additional tests are needed to learn more. These tests might include:

  • Diagnostic mammogram. This type of mammogram uses x-rays to take more detailed images of areas that look abnormal on a screening mammogram.

  • Ultrasound exam. Sound waves help your doctor see if a lump is solid (could be cancer) or filled with fluid (a fluid-filled sac that is not cancer).

  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Radio waves and a powerful magnet linked to a computer are used to create detailed pictures of areas inside the breast. MRI may be used if enlarged lymph nodes or lumps are found during a clinical breast exam that are not seen on a mammogram or ultrasound.

  • Breast biopsy. Fluid or tissue is removed from the breast and checked for cancer cells. There are many types of biopsy. A biopsy is the only test to find out if cells are cancer.

Not all women who have abnormal screening test results need to have a biopsy. Sometimes, doctors can rule out cancer based on the results of follow-up tests without biopsy.

Finding out about "abnormal" breast changes can be scary. Talk to your doctor about what tests you might need and what the test results mean. If you learn that you have cancer, your doctor will help you move forward and begin treatment.

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More information on Screening and diagnosis: Mammogram, clinical breast exam, and other tests

Read more from womenshealth.gov

  • Breast Cancer Fact Sheet - This fact sheet provides information on why women should be concerned about breast cancer and gives resources for more information.
  • Mammograms Fact Sheet - This fact sheet discusses the different types of mammograms available, explains how often a woman should get them, and gives facts about their safety and effectiveness.

Explore other publications and websites

  • A Woman's Guide to Breast Care (Copyright © Breast Cancer Network of Strength) - This pamphlet explains how to perform a breast self-exam.
  • BRCA1 and BRCA2: Cancer Risk and Genetic Testing - This fact sheet answers some frequently asked questions about genetic testing for breast cancer genes. It also provides information on how to interpret results of genetic testing, risk factors for developing breast cancer, and laws built to protect against genetic discrimination.
  • For Women Facing a Breast Biopsy (Copyright © American Cancer Society) - This Web page explains the range of procedures that may be needed to determine a breast cancer diagnosis. It describes the different benign and malignant conditions that are possible, what to do if your biopsy comes up positive, and where you can go for emotional support.
  • Having a Breast Biopsy: A Guide for Women and Their Families - This guide talks about the different kinds of breast biopsies. It covers the research about how well different kinds of biopsies work to find cancer and possible side effects. The guide provides a list of talking points a woman can raise with her doctor or nurse.
  • Mammograms - This fact sheet explains how screening mammograms differ from diagnostic mammograms. It also explains the benefits and limitations of screening mammography, as well as recommendations for when a woman should begin and how frequently she should have screening mammograms.
  • Mammograms and Other Breast Imaging Procedures (Copyright © American Cancer Society) - This internet site describes the process of a mammogram, gives tips on how to find a good screening facility, when you should start having screenings, and what to do on the day of the mammogram.
  • National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program - This website provides information on breast and cervical cancer, screenings, and common barriers to screening, and explains how this program can help women achieve better outcomes.
  • Preventive Services: Breast Cancer Screening (Mammograms) - This fact sheet discusses Medicare’s coverage policy on breast cancer screening. It explains how often mammograms are covered, who is eligible, and what factors increase risk for breast cancer.
  • Understanding Breast Changes: A Health Guide for Women - This booklet explains normal, age-related breast changes you may experience throughout your life and how they differ from changes that indicate breast cancer. It also discusses mammograms and maintaining your breast health.

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Content last updated November 17, 2010.

Resources last updated November 17, 2010.

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