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Contact Us

Thank you for visiting our website.


Teachers: Teachers and other school staff can order free MyPlate materials from USDA's Team Nutrition website.

MyPlate and SuperTracker Customer Support and Information Line: Email (for MyPlate) or (for SuperTracker) or call 1-888-779-7264 (8am to 3pm Eastern time, Monday-Friday, closed Federal holidays). NOTE: Our staff of nutritionists and dietitians can answer basic food and nutrition questions, information about our website, and other related topics. However, they are not IT specialists or medical doctors and therefore cannot answer technical computer glitch questions or offer medical advice.

Webmaster: David Herring, Nutritionist & Webmaster,

Public Affairs: John Webster, Director of Public Affairs,

Permission to use graphics, icons, logos, website content, or website links: Click here.

Internship Program: Dr. Julia Dinkins, Program Administration Specialist, For information on the Internship Program, click here.

PLEASE NOTE: While we will read all e-mail messages, we regret to inform our many web site visitors that we are no longer able to respond to all e-mail messages received here at the USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion.

We thank you for your patience and appreciate your interest in our website.

Mailing Address:
USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion
3101 Park Center Drive
Alexandria, VA 22302-1594


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