Design a Plan Using the Online Consultant Tool

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Visit the Online Consultant Tool now to determine what long term care insurance plan is best for you! Just select a bandwidth option below.

Our Online Consultant Tool uses video and interactive features to help you learn about long term care and long term care insurance, and to help you design a FLTCIP plan that suits your needs. There are four sections to the tool, described below.

You can use this tool from start to finish for a comprehensive look at long term care and the FLTCIP, or you can go directly to the sections that interest you. Throughout the tool, you will find testimonials and case studies that further illustrate section topics.

  1. The Introduction provides an overview about the tool and how to use it, including instructions on navigating the tool on your own.
  2. Long term care & costs explains what long term care is (and includes videos of real-life stories), how much it could cost, and where it is provided. It also describes the role that long term care insurance can play in helping to pay for this care.

    Already understand the basics of long term care?
    You may wish to go directly to the Program details or Designing your plan sections.

  3. Program details offers a closer look at FLTCIP eligibility and benefits.
  4. Designing your plan walks you through the process of building a plan suited to meet your individual needs. It provides detailed information on the FLTCIP's key plan choices. It also includes a premium calculator to help you determine the premiums for the plan you choose.

At the end of the tool, you can print out a worksheet with your results to use as a reference when speaking to your family or financial advisor or applying for coverage.

You must have Adobe Flash Player installed on your Internet browser in order to use this tool. JavaScript must also be enabled. You can view other technical requirements and recommendations here.