An American Ballroom Companion: Dance Instruction Manuals
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1Recueil de dances,
2Recueil de dances,
3Méthode pour exercer l'oreille a la mesure, dans l'art de la danse.
4Il ballarino di M. Fabritio Caroso da Sermoneta, diuiso in due trattati; nel primo de' quali si dimostra la diuersità de i nomi, che si danno à gli atti; & mouimenti, che interuengons ne i balli: & con molte regole si dichiara come debbano farsi. Nel secondo s'insegnano diuerse sorti di balli, & balletti sì all' vso d'Italia, come à quello di Francia, & Spagna. Ornato di molte figure. Et con l'intauolatura di liuto nella sonata di ciascun ballo, & il soprano della musica alla maggior parte di essi. Opera nuouamente mandata in luce ...
5[The code of Terpsichore. The art of dancing, comprising its theory and practice, and a history of its rise and progress, from the earliest times ...
6Brookes on modern dancing, containing a full description of all dances, as practised in the ball room and at private parties, together with an essay on etiquette.
7An essay for the further improvement of dancing; being a collection of figure dances, of several numbers, compos'd by the most eminent masters; describ'd in characters after the newest manner of Monsieur Feuillet.
8Receuil danglaise : arrangees avec leurs traits telle quel se danse, ché la Reine /
9Dick's quadrille call-book, and ball-room prompter ... To which is added a sensible guide to etiquette and proper deportment in the ball and assembly room, besides seventy pages of dance music for the piano.
10J.W. Pepper's universal dancing master, prompter's call book and violinist's guide : containing a description of all the figures and full explanation of the different steps used in dancing, together with the music of all the principal dances, arranged for violin, with the prompter's calls printed on each dance just where they occur in dancing /
11Nvove inventioni di balli; opera vaghissima nella quale si danno i giusti modi del ben portar la vita, et di accommodarsi con ogni leggiadria di movimento alle creanze et gratie d'amore. Convenevoli a tutti i cavalieri, & dame, per ogni sorte di ballo, balletto, & brando d'Italia, di Spagna & di Francia. Con figure ... in rame et regole della musica et intavolatura quali si richieggono al suono et al canto. Divisa in tre trattati ...
12Traité de la danse; seul guide complet renfermant 200 danses differentes de salons, grands bals, sociétés, théâtre, concert province et etranger; avec 500 dessins et figures explicatives,
13Per. receüil [sic] de danses de bal pour l'année 1703.
14The friendship : Mr. Isaac's new dance for the year 1715 /
15The Northumberland : Mr. Isaac's new dance made for Her Majestys birth day ; engraven in characters & figures for the use of masters.
16The royal Ann : Mr. Isaac's new dance made for Her Majestys birth day 1712 /
17The royall : Mr. Isaac's new dance made for Her Majesty's birth day 1711 ...
18The Godolphin : Mr. Isaac's new dance made for Her Majestys birth day 1714 /
19The princess : Mr. Isaac's new dance made for Her Majestys birth day ; engraven in characters & figures for the use of masters ...
20The royal Portuguez : Mr. Isaac's new dance made for Her Majesty's birth day 1709 /