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GIPSA Topics

Inspection/Weighing Services

GIPSA's Federal Grain Inspection Service provides a variety of inspection, weighing, and related services on grains, pulses, oilseeds, and processed and graded commodities. Our programs and services facilitate the marketing of America's grain in domestic and international markets.

Standards & Procedures

Official inspections of grains, oilseeds, and other agricultural and processed commodities are based on established official U.S. standards, and on sound, proven, and standardized procedures, techniques, and equipment. This ensures consistency of test results and services, from elevator to elevator and state to state.

International Programs

GIPSA personnel participate in a variety of international assistance programs at the request of U.S. exporters, international importers and end users of U.S. grains and oilseeds, as well as other USDA agencies, USDA Cooperator organizations, and other governments.

Research & Methods

GIPSA maintains a strong presence, internationally in the evaluation and quantification of grain inspection methods. Our laboratories work with the latest technologies, and through these technologies and our ongoing efforts, we're helping improve the quality of U.S. grain available to the global market. But to enhance the marketing and facilitation of grain into the future, we're also conducting internal research and participating in development and collaborative efforts with other governmental entities, laboratories, and private business. The research and analysis we conduct is in response to the prevailing trends and desires of the current market

Quality Assurance

The Federal Grain Inspection Service's (FGIS) quality control program involves correlating front-line inspectors to our standard references located at the FGIS Technical Services Division's Board Of Appeals and Review (BAR) in Kansas City, Missouri.

Education and Outreach

GIPSA makes available to the public a variety of educational materials and services that are created for and used by the United States Official Inspection System.

FGIS Publications

A listing of various FGIS Publication that constist of Directories, Studies, References, Brochures, Reports and Forms.

Advisory Committee

The Grain Inspection Advisory Committee meets twice annually to advise GIPSA on the programs and services it delivers under the U.S. Grain Standards Act. Recommendations by the committee help GIPSA to better meet the needs of its customers who operate in a dynamic and changing marketplace.

FGIS Online

A portfolio of online business applications that will change the way FGIS does business, and bring official inspection and weighing to the desktop. These online business services will improve internal business operations and better serve the customers of the official grain inspection and weighing service.

Regulated Entities

Listings of Registered and Bonded Market Agencies Selling Livestock on Commission, Registered and Bonded Market Agencies Buying on Commission and Dealers, Bonded Packers, and Live Poultry Dealers

Rights and Protections under Act

Access to information that explains the varies rights and protections to members of the livestock and poultry Industries.

P & SP Publications

Listing of Packer and Stockyard Reports, Brochures, Forms and Instructions

Swine Contract Library

Database of the Swine Production Contracts Provisions of the Packers and Stockyards Act