Archive for August 2011

Revised Financial Conflicts of Interest Regulations

Quick Links Federal Register NIH Guide Notice Summary of Major Changes NIH Financial Conflict of Interest Web site Sally Rockey Blog Post The revised regulations on extramural investigators’ financial conflicts of interest have been published in the Federal Register. The final rule is based on input NIH received from the community. The revised regulations, as [...]

Filed under: News, NIH, Research Administration

Wanted: Program Director, Division of Genetics and Developmental Biology

We’re looking for a program director (also known as a “health scientist administrator/program officer”) to manage research grants and other types of awards focused on the mechanisms of DNA replication, recombination and/or mutagenesis and repair. Candidates should have expertise in the use of state-of-the-art molecular genetics and/or genomics-based approaches to elucidate mechanistic aspects of DNA [...]

Filed under: Job Announcements


NIGMS is not re-announcing the EUREKA initiative this fall. However, we’re anticipating that NIH will publish a new initiative for exceptionally innovative, potentially transformative research in the NIH Guide soon. Stay tuned for details!

Filed under: Funding Opportunities

Training and Biomedical Workforce Update

As you know from a previous post, in April we issued Investing in the Future: NIGMS Strategic Plan for Biomedical and Behavioral Research Training. Since then, several NIGMS working groups have been very busy devising practical ways to implement the plan’s 15 action items. Last month, we brought together about 25 stakeholders—training grant directors, other [...]

Filed under: Career Development, Director’s Messages, Training/Fellowships, Workforce Development and Diversity

NIH Common Fund Input Request

The NIH Common Fund supports trans-NIH programs in strategic areas to address roadblocks and catalyze progress in biomedical research. Two Common Fund programs are the Pioneer Award and New Innovator Award, which I just posted about. Each year, NIH asks internal and external scientists and stakeholders to identify new ideas for Common Fund programs. NIH [...]

Filed under: Director’s Messages, NIH

NIH Director’s Award Programs Keep ‘Pioneering’ and ‘Innovating’

NIH recently conducted an evaluation of the short-term outcome of the NIH Director Pioneer’s Award program, which started in 2004 and is managed by NIGMS. The report was positive and confirmed that the research supported by the program truly has been pioneering, not only in pursuing highly creative and often unconventional approaches but also in [...]

Filed under: Director’s Messages, Early Stage Investigator, Funding Opportunities, Meetings/Events, NIH

Planning Grants Now Available for Clinical Trials of High Relevance to the NIGMS Mission

NIGMS supports a limited number of investigator-initiated clinical trials in selected areas related to its mission, including trauma, burn and peri-operative injury; wound healing; sepsis; and anesthesiology and peri-operative pain. We will now offer planning grants (see PAR-11-287) to enable the assembly of the organizational elements and documentation needed for a clinical trial R01 application. [...]

Filed under: Funding Opportunities

Journal Essay: Perspectives of a Program Officer

I’ve been a program officer for NIGMS research and training activities for 27 years. The Molecular Biology of the Cell journal recently asked me to describe the general roles of such a position, including the challenges and rewards. My essay , which appeared in the August 1 issue, offers insight into what the job entails [...]

Filed under: Career Development, Resources