
Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is osteoarthritis?
  2. How common is osteoarthritis in older adults?
  3. Does having osteoarthritis impact activities of daily living?
  4. What causes osteoarthritis?
  5. How can I reduce my chances of developing osteoarthritis?
  6. What are some common symptoms of osteoarthritis?
  7. How is osteoarthritis diagnosed?
  8. Is there a cure for osteoarthritis?
  9. Can exercise help treat osteoarthritis?
  10. What treatments are available for temporary pain relief?
  11. What medications are used to treat osteoarthritis?
  12. How can assistive devices help people with osteoarthritis?
  13. How is surgery used to treat osteoarthritis?
  14. Can glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate relieve symptoms of osteoarthritis?

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